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私法 private law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-24 07:47:20


私法 private law英语短句 例句大全

私法,private law

1)private law私法

1.Brief Discussion on the Principles of The Actual Validity of The Law——Based on the Theory of the PublicLaw and Private Law;略论法的实效原理——以大陆法系公私法的划分为研究视角


1.International Institute for the Unification of Private Law国际私法统一协会国际私法统一学会

2.Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes.公法和私法被分卷收编。

3.A Brief Survey on the Relationship between International Private Law and Interregional Private Law--From the Perspective of Interregional Private Law;国际私法和区际私法关系小议——从区际私法角度切入的探讨

4.regional private international law区域性国际私法公约

5.Statute of the Hague Conference on Private International Law海牙国际私法会议章程

6.Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law美洲国际私法专门会议

7.Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law国际统一私法协会章程

8.The traditional theory of private international law in America originated from Europe.美国传统国际私法理论源自欧洲国际私法理论。

9.Analysis of the Nature of Private International Law in the Perspective of Its Development Process;从国际私法的发展过程看国际私法的性质

10.Environment law, natural resources law: the joint of the attribute of public law and private law;环境法、资源法:公法与私法属性的结合

11.The Rational Base of the Fundamental Divisions of Law System;法体系基本结构的理性基础——从法经济学视角看公私法划分和私法公法化、公法私法化

12.Review of Nature of Civil Law from Public and Private Law s Angles--Re-cognition about Private Law Nature of Civil Law;从公法私法角度看民法的性质——民法私法性的再认识

13.personal document method私人文件法 私人文件法

14.Build private servers, it is illegal not to open special IP.私建私服是违法的,特暂不公开IP。

15.Liquidation of the Private and the Founding ofthe Public--the Legalist Mentality towards the Public and the Private;废私立公——法家公私观的道德价值取向

16.invasion(s) of sB."s privacy非法干涉某人的私事

17.Damnum iniuria datum不法损害,对物私犯

18.That trial is not fair where affection is the judge.法官徇私情,审判不公正。


Civil Law私法

1.How Does the Constitution Rights Enter theCivil Law——A legal science ponder initiated by a "steamed bun";宪法权利如何进入私法——一个“馒头”引发的法学思考

2.The constitution is considered as a kind of public law,while the civil law is considered as a kind of private law.宪法是传统意义上的公法,民法是传统意义上的私法。

3.It is proposed that bankruptcy law should be orientated according to both realistic domestic situation and international civil law.文章认为,破产法的定位应既立足现实国情,又具有国际性的私法;而现行破产法受主客观条件制约,存在着明显的立法错位、缺位现象,严重影响了破产法功能的发挥。

3)private laws私法

1.Negate the classification of public laws andprivate laws again;对公法和私法分类的再次否定

2.Importance of Process to Private Laws;程序在私法中的重要地位

3.The public laws influence on theprivate laws has been concerned by many people.公法对私法的效应,已经获得人们的广泛关注。

4)private bill私法法案

5)international private law国际私法

1.A Brief Survey on the Relationship between International Private Law and Interregional Private Law——From the Perspective of Interregional Private Law;国际私法和区际私法关系小议——从区际私法角度切入的探讨

2.On value orientation ofinternational private law and influence on China’s legislation;论国际私法的价值取向及其对我国立法的影响

3.Solution to value conflict ofinternational private law;论国际私法价值冲突的解决方法

6)autonomy of private law私法自治

1.The equal protection of jus rerem not only stems from the principle of equality of civil law,but also reflects on the idea ofautonomy of private law,the economic foundation of which lies in the market economy.物权法中的平等保护不但来源于民法中的平等原则,同时也是私法自治理念在物权法中的体现,其经济基础则根植于市场经济的土壤。

2.What the civil law pursuits is not only theautonomy of private law or private autonomy, rather the harmonized coexistence of many different values.私法自治或意思自治并非民法追求的唯一目标。

3.As the opposite of Claim,the Right of Defense is of great importance to the establishment ofautonomy of private law.作为请求权的对立面,抗辩权在构建私法自治空间方面具有重要地位。


私法1.私家所定的法规。 2.指保护私人利益的法律﹐如民法﹑商法等。
