2000字范文 > 西方人权观念 Western concept of human rights英语短句 例句大全

西方人权观念 Western concept of human rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 13:17:16


西方人权观念 Western concept of human rights英语短句 例句大全

西方人权观念,Western concept of human rights

1)Western concept of human rights西方人权观念


1.On the Western Concept of Human Rights on the Impact of the Late Qing Dynasty Penal Reform;论西方人权观念对清末刑法改革的影响

2.Marx"s attitude to the western human rights in modem times was affirmative from the very beginning, then turned to be disenchanting.马克思对于近代西方人权观念,经历了从最初的颂扬到其后的祛魅这样一个过程。

3.Approach to Origin of Universal Human Right in Christian Context;基督教语境中普世人权的发轫——兼论西方学者的人权发生学观念

4.Although anthropologists hold that the concept of the spiritual right can date back to ages ago, the institution of it is the product of that of the modern west.人类学的研究成果认为,精神权利的观念已经久远,但精神权利的制度化却是近代西方的产物。

5.From Feudal Kingship to National Sovereignty--Tracing the Idea of Modern Western State Power;从封建王权思想到国家主权理论——近代西方国家权力观念溯源

6.Dasein and its Deconstruction: On the Concept of Dasein in The History of Ideas of Western Hominology;“存在人”及其消解——论《西方人学观念史》中的“存在人”观念

7.Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.西方观念逐渐传入东方。

8.He is unapologetic for his aggressive responses to his political opponents, his often unorthodox views on Western-style democratic systems, the Western concepts of human rights.他对自己对政敌的强烈回应,对西方民主制度和人权观念的独特见解,从来不感到抱歉。

9.The second part combs with the thought of representatives who held the modern natural rights concepts.第二部分对西方近代自然权利观念形成和发展中的代表人物的思想进行了梳理。

10.The Transmutation of Man s Mentality and Man s figures in Western Literature;西方文学中人的观念及人物形象的嬗变

11.Talking about the West Modeling Concept Has the Influence on the Modern Chinese Realistic Painting.;浅谈西方造型观念对当代工笔人物画之影响

12.The Concept of Autonomy in Literary Semioticsof Western Poetics and its Nature of Humanity;西方诗学中的文学符号自律观念及其人学本质

13.On the Reference and Application of the Humanistic Conception of the Western Management;浅论对西方管理中人本观念的借鉴及运用

14.The Rise Of Humanism Trend Of Thought And The Transform Of Western Educational Concept人文主义思潮的兴起与西方教育观念的转变

15.On young Marx s animadverting and transcending of modern western views on the human rights;论青年马克思对近代西方人权观的批判与超越

16.The Disenchantment of Marx About Western Human Rights and Its Theory Characteristics;马克思对近代西方人权观的祛魅及其理论旨趣

17.Our concept of human rights is, in essence, different from that of the Western world, because we see the question from a different point of view.西方世界的所谓“人权”和我们讲的人权,本质上是两回事,观点不同。

18.From the notion of individualism right to the notion of collectivism right--Study on the right theory of Hegel;从个人主义权利观念到整体主义权利观念——黑格尔权利思想探微


western human rights notion西方人权观

3)Western Ideas西方观念

1.A Discussion upon the Influence of theWestern Ideas on the Traditional Chinese Thoughts——A Case Study of the Western Outlook of Cosmos and the Map of the World试论晚明西方观念对中国传统思想的影响——以“西方宇宙观”与“世界地图”为中心

4)Modern Western concept of human rights近代西方人权观

5)human rights人权观念

1.Rationality ofhuman rights and rational adoption tohuman rights diplomacy in China;人权观念的工具理性与我国人权外交的合理选择

6)On Westerners dragon-killing conception西方人的屠龙观念


