2000字范文 > so such的区别和用法口诀

so such的区别和用法口诀

时间:2021-10-07 03:48:36


so such的区别和用法口诀










1)so用作副词时常用于形容词或其他副词之前,用于表示程度,作“这么,那么”解; 可用于表示方式,作“这样,那样”解; 可用以避免重复,常用于believe, do, say之后,作“如此,这样”解。

so作“同样,也”解时,其后跟be, have, do或will, can, should等,然后再接主语;?so作“当然”解时,后接there或代词主语,然后再接be, have, do或will, can, should等;?so也可用于代替已经陈述的事物,尤用在接that...的动词之后。

2)“not?so+ adj./adv. (+as...)”表示“不(像)…这么…”; “so+ adj./adv. +that...”用于表示结果; “so+ adj. +a/an+ n. (+as sb/sth)”可用于比较。



1)such用作形容词时,常放在不定冠词之前, all, many, no, any, one, few, some等之后,但其前不可用many of, some of, all of等。通常用了such后,不可在同一句中再用which, who, where等词。



写在前面——以下是我最近读到的一篇小故事,感觉蛮不错的,整个情节发生在树林里,氛围也充满了恐怖和悬疑的元素,特此推荐给楼主。至于采纳与否,就由楼主看后自己定夺吧O(∩_∩)O A Rainy Night (Part 1)

It was a gloomy, moist night dominated by complete darkness, without even the faintest gleams from the stars. The intermittent and deep roars of the thunders were interwoven with the incessant little rain, while flashes of burning lightning occasionally swept across the somber sky.

Mysteriously emerging from such a depressive background, there was a tiny, black Ford silently running on a muddy road, which was currently winding through a small but gruesome wood on a tranquil hill, called the Silent Hill by the local residents. Inside the car there sat three persons: Tom, a giant, strong but somehow a bit barbarian guy, was driving in the front; Maria, Toms wife, a small and sensitive woman, also quite a tough figure, together with a thin and pale man quietly sitting beside her, was currently sitting in the back. The man looked much younger than the couple in the car, with his vague eyes aimlessly penetrating into the endless darkness outside through the rattling filthy window.

"What a terrible weather!" Tom grumbled with considerable annoyance, "So Maria, are you out of your stupid mind? You know my mother will have her birthday tomorrow! I can never understand why we should make such a damned journey this night!"

"Oh, behave yourself, please! Ive already explained it to you almost a thousand times!" angrily reply Maria, "You know its such a long distance and we may even not arrive there until midday, moreover, we e expected to do most of the preparation there. Each year is just the same, while this time…" Suddenly she paused, slightly turned her head to her right and made a warm glance at the silent man beside her.

"While this time, we are honoured to have the most precious guest with us; your dearest brother." Rudely interrupting his wifes words, Tom coldly remarked, with apparent sarcasm in his tone.

This thin and pale young man was exactly Marias brother, whom she miraculously recognized at once on that miraculous afternoon last month, in spite of the total loss of connection for almost ten years between them. The door bell rang miraculously while she was habitually reading that days newspaper; she opened the door, and there miraculously stood this poor fellow, looking terribly tired and dusty, as if just returning from an arduous expedition.

"Well, he is quite a mystery then," turning his head around, Tom impolitely spoke to the quiet young man, "You guy, just let me know what youve been doing these years indeed! Em, you must have made an enormous fortune, but are the least willing to share with us!"

"Tom, what you are talking about! Arthur has already told us exactly on the day of his arrival that he had a traffic accident, thus forgot all his past! You surely know it, as clearly as me!" Maria reproached her husband with anger,"And look ahead, you e always too careless when driving!"

"Excellent excuse! Forget all his past? Then still remember you, his dearest sister? Even our house? What a marvel!" The sarcasm in Toms voice was greater than ever.

Maria helplessly opened her mouth as if wanting to oppose, but eventually made no sound at all. In heart she understood as well that Arthurs excuse was really far from being convincing. However, in her opinion, he had probably experienced something tragic in life, which he was absolutely unwilling to reveal to others, even his most intimate relative…after all, she understood her brother well, even better than he understood himself…

"Well, was the past really so important? Lets always look ahead in our life, shall we?" A very tender, sweet voice suddenly wafted into Marias meditation. Raising her head, she gave a sympathetic smile to the maker of that sound. In her eyes, regardless of these years separation, her brother was still that innocent, gentle boy in her memory, always with agreeable speech and decent behaviour.

"Well, in my mind, above all Arthur is still that lovable boy, and thats already enough." With an unsuppressed impulse, she felt that it was a necessity to speak for the gentleman beside her. "Above all, Tom, you just can ignore that during these days, how polite he has been, and how many favors he has done us…"

"Well, well! Your brother is indeed a saint." Tom interrupted with considerable impatience and sarcasm. "but I seriously suggest that this saint not always lock his door and make the damned noises inside his room at midnight!"

Hearing this, Arthur took on a totally confused expression, so did Maria. At home she always fell into deep sleep at night, while her husband invariably woke up at midnight, and even occasionally took a sleepless wander outside the house. In his own words, in complete darkness and silence breathing the holy air of the mysterious night turned out to be a special treatment of enjoyment that nothing else could offer.

"You e just making a fuss." Maria replied with indifference. Her brothers naturally confused, innocent face without the least artifice convinced her that it was actually nothing more than an unaware, annoying habit that everyone might have when sleeping.
