2000字范文 > 是非心 concept of right and wrong英语短句 例句大全

是非心 concept of right and wrong英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-01 08:29:19


是非心 concept of right and wrong英语短句 例句大全

是非心,concept of right and wrong

1)concept of right and wrong是非心

1.As an important component of conscience,concept of right and wrong is the foundation of the consciousness of compassion,shamefulness and humility.是非心是人内在的道德判断与道德评价的体系,作为意识结构中的一个独立的部分,具有指导、监督、评价、判断的作用。

2)One"s conscience是非之心


1.We all have a heart of compassion and a heart of conscience, a heart of reverence and a heart of right and wrong.人皆有不忍人之心,恻隐之心,辞让之心,是非之心。

2.lacking principles or scruples.没有原则或者是非之心。

3.You must be guided by your sense of what is right and just.你必须受你的是非之心和正义感所引领。

4.I don"t believe you have any sense of justice in you.我不相信你心里有是非之感。

5.Words of comfort can be important to those who are in trouble.宽心的话对身处困难之中的人是非常重要的。

6.She was a most generous woman, overflowing with the milk of human kindness.她是一位非常厚道的女人, 充满恻隐之心。

7.They"re not concerned with welfare; it"s all politics!他们并非关心福利问题, 完全是党派之争。

8.Her toughness had been a way to keep her secret demons under control.她的强硬,无非是压制她心底之魔的一种方法。

9.She worked with an air which was not quite professional detachment, nor yet human tenderness.她的态度既非完全是职业性的超然,也不全是人世间的恻隐之心。

10.To offer sympathy and kindness to inhuman entities is necessitated by the human nature rather than the intrinsic value of inhuman entities or human utilitarianism.人把同情、善心给予非人存在物是人性之必须,并非出于非人存在物的内在价值或人的功利。

11.The well - know writer is open - minded enough to admit that not all his novel is first - rate那位著名作家很虚心,承认他的小说并非全是上乘之作

12.The well-know writer is open-minded enough to admit that not all his novels are first-rate.那位著名作家很虚心,承认他的小说并非全是上乘之作。

13.The fellow that"s pleased with everything either don"t cut any ice or has something up his sleeve.任何事情都可以使之高兴(满足)的家伙,若非全不中用,是即居心叵测。

14.The fellow that "s pleased with everything either does not cut any ice or has something up his sleeve .任何事情都可以使之高兴(满足)的家伙,若非全不中用,是居心叵测。

15.There is no escaping this disturbing thought except by a kind of double-dealing.”除了口是心非之外,没有其他办法逃避这个令人不安的想法。

16.It was but the natural consequence of a strong affection in a young and ardent mind.这不过是一颗年轻火热的心灵中强烈的爱慕之情非常自然的表现。

17.Flames of hatred burn forests of merits. Rivers of malice wash away our good names.一念?心如火,烧尽累劫功德之林;一念人我是非,积聚善念付水漂流。

18.What conforms to this rule is literature and what does not conform to it is not literature.此自己见到之景,自己心头之情,自己领会之事,信笔直书,便是文学,舍此皆非文学。


One"s conscience是非之心

3)The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve.口是心非。


5)It be most careless if me .我真是非常粗心。

6)Speak with a double tongue.说话口是心非


