2000字范文 > 私法效果 private law effect英语短句 例句大全

私法效果 private law effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 12:40:12


私法效果 private law effect英语短句 例句大全

私法效果,private law effect

1)private law effect私法效果


1.The Flexible Mechanism of Private Law Effect;私法效果的弹性化机制——以不合意、错误与合同解释为例

2.Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for happiness,无私的施舍乃是获致快乐效果最彰的法则,

3.His unselfish work is beginning to tell.他无私的工作开始产生效果。

4.The laws have had some success in preventing fraud and secret dealings aimed at manipulating stock prices.在防止为了操纵股票价格而进行欺骗和私下交易方面,这些法律收到了一定效果。

5.Discussion about the Effectiveness of Constitution s Basic Right Term on Private Law;论宪法基本权利条款在私法上的效力

6."The certificate request cannot be created because of invalid private key information."由于私钥信息无效,无法创建证书申请。

7.The rediscussion about the law-evasion in international civil law;对国际私法上法律规避性质和效力的重新认识

8.On the Establishment and Realization of the Effectiveness of Constitutional Basic Rights to Private Law论我国宪法基本权利私法效力的确立和实现

9.personal document method私人文件法 私人文件法

10.Identification of Validity and Application of Law on Private House Sale Contract in Countryside;农村私有房屋买卖合同的效力认定与法律适用

11.On Effect of Private International Law in Contemporary International Relations;论国际私法在当代国际关系中的有效性

12.Effect of International Private International Law on Contemporary International Relations;国际性国际私法在当代国际关系中的效用问题

13.Research on Effective Algorithm Based on Privacy-preserving基于隐私保护的有效保持匿名算法研究

14.A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Validity of a Citizen s Basic Rights and Privatization and Judicialization of the Constitution;论公民基本权利效力的结构特点——兼辨宪法私法化与宪法司法化

15."buried end" patterning effect“绒毛埋入法”提花效果

16.empirical waterflood prediction method注水效果的经验预测法

17.Benefit-cost analysis can also be used by government analysts to evaluate the effects of private investment.收益一成本分析也能被政府分析者们用以估算私人投资效果。

18.Effectiveness evaluation on health education among floating population in private enterprise in Jiangsu Province江苏省私营企业流动人口艾滋病健康教育效果分析


effectiveness of private law私法效力

3)Congo-Brazzaville Private International Law Family Code The Financial刚果(布)国际私法

4)Legal Effects法律效果

1.From three aspects, the legal formation of de facto marriage protection, the important condition of the establishment of de facto marriage and the legal effects of de facto marriage, the system of de facto marriage in Japan is similar with China in some aspects, but there are great differences.从内缘保护的法的形成、内缘关系成立的要件及内缘婚的法律效果三个方面来看,中日两国的事实婚姻制度既具有相同之处,也有不同的地方。

2.Clarifying the judging criteria for establishing the legal circumstances for demurrer of anticipatory breach and making sure about the cause for and time for performance and the legal effects for the exercise of demurrer of anticipatory breach are significant in the rightfully implementing the institution .弄清发生不安抗辩权法定事由的判定标准 ,弄清难为对待给付的发生原因、发生时间以及不安抗辩权的法律效果 ,对于正确实施不安抗辩权制度 ,保护债权人的正当合法权益 ,稳定社会主义市场经济秩序 ,都具有十分重要的意

5)Legislation effect立法效果

6)legal effect法律效果

1.The sale of not breaking thelegal effect of lease;买卖不破租赁产生的法律效果

2.Onlegal effect of insurer s breach of the duty of presentation;论保险人违反说明义务之法律效果

3.On Carrying-out Condition of Tax Subrogation and Legal Effect;论税收代位权行使的条件及其法律效果


