2000字范文 > 齐是非 to equal right and wrong英语短句 例句大全

齐是非 to equal right and wrong英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 01:41:05


齐是非 to equal right and wrong英语短句 例句大全

齐是非,to equal right and wrong

1)to equal right and wrong齐是非

2)"Keeping Equal is not fair"维齐非齐

1.The term"Keeping Equal is not fair" is one of the most important concepts of equity in Chinese traditional culture,which reflects different viewpoints in different views,so as to determine the relevant educational policies."维齐非齐"是中国传统文化中一个重要的"公平"概念,也正是这样一个带有歧义的概念,不同时期,不同的理解,赋予它不同的教育取向。


1.On "Keeping Equal is not Fair" and Education Equity;“维齐非齐”与教育公平之辩——谈“维齐非齐”公平观在我国教育中的映射

2.Some Estimates for 1D Inhomogeneous GBBM Equations;关于一维非齐次GBBM方程的几个估计

3.The Initial-boundary Value Problem for 1D Inhomogeneous BBM Equations;一维非齐次BBM方程的初边值问题

4.Solvability of the general three-dimensional non-homogeneous partial differential equations;一般三维非齐次偏微分方程的可解性条件

5.The Form Solution to the Mixed Problem of One Dimension Inhomogeneous Diffusion Equation;一维非齐次扩散方程混合问题的形式解

6.Formula of General Solution to One Kind of Two-dimensional Variable Nonlinear Differential System;一类二维变系数非齐线性微分系统的通解公式

7.parallelism of Levi-Civita列维-齐维他平行性

8.nonhomogeneous nonstationary time series非齐次非平稳时间序列

9.Hausdorff Dimension of Some Reduced Homogeneous Moran Sets;裁元齐次Moran集的Hausdorff维数

10.alternate test for variance heterogeneity非齐性方差的替换检验

11.full inhomogeneous lorentz group完全非齐次洛伦茨群

12.nonhomogeneous linear differential equation非齐次线性微分方程

13.inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation非齐次线性常微分方程

14.second-order homogeneous nonstationary process二阶齐次非平稳过程

15.nonhomogeneous linear system of differential equations非齐次线性微分方程组

16.homogeneous nonstationary time series齐次非平稳时间序列

17.nonhomogeneous linear boundary value problem非齐次线性边值问题

18.inhomogeneous linear difference equation非齐次线性差分方程


"Keeping Equal is not fair"维齐非齐

1.The term"Keeping Equal is not fair" is one of the most important concepts of equity in Chinese traditional culture,which reflects different viewpoints in different views,so as to determine the relevant educational policies."维齐非齐"是中国传统文化中一个重要的"公平"概念,也正是这样一个带有歧义的概念,不同时期,不同的理解,赋予它不同的教育取向。

3)non homogeneity非齐

4)Shoulder length or...齐肩长还是……

5)right and wrong是非

1.How is Chinese Nation s Value of “Right and Wrong” Possible?——An Analysis of the Semantic Structure of Original "Shi" in Chinese Language;华夏民族“是非”价值观念是何以可能的?——汉语原初“是”的语义结构分析

2.The scholars always analyze the section of "each other sright and wrong"in On Material Identity by Zhuang zi from the angle of cognitive theory.齐物论》中"彼此是非"一节,历来论者多从认识论的角度分析,且由于此段话在文字辩正方面存在较多问题,遂造成种种误解。

3.Starting from moral,intelligence and art education,we should train eligible students in higher vocational colleges,who can understandright and wrong,identify goodness and badness,and recognize beauty and ugliness.高职学生社会主义荣辱观教育是一个系统工程,应从世界观教育、价值观教育、审美教育等多方面入手,从德育、智育、美育角度等不同学科角度出发,把学生培养成为“明是非、识善恶、辨美丑”的合格人才。


1.Then, these new negative declarative forms "feishi" "bushi" "weishi" come into being.系词“是”在肯定判断旬中产生以后,它的使用迅速扩展到否定判断句,新产生了“×非是×”、“×不是×’’、“×未是×”等否定判断格式,与“×非×”格式同时并存,相互竞争。


是非观念与是非感是非观念与是非感idea of true-false and feeling of true-false是非观念与是非感(idea of true一falseand feeling of true一false)是非观念是一个人对于行动的好坏、善恶、是非及其社会意义的认识;是非感则是一个人对于行动作出好坏、善恶或是非判断时在情感上的体验。是非观念是是非感产生的基础,属于道德认识范畴;是非感是是非观念的表现,属于道德情感范畴。是非观念和是非感是使人们自愿改正错误行动与坚持正确行动的重要心理因素。缺乏是非观念与是非感的人,容易接受社会上种种消极因素的影响而导致错误的行为乃至犯罪的行为。在学校教育中,培养学生的是非观念和是非感,是品德教育的必要环节之一。(成立夫撰匾互圈审)
