2000字范文 > 外汇敞口 Exposure of Foreign Exchange英语短句 例句大全

外汇敞口 Exposure of Foreign Exchange英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-12 15:03:21


外汇敞口 Exposure of Foreign Exchange英语短句 例句大全

外汇敞口,Exposure of Foreign Exchange

1)Exposure of Foreign Exchange外汇敞口

2)foreign exchange risk exposure外汇风险敞口

1.It also identifies gauges and then analyses theirforeign exchange risk exposure.考察了汇率改革相关事件对上市公司所产生的影响及其作用形式,对一系列外贸型企业的外汇风险敞口进行识别、度量、分析,并对可能影响外汇风险敞口的若干因素,包括所属行业和外汇收入占比进行了探索。

3)foreign exchange gap外汇缺口


1.foreign exchange gap and savings gap外汇缺口与储蓄缺口

2.CASEE [certificate for advance surrender of export exchange]预缴出口外汇证明书

3.When goods are exported, foreign exchange is earned.出口了货物,收进了外汇。

4.because of that country"s exchange control problems or foreign exchange shortage,由于对方国家的外汇短缺或者外汇管制,

5.A Literature Review of Internal-external Equilibrium Policy Coordination under Three-gap Model--Based on the Exchange Rate Regime of Basket Currencies;“三缺口模型”下的内外均衡政策搭配文献综述——基于篮子货币汇率制度

6.The buyers can overcome their foreign exchange difficulties.买方可以克服他们外汇短缺的困难。

7.On the Absence and Adjustment of the Legal Regulation Concerning the Management of Foreign Currency in China;中国外汇管理法律制度的缺失与调整

8.Study on elusion of transaction risk under new exchange rate regime;新的汇率机制下出口企业外汇交易风险防范

9.We always help the enterprise of foreign investment adjust their foreign exchange surplus and deficiency.我们总是帮助外资企业调剂外汇剩余和短缺。

10.Will the growth of the economy be impeded by a shortage of foreign exchange and a deficit in foreign trade?外汇短缺,外贸发生逆差,会不会拖我们的后腿?

11.liberalization of import licensing and exchange control解除进口领证和外汇管制

12.Foreign exchange controls related to imports and exports与进出口有关的外汇管制

13.The priority in obtaining loans and foreign currencies based on export performance.根据出口实绩优先获得贷款和外汇

14.(3) It will be able to expand the export of its products and increase foreign exchange earnings;(三)能扩大产品出口,增加外汇收入;

15.A Study on Huge Foreign Exchange Reseres and Export Immiserizing Growth;高额外汇储备与出口贫困化增长探析

16.Emprical Analysis on the Relations between Exchange Rate and China’s Foreign Export;汇率与中国对外出口关系的实证研究

17.Divergence between FX payments and import-export in export processing zones;出口加工区外汇收支与进出口背离解析

18.We can provide the foreign currency required for importing the equipment and technology by that earned from exporting the products.我们能用出口赚得的外汇来平衡引进设备和技术所需的外汇。


foreign exchange risk exposure外汇风险敞口

1.It also identifies gauges and then analyses theirforeign exchange risk exposure.考察了汇率改革相关事件对上市公司所产生的影响及其作用形式,对一系列外贸型企业的外汇风险敞口进行识别、度量、分析,并对可能影响外汇风险敞口的若干因素,包括所属行业和外汇收入占比进行了探索。

3)foreign exchange gap外汇缺口

4)import exchange进口外汇

5)negative gap of foreign exchange外汇负缺口

6)export without foreign exchange无外汇出口


