2000字范文 > 韩剧 Korean Teleplay英语短句 例句大全

韩剧 Korean Teleplay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-20 14:42:56


韩剧 Korean Teleplay英语短句 例句大全

韩剧,Korean Teleplay

1)Korean Teleplay韩剧

1.The fact is that recentlyKorean Teleplay has achieved great successes in Confucianism circle especially in China Media Market,and has a strong trend of continual expansion.本文试从几个方面来阐述韩剧中所折射的儒家文化。

2.The Korean teleplay has achieved commercial success in Chinese media market, which owed much to the formal and cultural proximity and, more important, the unique artistic fascination.它能够在文化的大写意与生活的小写实、对白的铺陈与动作的简洁、调度的平面化与剪辑的立体化等多重艺术元素之间,实现有效的平衡和契合,从而使韩剧在对文化内涵的吸纳、融合中,实现了对电视剧固有美学特征的超越。

3.This article argues that the nature of the Korean tide is the success of cross culture communication, Korean teleplay confronts western culture , resorting strong eastern culture.本文就是从分析韩流的主力军——韩剧出发,以跨文化传播和传播学的有关理论探讨韩剧征服中国观众的原因并力图从韩国文化崛起和市场运作中寻找经验和启示。


1.The Marketing Strategy to the Aboard;解开韩剧风靡中国之谜——韩剧对外营销策略

2.The social benefits of Korea(R.O.)TV plays and the inspiration to our TV plays;韩剧热播的社会效益及对中国电视剧的启示

3.The Study on the Brand Strategy of the Marketing of the Korean Teleplay;从《大长今》看韩剧的品牌营销之道

4.Entering the Warm Life of Korea Play,Building a Harmonious Spiritual Home;走进韩剧温馨生活 构建和谐精神家园

5.Korean TV Series: Circulation and Enlightenment as a Cultural Brand;韩剧:作为一种文化品牌的传播与启示

6.Popularity of Korean TV Dramas and Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities韩剧风行与高校思想政治教育的思考

7.Like many Japanese women, she is a fan of the South Korean television dramas. She even began learning Korean.和很多日本女性一样,安倍昭惠很喜欢看韩剧,甚至开始学习韩语。

8.The Revelation of South Korean TV Play Miss Mermaid on Humanity;从韩剧《人鱼小姐》的人性揭示看韩国人的价值取向

9.These cultural thoughts are embodied at different level in the Korea TV play.这些文化思想在韩剧中都有不同程度的体现。

10.The Impact of Korean Dramas Cultural Phenomenon on Love Value of College Student;韩剧文化现象对我国大学生爱情观的影响

11.Popularity of Korean Shows and the "Feedback" of Confucianism:A Misunderstanding in the Thinking of Modern Ethics;韩剧热与儒学“反哺”——关于现代伦理思考的误解

12.The Genre, Production and Marketing of the Inland Korean TV Play;韩剧的国内生产起点、主力类型与产销方式

13.The Narration Type of the Korean TV Play;韩剧叙事类型:全球标准与本土需要之间的共谋

14.A Study on College Students States of Viewing Korea Trendy,Identification with Korea Culture and Their Relations;大学生收看韩剧与文化认同的关系研究

15.Hot South Korean TV Plays;“韩流”不寒——多角度解读韩国电视剧成功的原因

16.The Study of the Movies and Teleplays of Japan and Korea Spreading in China after 1980;1980年后日韩影视剧在中国的传播

17.A Study of Hanying s Arias in the Opera the Red Guards on Honghu Lake;歌剧《洪湖赤卫队》中韩英唱段研究

18.Symbol Perspective: The Text and Annotation of the TV Play Series of Korea;符号透视:韩国电视剧的文本和诠释


Korean TV play韩剧

1.The Perspective of Feminine Culture in Korean TV Play韩剧中的韩国女性文化透视

2.In recent years,Korean TV plays are spreaded in Asia and make a great success which is a fact.近几年,韩剧席卷亚洲,获得极大成功已是不争的事实。

3.However, the study onKorean TV play is far behind the growth of this culture market.本文从跨文化传播学的视角,考察了韩剧的创制及中国受众对韩国电视剧的接受。

3)Korean TV series韩剧

1.The popularity ofKorean TV series in China brings us enlightenment.韩剧在中国的热播给了人们诸多启迪。

4)Korean plays韩剧

1." From the view of New Feminism,it can be seen clearly how the women are portrayed by the stories and types ofKorean plays,and the reason why theKorean plays are so welcome nowadays."新女性主义"电视研究以"性别身份社会构成论"为基础专门研究电视和女性的关系,从"新女性主义"视角我们可以清楚地看到韩剧的文本内容和文本形式是如何对女性加以特殊定位的,以及这种定位与文本创作的互动作用,从而揭示"韩流汹涌"的原因。

2.No matter it is praise or censure,the popularity ofKorean plays has become a cultural phenomenon.无论褒贬,韩剧在中国的流行已经成为一种文化现象。

3.The popularity ofKorean plays in China causes us to reflect on this phenomenon.韩剧在中国热播引起了广泛关注,文化内涵是其主要因素。

5)Korean Drama韩剧

1.To some extent, the success ofKorean Drama isn\"t just a success of TV play, which can be assigned to the Brand Marketing.从20世纪90年代开始,以韩国电视剧(简称韩剧)为代表的“韩流”逐渐席卷全球。

2.Traditional culture and ethics is carried forward in Korea,which is fully reflected in Korean dramas.韩剧充分体现了韩国对传统道德文化的弘扬,其中包括儒家伦理教育、国民精神教育和爱国主义教育等。

3.There is no doubt that Korean dramas have become popular in China.韩剧流行中国已成为一个不容怀疑的事实。

6)Korean play韩剧

1.As a popular culture,theKorean play develops from nationality to the orient,even to cosmopolitan.作为一种流行文化,韩剧从民族性到东亚性再到世界性,其影响已超越了文化本身的内涵。

2.Korean play sprang up in 1999, which have been attracting the worldwide attention.韩剧在一九九九年之后的崛起引起了世界的关注。


韩风韩式拌饭原料/调料]白饭 1碗牛肉 30公克洋葱丝 30公克黄豆芽 少许菠菜 少许白芝麻 1小匙韩式泡菜 少许萝蔔泡菜 少许蛋 1颗韩式辣椒酱 1大匙香油 1大匙[制作流程](1)将牛肉切丝,用少许太白粉略腌一下,再与洋葱丝拌匀备用。(2)黄豆芽、菠菜用少许盐及水汆烫至熟,捞起后再拌入白芝麻及少许香油即可。(3)石锅烧热,先倒入1大匙香油,再倒入白饭,上面摆入牛肉、韩式泡菜、萝蔔泡菜、黄豆芽、菠菜,再将蛋打入,一起焖烧2分钟后,将韩式辣椒酱放入,再一起拌匀后即可食用。如果没有石锅的话,可将洋葱丝及牛肉丝一起炒熟取代生牛肉丝,蛋也可煎成荷包蛋替代。
