2000字范文 > There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about theof a

There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about theof a

时间:2022-09-07 10:19:41


There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about theof a


There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about theof an act of kindness, which has motivated me to give.

On the day I went to that shop, I waswith a very high fever. I had been off work for days and I hadout of food. Because I had been working so hard since I had to town, I also had no friends who could help.

So I went out to get some food. , I would have gone to the supermarket, but on this , I went into the Greek shop because it was closer. Ia few things, which revealed thethat I lived alone. Then Ithem to the shopkeeper, who told me, “You are unwell.” Irather shyly. She pointed at the things I was buying and“I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself.”

So, she made the sandwich and asked me toa moment. She went in the back room and reappeared with a container of hot soup.” It willyou up,” she said with a smile.

What really warmed me up, , was not the soup. It was herthat told me she cared. Her kindness made me feel cared for when I was particularly.

And itme. It made me want to be asas the shopkeeper. I had been quite shy, but, from that day on, I did not let shyness prevent me fromrandom acts of kindness.

I was determined tothe joy… and I haven’t felt lonely since!

【小题1】A.powerB.methodC.lessonD.cause【小题2】A.sickB.angryC.satisfiedD.nervous【小题3】A.madeB.soldC.runD.eaten【小题4】A.arrivedB.turnedC.movedD.saved【小题5】A.NormallyB.OfficiallyC.FormallyD.Probably【小题6】A.chanceB.occasionC.pointD.reason【小题7】A.picked upB.took inC.gave offD.made out【小题8】A.newsB.factC.secretD.idea【小题9】A.handedB.lentC.returnedD.threw【小题10】A.paidB.listenedC.noddedD.followed【小题11】A.promisedB.wonderedC.introducedD.offered【小题12】A.leaveB.stopC.waitD.last【小题13】A.warmB.takeC.putD.catch【小题14】A.thusB.evenC.stillD.though【小题15】A.permissionB.choiceC.smileD.view【小题16】A.boredB.curiousC.guiltyD.lonely【小题17】A.surprisedB.inspiredC.developedD.punished【小题18】A.patientB.lovelyC.kindD.pure【小题19】A.performingB.judgingC.acceptingD.helping【小题20】A.holdB.spreadC.enjoyD.valueA




【小题1】根据后文的“Her kindness made me feel cared for...”可知,店主让作者感受到了善意的力量,A力量;B方法;C教训,功课;D原因,事业。故选A。

【小题2】I waswith a very high fever作者发高烧了,A生病的;B生气的;C满意的;D紧张的。故选A。

【小题3】I had been off work for days and I hadout of food.作者好几天没上班了,食物也即将吃完,A制作,做;B售卖;C跑;D吃。run out of sth用完某物,故选C。

【小题4】Because I had been working so hard since I had to town因为作者搬家到城里以后就开始努力工作,A到达;B转向;C移动,搬家;D拯救。故选C。

【小题5】, I would have gone to the supermarket,通常情况下,会去超市买东西,A正常地;B官方地;C正式地;D可能地。故选A。

【小题6】but on this , I went into the Greek shop但是在生病的情况下,作者去了就近的商店,A机会,可能;B时候,场合,机会;C观点,意义,地方,分数;D原因。on this occasion在这种情况下,故选B。

【小题7】Ia few things,作者挑选了一些东西,A拿起,捡起,车接,学会,好转;B吸收,领会,欺骗;C释放,发出;D辨认出,理解。故选A。

【小题8】which revealed thethat I lived alone作者挑选的东西揭示了他一个人居住的事实,A新闻;B事实;C秘密;D想法。故选B。

【小题9】Then Ithem to the shopkeeper作者把选好的东西递给店主,A传递;B借出;C归还;D扔掉。故选A。

【小题10】who told me, “You are unwell.” Irather shyly.店主问作者是不是不舒服,作者含羞地点了点头,A支付;B听;C点头;D跟随。故选C。

【小题11】She pointed at the things I was buying and“I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself.”店主指着作者买的东西,主动提出帮作者做三明治,A承诺,答应;B怀疑,想知道;C介绍;D主动提出。故选D。

【小题12】So, she made the sandwich and asked me toa moment.她去做三明治,让作者等一会儿,A离开;B停止;C等待;D持续。故选C。

【小题13】and reappeared with a container of hot soup.” It willyou up,” she said with a smile.店主端着一碗热汤给作者,让作者暖一下,A暖和;B带走;C放置;D捉住,赶上。warm sb up使某人暖和起来,根据下段的“What really warmed me up,”可知正确答案,故选A。

【小题14】What really warmed me up, , was not the soup.但是,真正让作者感到暖和的不是热汤,A因此;B甚至;C仍然;D但是。故选D。

【小题15】It was herthat told me she cared.是店主的微笑告诉作者,她是在关心作者,A允许;B选择;C微笑;D观点。故选C。

【小题16】根据第三段“which revealed thethat I lived alone”可知,作者很独孤,A厌烦的;B好奇的;C内疚的;D孤独的。故选D。

【小题17】And itme. It made me want to be asas the shopkeeper.店主的善意鼓舞了作者,作者想向她学习,A惊讶;B鼓舞;C发展;D惩罚。故选B。

【小题18】want to be asas the shopkeeper.作者想变得和那个店主一样有爱心,A耐心的;B可爱的;C友善的;D纯净的。故选C。

【小题19】I did not let shyness prevent me fromrandom acts of kindness作者决定不再让害羞阻止作者向他人展示自己的爱心,A实行,完成,执行,表演,;B判断;C接受;D帮助。故选A。

【小题20】I was determined tothe joy作者下定决心把帮助他人而得到的欢乐传递出去,A握住,持有,认为;B传播;C喜欢,享受;D重视。故选B。
