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历史批评 the literary developments英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-08 08:17:13


历史批评 the literary developments英语短句 例句大全

历史批评,the literary developments

1)the literary developments历史批评


1.On Another Form of Social Historical Criticism──Viewed from the History of Modern Criticism in China;社会历史批评的另一种形态──从现代批评史说起

2.The Review of the Criticism of Golden Lotus in the New Period;新时期《金瓶梅》的社会历史批评及文化学批评

3.The Present Development and Coming Trend of the Social-historic Criticism;社会——历史批评的当下发展与未来走向

4.Historical explanation and Historicism--Popper s Criticism on Historicism;历史解释与历史规律——波普对历史决定论的批评

5.From“Go-back-to-history”to non-history --A criticism of New Historicism;从“回到历史”到历史的虚无——对新历史主义文学批评的批评

6.The Faction of "Modern Comments" in the Ken of Historical and Aesthetic Criticism;历史和美学批评视野中的“现代评论”派

7.History, Text and Ideology历史·文本·意识形态——新历史主义的文化批评和文学批评刍议

8.Historical Criticism & Critical History: The Viewpoint of"Modern Music Research" Construction;历史的批评 批评的历史——“当代音乐研究”学科构想之我见

9.The Historical Inertia of Literary Creation and the Inactivity of Literary Criticism;文学创作的历史惯性与文学批评的历史惰性

10.The Critical Strategies and Methods for the New Historicism;新历史主义文学批评的批评策略和方法

11.Criticism of Feminist Criticism;浮出历史地表——中国当代女性批评之批评

12.Aesthetic Criticism and Historical Criticism;美学的批评与历史的批评——鲁迅文论研究之三

13.The Historical Narration in the Research of Chinese Literary Criticism History--To Take Several Criticisms as Examples;中国文学批评史研究中的历史叙述问题——以几部批评史著作为例

14.China has been criticising Japan for rewriting history in textbooks.中国一直批评日本的教科书篡改历史。

15.Reflections on the Comment of Yu Qiuyu s Historical and Cultural Essays;余秋雨历史文化散文批评锋面的反思

16.The History Consciousness in Jameson s Critique of Culture;论詹姆逊文化批评理论中的历史意识

17.Introspection of the History of the Russian Proletarian Writers Union and Chinese Leftist Literature Criticism;“拉普”和中国左翼文学批评的历史反思

18.Trend of Nihilism on History Shown in the CurrentLiterature and Art Criticisms;当前文艺批评中的历史虚无主义倾向


neo-historical criticism新历史主义批评

1.This paper probes into the cause of final madness of the heroine "I" of the novel from three aspects ofneo-historical criticism,that is,the influence of the writer s life experience on the writing of the novel,the background of writing,especially the middle class women s status quo in the 19th century,and the their dual oppression coming from the society and male,which is reflected in the novel.从新历史主义批评角度的三个方面:《黄墙纸》作者吉尔曼的生活经历对小说创作的影响,小说写作时的社会背景,尤其是19世纪中产阶级妇女的处境以及《黄墙纸》和其它创作于19世纪的作品所反映出来的中产阶级妇女的社会地位及其所受到的来自社会和男性的双重压迫,探究了《黄墙纸》中女主人公"我"最终发疯的原因。

3)social historical criticism社会历史批评

1.This paper explores the multi - form nature ofsocial historical criticism in Modern China through a survey of real Practice in the history of modern modern criticism.从中国现代批评史实践出发去考察社会历史批评在历史上的多样形态,可以发现在以马克思主义为指导的注重从阶级观点看文学的“左翼”社会历史批评以及后来被歪曲的完全政治化的社会历史批评之外,还有另外一种形态的社会历史批评,它是受西方近现代社会学思潮的影响而产生,有着科学的方法论和多样视角的、具有现代形态的一种社会历史批评,它在很大程度上保留了社会历史批评应有的宽广视野、全面视角,是我们建设新的科学的社会历史批评所应注意借鉴的。

4)social history criticism社会历史批评

1.The traditional historical view ofsocial history criticism obeys the stipulations of historical collectivity,and follows the logic principle of historical magnificent narration.传统社会历史批评的历史观服从于历史总体性的规约,服从于历史宏大叙事的逻辑原则。

5)social and historic criticism社会历史批评

1.This paper reviews thesocial and historic criticism and cultural criticim of Jing-Ping-Mei in the new period,and arranges the representative standpoint,in order to ponder over the overview and introspection of it.在新时期的《金瓶梅》研究中,社会历史批评和文化学批评是被广泛使用的两种研究方法。

2.In light of this perspective,this paper outlines the major achievements ofsocial and historic criticism-oriented Flaubert studies worldwide;summarizes the viewpoints of Sainte-Beuve,Paul Valery,Georg Lukacs,Mikhail Bakhtin,Jean Paul Sartre and other critics;and discusses the multiple forms and the contemporary trend of the use ofsocial and historic criticism in the history of Flaubert study.在福楼拜研究史上,社会历史批评曾是主导性的批评方法之一。

6)social-historical criticism社会一历史批评


