2000字范文 > A mother isdevastated crying yelling all she can in that dark corner. There was nobody t

A mother isdevastated crying yelling all she can in that dark corner. There was nobody t

时间:2022-08-01 05:06:10


A mother isdevastated  crying  yelling all she can in that dark corner. There was nobody t


A mother isdevastated, crying, yelling all she can in that dark corner. There was nobody tohear her yell and not a soul to calm her, because outside her house is a long winding lonely road.The wind was at rest and the leaves didn rustle, silence filling the air. Loneliness was alreadykilling her, but no one knows what made her cry?

Losing something you love with all your heart isn really the pain you can ever overcome.Radha lost her baby, her only means to live. She saw her child getting killed and the accidentwas terrible. One lonely night, she was walking down the street to get a breath of fresh air withher child hugged tight in her arms.

The whole time she walked with her child in her arms, the only thing that worried her wasAryans future. She was imagining and feeling every day of the childs growthand figuringwhat she would have in store for him. But who knows whats in store for us tomorrow, life canchange in a second.

On that deserted road, were a few streetlights barely enough? It was this one light that couldbe seen from a distance,but as it came closer it got brighter and brighter. That light changedRadhas life into darkness forever. A speeding car came down that road. The driver came with a full speed throwing beer bottles out of his half open window. He was definitely drunk,and the speed took, everything in its path. Just then, there was a loud cry, and silence set in again.

But the mother wasn hurt. She opened her eyes, unable to focus her eyes, and didn seeAryan. After a few minutes when her sight cleared up she looked all over in a panic for her baby,but alas! ... The child hadn even seen life.

Simple, don drink and drive.You could take a life, but kill a number of people.

【小题1】The word devastated in Paragraph 1 would probably mean.A.worriedB.scaredC.heart-brokenD.weather-beaten【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE of Radha?A.She had expected much of Aryan.B.She got her eyes injured in the accident.C.She was hit by one bottle on the arm.D.She had everything ready for Aryans future.【小题3】The last sentence underlined implies that.A.drunk driving is absolutely forbiddenB.drunk driving is certain to kill a lot of peopleC.the driver killed Aryan and his motherD.there is more than one victim in a car accident【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?A.The Death of a Miserable ChildB.A Sad Mother on a Windy NightC.The Price for Another Mans MistakeD.Overspeeding from Drunk DrivingC




【小题1】C 猜测词义题根据后文叙述的母亲在意外事故中失去孩子的故事,判断出这位母亲是:伤心欲绝的;心碎的;而不是A 担心的;B 害怕的 D. 饱经风霜的;风雨侵蚀的

【小题2】A 推理判断题根据第二段第二句:She was imagining and feeling every day of the childs growthand figuringwhat she would have in store for him.她一直在想象着、感受着孩子的成长,琢磨着她要为孩子准备些什么。说明她对孩子的期望。

【小题3】D 推理判断题根据这次事故不仅夺去了孩子的生命,也使得孩子母亲处于无尽的悲伤和痛苦之中,说明在交通事故中,受害的不仅仅只是被夺去生命的人。

【小题4】C 主旨大意题根据最后一段Simple, don drink and drive.You could take a life, but kill a number of people.别酒后驾车。你可能只撞死一个人,但可能会毁了许多人的生活。
