2000字范文 > 文艺批评 literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

文艺批评 literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-03 11:00:22


文艺批评 literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

文艺批评,literary criticism

1)literary criticism文艺批评

1.A Tentative Study on the Literary Criticism of Song Shenggui;学理与诗意的闪光融合——试论宋生贵的文艺批评

2.A arbitrariness:A Misconception inliterary criticism;独断性:文艺批评中的一个思维误区


1.‘Emotional Criticism’ --On Li Changzhi s Literary or Art Criticism;“感情的批评主义”——论李长之的文艺批评

2.Characteristics of Luo Xianlin s Literary Criticism;鉴赏型的文艺批评——罗先霖的文艺评论特色

3.A Discourse Criticism:Reflection on a New Approach of Literary Criticism;话语批评学:关于一种文艺批评新模式的思考

4.On the Literary Strategy of Nostalgia in Ecological Art Criticism;生态文艺批评视野中的文学怀旧策略

5.On the Hope of Lu Xun for the Literary Critics--One of the Researches about Lu Xun"s Views on Literature and Art Criticism论鲁迅对文艺批评家的希望——鲁迅的文艺批评观研究之一

6.There must be no more issuing of administrative orders regarding the creation and criticism of literature and art.在文艺创作、文艺批评领域的行政命令必须废止。

7.Literary and art criticism is one of the principal methods of struggle in the world of literature and art.文艺界的主要的斗争方法之一,是文艺批评。

8.On Bahktin s Idea of Combining Intrinsic and Extrinsic Study in Literary Criticism;论巴赫金文艺批评思想的内外整合观

9.Cheng Fangwu s Literary Criticism in the Background of Kant s Aesthetics;康德美学背景中的成仿吾文艺批评观

10.A arbitrariness:A Misconception in literary criticism;独断性:文艺批评中的一个思维误区

11.An Analysis of the Concept "Aura" in Benjamin s Literature Criticism;对本雅明文艺批评中“Aura”概念的梳理

12.Trend of Nihilism on History Shown in the CurrentLiterature and Art Criticisms;当前文艺批评中的历史虚无主义倾向

13.Constructing an Overpass for Literary Criticism:A Comparison of Abram s Analytic Scheme and Keesey s Conceptual Scheme in the Theory of Literary Criticism;建立文学批评的立交桥——西方艾氏与基氏文艺批评理论图之比较

14.Wellek s "The Cencept of Criticism" Has Significant Effects on Literature Scholarship and Literary Criticism;韦勒克“批评的概念”的文艺学及批评学意义

15.New Dimension of Literary Sociological Criticism──Criticism Based on Communication;文艺社会学批评理论的新向度——“传播论”批评

16.VARIETY, CRITICISM AND ACADEMOCS--On A Library of Native Xiang Writers , A Lineup of Literary Critics;多样性·批评性·学术性——评《文艺湘军百家文库·文艺评论方阵》

17.A Survey of the Ecocritical Study in Contemporary China;当前国内文艺与文学的生态批评研究述评

18.Origin Theory of Chinese Ancient Literature and Art Criticism by Diet;中国古代文学艺术饮食化批评渊源论


Literary and art criticism文艺批评

1.Aesthetic Activity Is the Essence of Literary and Art Criticism;文艺批评的本质是审美活动

2.literary and art criticism is an important component of litrary and artistic creation.文艺批评是文艺创作中一个不可缺少的组成部分。

3)literature and art criticism文艺批评

1.And yet the appraising of poetries should comply with the six dimensionsliterature and art criticism criterion.贺敬之的诗是新中国诗歌创作中的杰出代表,但在当下却遭到了贬低和排斥,产生这种情况的原因主要是“美”的失落、诗歌史的失落、艺术本质的失落,而评价诗歌应实行六维的文艺批评标准。

4)history of art and literature criticism文艺批评史

5)a literary critic; critics of art and literature文艺批评家

6)view of literature and art criticism文艺批评观


