2000字范文 > 旅游外汇收入 revenue of tour foreign exchange英语短句 例句大全

旅游外汇收入 revenue of tour foreign exchange英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 05:11:54


旅游外汇收入 revenue of tour foreign exchange英语短句 例句大全

旅游外汇收入,revenue of tour foreign exchange

1)revenue of tour foreign exchange旅游外汇收入

1.This article selects the data ofrevenue of tour foreign exchange in each province from 1994 to ,analyzes them using quantitative model.选取1994~各省旅游外汇收入统计数据,利用定量模型进行分析研究,发掘出了我国旅游业发展在空间格局变化方面的一些特殊规律,对于促进我国旅游业持续健康发展具有重要意义。


1.An Empirical Study on Seasonal Adjustment of the Foreign Exchange Revenue from China s Inbound Travel;中国入境旅游外汇收入季节调整实证分析

2.Optimal Modeling and Forecasting on 30 Year Tourism Foreign Exchange Earnings基于30年入境旅游外汇收入的最佳建模与预测

3.Income of foreign exchange from international tourism reached 20.4 billion US dollars, up 14.6 percent.国际旅游外汇收入204亿美元,比上年增长14.6%。

4.An Analysis of the Contribution of Tourism Foreign Exchange Revenue to National Economic Growth;旅游外汇收入对国民经济增长的贡献分析

5.The Economic Impact of Tourism Foreign Exchange Earning in the Regions Between Provincial Borders of China;我国省际旅游外汇收入的区域经济影响分析

6.An Analysis on Factors Which Influence China’s Revenue of Tourist Foreign Exchange;我国旅游外汇收入的影响因素及管理策略分析

7.In 2001, the region hosted 273,000 international tourists, and earned US$ 98.56 million in foreign exchange.2001年,新疆接待国际旅游人数27.3万人次,旅游外汇收入9856万美元;

8.the Research on the Relations between the Employed Population of Different Fields and the International Tourism Earnings;各地区按行业就业人员数与国际旅游外汇收入关系

9.Application of Gray System to Econormy-Quantitative Analysis of Influence of SARS on Foreign Exchange Income in Travel Industry;灰色系统在经济上的应用——定量分析SARS对旅游外汇收入的影响

10.Using the model of econometrics, the paper analyzes the spillover effect of international tourism receipt on GDP.并以西安市为案例,运用计量经济模型,定量分析了旅游外汇收入对GDP的影响。

11.Service trade has developed steadily, and the number of inbound tourist arrivals and our foreign exchange earnings from tourism increased considerably.服务贸易稳步发展,入境旅游人数和外汇收入大幅度增加。

12.Lisbon’s foreign earnings have been badly hurt by the drastic drop in tourism.由于旅游业的严重滑坡,里斯本的外汇收入大受影响。

13.The Cointegration Analysis on Exchange Rate and Income of China Inbone Tourism;汇率变动与中国入境旅游收入的协整分析

14.We hope the extension plan improve the development of Alishan tour and increase the tourists also foreign exchange income.期藉本计划的完成与执行,带动整个阿里山旅游的发展,倍增访台国际观光客人数与外汇收入。

15.Which will enable us to increase our foreign exchange earnings.能使我增加外汇收入。

16.The tourism revenue totaled 22.8 billion yuan, up 15 percent.旅游收入228亿元,增长15%。

17.We should develop international tourism and increase foreign exchange earnings through non-trade channels.要发展国际旅游,增加非贸易收汇。

18.Tourism earns most of the foreign exchange for Egypt every year.旅游业每年为埃及赚回大部分外汇。


foreign exchange earnings from tourism旅游外汇收入

1.Based on the stationarity test of time alignment, it can be determined that there is no cointegration betweenforeign exchange earnings from tourism and economic growth.依据时间序列的平稳性检验可以判定:旅游外汇收入和经济增长两时间序列之间应不是协整的。

3)inbound tourism receipts入境旅游外汇收入

1.This article built a SARIMA model of China sinbound tourism receipts and made a quantitative analysis of the degree time lag of the impacts of SARS on China sinbound tourism receipts.本文通过建立中国入境旅游外汇收入的SARIMA模型,定量分析了SARS对中国入境旅游收入的影响程度及影响时滞,克服了采用传统“同期比”方法分析该问题时不考虑旅游业自身发展趋势的不足,以期能得到关于SARS对中国入境旅游收入影响的客观认识。

4)international tourism receipts国际旅游外汇收入

5)average earnings in foreign exchange每人次旅游外汇收入

6)tourism income旅游收入

1.Based in the some statistical data, author makes some analysis to international market of tourism guests& foreign exchange income, to internal market of tourism guests as well as receiving capacity in all hotels,then according to data to forecast international & internal receiving capacity andtourism income after several years,and the same time the pape.作者根据一定的统计数据 ,对四川省旅游的国际客源市场及其外汇收入、国内客源市场状况与全省饭店接待能力等进行了详细的分析 ,然后根据一定历史时段的资料对未来若干年的国际国内游客接待量与旅游收入进行了预测 ,并对达到预测目标的可行性进行了评价。

2.In this paper, the development of Beijing’s recenttourism income targets, combined with spatial analysis technology, will reveal the spatial development patterns and the phenomenon of uneven development through exploration of regional differences.如何更快更好的发展旅游经济,提高旅游收入,是旅游业发展的目标,因为旅游经济收入是衡量旅游经济发展水平和旅游企业经营效果的重要标志。

3.The paper studies the tourism situation in Henan province,and puts forward to grey comprehensive relationship degree based on the grey theory,chooses nine factors effectingtourism income to analyze quantitatively.结果表明,河南旅游经济潜力巨大,社会经济的发展和基础设施的不断完善对旅游收入有较大的促进作用。


旅游外汇收入旅游外汇收入international tourism receipt!口you waihui shouru旅游外汇收入(intemational tourism reeeipt)一个国家为人境的国际旅游者(包括过夜和不过夜旅游者)提供的商品及各种服务所得到的外汇收人。也称国际旅游收入。旅游外汇收人分为商品性收人和劳务性收人两大类。商品性收入提供给旅游者实物形式的商品而得到的外汇收人。包括销售商品和提供饮食所得到的外汇收人。商品销售收人指销售给旅游者商品而得到的外汇收人,如各种生活用品、工艺美术品、药品、书报杂志等。饮食销售收人指为旅游者提供膳食、饮料等而得到的外汇收人。劳务性收入为旅游者提供劳务性服务而得到的外汇收人。包括旅行社旅游业务费收人、宿费、长途交通费、市内交通费、邮政电信费、文化娱乐费等各项费用收人。旅行社旅游业务费收人指旅行社营业外汇收人中扣除支付给有关部门的宿费、餐费、交通费、文娱活动费用开支后余下的翻译导游费、各项手续费及其他服务性收人。宿费指为旅游者提供饭店、宾馆客房住宿服务而得到的外汇收入。长途交通费指为旅游者提供飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等长途运输服务而得到的外汇收人。市内交通费指为旅游者提供市内交通服务而得到的外汇收人。邮政电信费指为旅游者提供邮寄文件、包裹、长途电话、电报等服务而得到的外汇收人。文化娱乐费指为旅游者提供游览、游船、弹子房等各种文化娱乐服务而得到的外汇收人。其他指上述各项目以外为旅游者提供其他服务,如医疗、美容、洗染等而得到的外汇收人。(牛亚菲)
