2000字范文 > 《文艺阵地》 The Literary Position英语短句 例句大全

《文艺阵地》 The Literary Position英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-04 03:33:19


《文艺阵地》 The Literary Position英语短句 例句大全

《文艺阵地》,The Literary Position

1)The Literary Position《文艺阵地》

1.Wartime Narrative Features of Anti-Japanese Novel of "Exposure and Irony"——A Tentative Study onThe Literary Position战时“暴露与讽刺”抗日小说的叙事特点——以《文艺阵地》为中心

2.In such a war time full of gunpowder,The Literary Position came into being and had gone through the special time for 6 years.《文艺阵地》在战火纷纷、硝烟弥漫的文学生态里萌生,艰难地走过了六个春秋,这些足迹无疑见证了中华儿女反抗日本帝国主义侵略的无数次浴血奋战。


1.A Study of the Clearing Up of "Eight-part Essay During the War Against Japan"by the "Literature Position Journal;论《文艺阵地》对“抗战八股”的消解

2.On Translation and Introduction of Foreign Literature by Wen Yi Zhen Di during the Wartime in Chongqing抗战时期重庆《文艺阵地》对外国文学的译介

3.MAO Dun launched the semimonthly Literary Position in 1938, and edited from the first 18 issues.茅盾于1938年4月16日创办了半月刊《文艺阵地》并主编了前18期。

4.Wartime Narrative Features of Anti-Japanese Novel of "Exposure and Irony"--A Tentative Study on The Literary Position战时“暴露与讽刺”抗日小说的叙事特点——以《文艺阵地》为中心

5.VARIETY, CRITICISM AND ACADEMOCS--On A Library of Native Xiang Writers , A Lineup of Literary Critics;多样性·批评性·学术性——评《文艺湘军百家文库·文艺评论方阵》

6.The Analysis of the Artistic and Cutural Characteristics of the Tiaoguzhen in Taiwan台湾“跳鼓阵”的艺术特征与文化意蕴探析

7.Challenges and Countermeasures Confronting the Construction of Campus Culture;校园文化阵地建设面临的挑战与对策

8.To Set up the Stable Base of Transmitting Advanced Culture in Institutions of Higher Learning;把高校建成传播先进文化的坚强阵地

9.University-the Main Position of Establishing Socialist Advanced Culture;高校:建设社会主义先进文化的主阵地

10.Literature and art for the landlord class are feudal literature and art.文艺是为地主阶级的,这是封建主义的文艺。

11.The Mainstay Narrative in The People s Literature from 1949 to 1955;主流意识形态阵地——1949-1955年《人民文学》的主流叙事

12.Colleges and University Should Become Major Positions Inheretating Olympic Culture;高校应成为传承奥林匹克文化的主阵地

13.Normal Universities:the Major Positions for the Popularization of Astronomy Education;师范院校应成为普及天文知识教育的重要阵地

14.To Depend on Young People s Cultural Activities and Improve the Surroundings for Young People to Grow up Healthily;依托青年文化活动阵地 优化青年健康成长环境

15.The Effective Ways of Taking Possession of Network Field By Scientific and Advanced Moral Culture;用科学先进的思想文化占领高校网络阵地

16.Constructing a New Field of Ideological and Political Education in College by Network Culture;构建网络文化下的高校思想政治教育新阵地

17.Progressive Culture Should Take Up the Political Field of Universities;高校要用先进文化占领社会主义的思想阵地

18.College should come into the significant position of advanced culture s transmission and establishment;高校应成为传播和建设先进文化的重要阵地


Literature and Art Front文艺阵地

1.Satire inLiterature and Art Front;讽刺文学在《文艺阵地》

3)cultural position文化阵地

1.What should we do to strengthen and improve this work? This thesis puts forward six suggestions: enhancing political consciousness, establishing the "central"ideas; deepening domestic and external propaganda work; occupying ideological andcultural position; promoting the efficiency of political studies and setting good examples by political workers.如何加强和改进高校宣传思想工作 ,该文提出强化政治意识、树立“中心”思想、加大对内对外宣传力度、占领思想文化阵地、提高政治学习实效、身体力行做好宣传思想工作等六个方面的对策。

4)a classic ground文艺胜地

5)a lineup of literary critics文艺评论方阵

6)geo theory of literature and art文艺地缘学


《文艺阵地》《文艺阵地》中国现代文学期刊。茅盾主编,1938年4月16日创刊于广州,生活书店出版发行。初为半月刊,第2卷第7期(1939年1月16日)后,茅盾去新疆,由楼适夷代行编务。第3卷第5期起转移到上海。第4卷第12期后改为月刊,并使用两种封面形式:在上海发行的称《文阵丛刊》,并另标书名;运往内地发行的则为第5卷第1期、第2期。第5卷第2期出版后即遭查禁。1941年1月10日,在重庆续出第6卷,仍为月刊,由茅盾继任主编,并组成包括以群、艾青、欧阳山、曹靖华、章泯、宋之的、沙汀的编委会。1942年11月出至第7卷第4期被迫停刊。后又以《文阵新辑》名义续出3辑。刊物历时6年,共出63期。《文艺阵地》始终表现着鲜明的进步倾向。创刊号发表张天翼的小说《华威先生》和李南桌的论文《广现实主义》,首先从创作和理论上同时提出对于抗战阵营内部的腐败的暴露问题,表现了积极的战斗性。它经常发表、介绍延安及敌后根据地军民生活的作品,出版纪念鲁迅、列宁、高尔基的特辑和苏联文学特辑,讨论现实文艺工作中的诸多问题:倡导抗战文艺,号召作家深入生活,反对与抗战无关论,反对粗制滥造的“公式主义”,提倡现实主义的典型创造,宣传文艺大众化,反对旧形式的因袭等。《文艺阵地》的作品形式多样,内容广泛,有论文、短评、小说、诗歌、戏剧,通讯报告、书报述评、译作等。主要撰稿人有巴人、黄绳、锡金、任钧、邹荻帆、袁水拍、杜埃、王亚平、艾青、韩北屏、穆木天、骆宾基、曹葆华、草明、臧克家、欧阳山、林焕平、欧阳凡海、碧野、艾芜、周文、沙汀、刘盛亚、司马文森、刘白羽、戈宝权等。发表了很多有影响的作品。 《文艺阵地》封面
