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学校文化 School culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-16 15:06:49


学校文化 School culture英语短句 例句大全

学校文化,School culture

1)School culture学校文化

1.A Brief Analysis of the School Culture and Its Effects on the Children s Socialization;学校文化及其对儿童社会化的影响简析

2.Analysis of inner transference of current school culture in China;当代中国学校文化内在转型论析

3.The school culture is the fundament of the prestigious schools;学校文化是支撑“名校”的根本


1.To open up school culture development,and deepen school s cultivating function;开拓学校文化建设 深化学校育人功能

2.Developing College Culture and Constructing Harmonious Campus of the Adult College;发展学校文化 构建成人高校和谐校园

3.Considerations on Individual Development of Polytechnic Culture;高职院校学校文化个性化发展的思考

4.On School Culture and School Development;关于学校文化建设与学校发展的问题

5.On blindspot in school management--management of school culture;关注学校管理的盲区——学校文化的管理

6.Construction of Campus Culture: Spiritual Power for School Development;学校文化建设:学校发展的精神动力

7.The Human-nature Hypothesis of Teacher as "Cultural Worker" in School Culture;学校文化中教师“文化人”的人性假设

8.A Research on the Amalgamation and Connection of High Professional School Culture and Enterprise Culture高职校学校文化与企业文化的融合与对接研究

9.Promote Cultural Harmony between Colleges and Enterprises to Build up Vocational Characterized College Culture;推进校企文化融合 构建高职特色学校文化

10.School Culture-Building and Principal Role under Multi-Cultural Enviroments多元文化视域中的校长角色与学校文化建设

11.The Synergistic Research of School Culture Construction in Newly Established Vocational Colleges;新升格高职院校学校文化的协同建设

12.Upgrading Cultural Characteristics of School and Constructing Harmonious Campus;提升学校文化品质 构建和谐校园

13.Campus Culture and Library Development;大学校园文化与高校图书馆文化建设

14.Popular words among college students and construction of campus culture in Colleges;大学校园流行语与高校校园文化建设

15.Cultural Comparison between Learning School and Hierarchical School;学习型学校与科层制学校——两种学校的文化比较

16.Multi-campus: the Reorganization and Optimization of Campus Culture;多校区办学:校园文化的整合与优化

17.Construction of University Campus Culture in the Perspective of Cultural Ecology;文化生态视野下的大学校园文化建设

18.Co-construction Between University Campus Culture and Community Culture社区文化与大学校园文化的融合共建


Campus Culture学校文化

1.Campus Culture s Effect in University Management——Introspection in Undergraduate Teaching Assessment;学校文化在高校管理中的作用——对高校本科教学评估的反思

2.Though fresh education principle,new college management and operation mechanism,first-rate teaching facilities are necessary to build a top ranking colleges,the implication of a good school is excellent campus culture.然而一流高职院校的底蕴是优秀的学校文化。

3.From this view, the reform of courses is both a type changing and remolding of campus culture.从这个意义上说,课程改革同时也是学校文化的转型,是对学校文化的重塑。

3)college culture学校文化

1.It′s vital for the school to form its value viewpoint and excellentcollege culture,for the improvement of the relations between the leadership and the teachers,and for the formation of a harmony,active and progressive atmosphere.人本管理是现代高校教育管理的主要内容,它对于学校形成崇高的价值观和优秀的学校文化,对于领导、教师之间关系的改善,最终形成一种和谐、积极、向上的氛围都至关重要。

2.It provides a theoretical and practical basis to realize abutting joint that higher vocationalcollege culture is closely related to corporate culture.高职学校文化与企业文化在诸多方面的联系与相通之处,为实现高职学校文化建设与企业文化对接提供了理论和现实的依据。

3.Starting from the development of thecollege culture,the construction of the harmonious campus can promote the blending of the mainstream culture and non-mainstream culture of the campus,which facilitates the cultivation of the spirit morale of the students and the establishment of the harmonious campus.构建和谐校园应以发展学校文化为切入点,搞好校园主流文化与非主流文化的融合,进而有利于高校学生精神风貌的培养及和谐校园的构建。

4)college culture force学校文化力

1.Its evaluative index system is put forward through factors of study and analysis that is affecting and restricting core competitiveness level,such as,college culture force,management ability,special teacher team and talents training mode,and so on.通过对影响和制约高职院校核心竞争力水平,诸如学校文化力、管理能力、专业教师队伍及人才培养模式等因素的研究和分析,初步提出高职院校核心竞争力评价指标体系。

5)campus culturology校园文化学

6)counter school culture反学校文化

1.Thecounter school culture of the female adolescents is a component of the school culture.初中女生反学校文化是学校文化的组成部分。




