2000字范文 > 学校文化领导 school culture leadership英语短句 例句大全

学校文化领导 school culture leadership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-25 00:29:57


学校文化领导 school culture leadership英语短句 例句大全

学校文化领导,school culture leadership

1)school culture leadership学校文化领导

1.On the basis of context-culture theory,we can see the kernel mechanism ofschool culture leadership lies in adjusting appropriately the situation school life is by applying the leading measures,promoting and guiding the shift of culture or even asking the school staff to change their life style and establish new values and criterion of right and wrong.从"处境-文化说"视角可以看出,学校文化领导的核心机理是站在学校文化领导的高度,根据学校发展的目标与要求,运用领导手段恰当地调整学校生活处境,人为推动与导引文化的移位甚至换位,让学校成员在位育新处境中逐渐改变原来的生活方式并建树新的是非标准和价值观念。


1.Kernel Mechanism and Realizing Conditions of School Culture Leadership;学校文化领导的核心机理及实现条件

2.On Leadership Culture that Influences the Improvement,Promotion and Development of Schools;影响学校改进、提升与发展的领导文化

3.Glatthorn, A. A. (1987). Curriculum leadership. IL: Scott, Foresman &Company.单文经总校阅(民89)。革新的课程领导。台北市:学富文化事业有限公司。

4.On the Influence of Traditional Culture on Transformational Leadership Behavior传统文化对我国高校领导行为的影响


6.Analysis of Cultural Science for the Corruption Problem of Leading Party Cadres;党员领导干部腐败问题的文化学分析

7.The New Development of School leadership:From Instructional Leadership to Transformational Leadership;学校领导的新进展:从教学领导到转型领导

8.Directing cultural construction of united front in colleges and universities by Scientific Outlook on Development以科学发展观引领高校统战文化建设

9.Reinforcement of Leading Cadres Attitude Construction for Developing Harmonious Campus Culture;加强领导干部作风建设,构建和谐校园文化

10.Party Leadership is the Core and Soul of the United Front Culture of Higher Institutions;党的领导是高校统战文化的核心和灵魂

11.We should establish schools at various levels to enable leading army cadres to master modern science, culture and modern warfare in the course of training.要办各级学校,经过训练,使军队领导干部掌握现代科学文化知识和现代战争知识;

12.Distributed Leadership: Reforging Western School Leadership;分布式领导——西方学校领导再造探研

13.(British) the position of headmaster or headmistress.学校里的领导人的职位。

14.It would be better if the school authorities should see to it.似应由学校领导处理。

15.Revising Behavior and Contingency Measure for School Leadership.;《学校领导行为》与《学校领导情境》量表的修订

16.Promoting Physical Education Life with "Heath First" Concept;倡导“健康第一”引领下的学校体育生活化

17.Review of the Study on Transformational Leadership in America美国转化式领导研究透视及其学校管理的启示

18.A Culture trip to Thailand, Macao and Hong Kong for all the teachers headed by school heads.巴蜀校领导率全校教师赴泰国、港、门作文化之旅交流考察。


school leader学校领导

1.By using the research methods combing of literature with questionnaire,an investigation is carried out concerning to the implementation of the "sports and health curriculum standards" by middleschool leaders of North-Anhui.采用文献资料和问卷调查相结合的研究方法,调查了皖北地区学校领导对《体育与健康课程标准》实施的重视程度。

3)school leaders学校领导

1.In connection with the particularity ofschool leaders, it also puts forward the prerequisites of the new type ofschool leaders in order to suit the needs of the new times.本文从有关领导的一般含义到现代领导的新的理念都作了一些研究 ,并且结合学校领导的特殊性 ,提出了适应新时代要求的新型学校领导者应具备的条

4)leadership culture领导文化

1.The construction ofleadership culture should consi.研究表明,领导文化是影响学校改进、提升与发展的学校文化之一。

2.Many theoretical studies and enterprises practices have proved the close relationship betweenleadership culture and corporate culture.大量的理论研究和企业实践证明了领导文化与企业文化有着密切的关系,领导文化不同于企业文化,并且领导文化在企业文化建设中起着核心作用,从领导文化建设做起是建设企业文化的有效途径。

3.Theleadership culture generally acknowledged is the important factor of building a harmonious society.要增强中国共产党构建社会主义和谐社会的能力,就必须提高代表我党掌管各种权力的领导能力,而提高领导能力的关键是实现领导文化的创新。

5)School Leadership学校领导力

1.Exploring theSchool Leadership Oriented Informalization;面向信息化的学校领导力初探

2.The school leadership is a vital resource and core competitiveness for school developing.作为学校的重要组织资源和核心竞争力,学校领导力是指学校领导团队通过一系列外在行为相互协调整合而形成的服务于学校组织目标、确保领导过程顺畅运行的影响力。

3.In the context of social transformation and the new curriculum reform,what\"s feature of the school leadership in the field of China\"s basic education? in this paper,as the case of Y region reveals:in the distribution of school leadership,bureaucratic and professional system was not clearly distinguished,but interactions.在社会转型与新课程改革背景下,中国基础教育领域中的学校领导力具有什么样的特征?以Y地区为案例揭示出:在现阶段学校领导力的分布中,科层和专业体系二者并非泾渭分明,而是相互作用;学校行政管理人员往往同时具备专业领域领导者的地位,这种双重身份有助于其在学校工作中发挥领导和影响力;普通教师在专业领域中发挥领导力的机会远远大于其参与学校行政事务的机会;新课改带来的对教学探索和创新的肯定,为行政和专业地位不足的青年教师发挥领导力带来机会;班主任是学校组织中特有的超越科层与专业体系的特殊群体,其发挥领导力的途径和方式特别值得研究。

6)cultural leadership文化领导权

1.Hold the advancing direction of advanced culture and defend the socialistcultural leadership—— on the social responsibility of mass media;把握先进文化的前进方向 捍卫社会主义文化领导权——兼谈大众传媒的社会责任

2.Gramsci′s "civil society" as a(unique) understanding of the basis of the interpretation of the proletarian ideology ofcultural leadership must grasp on the "trench warfare" and the idea of "organic intellectuals" ideology.葛兰西在对“市民社会”作独特理解的基础上,阐释了无产阶级必须掌握意识形态文化领导权、关于“阵地战”的设想以及“有机知识分子”思想。

3.The theory ofcultural leadership is Gramsci s innovation,In Gramsci s opinion the power incultural leadership can be taken as the preconditions to obtain the political power in western countries.文化领导权理论是葛兰西一个伟大的创新,葛兰西认为,在西方夺取文化领导权是夺取政治权力的先决条件,而文化领导权的实现要实行"阵地战",其依靠力量是有机知识分子。


