2000字范文 > 孝义文化 the culture of Filial Piety and Righteousness英语短句 例句大全

孝义文化 the culture of Filial Piety and Righteousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-11 16:24:15


孝义文化 the culture of Filial Piety and Righteousness英语短句 例句大全

孝义文化,the culture of Filial Piety and Righteousness

1)the culture of Filial Piety and Righteousness孝义文化

2)The Ming Dynasty s Fidelity Culture明代孝义文化

3)Xiaogan Culture of filial Duty孝感孝文化


1.Thinkings on the Form of Xiaogan Culture and Its Contemporary Value关于孝感孝文化形态及其当代价值的若干思考

2.On "Dongyong and the Seventh Fairy Maiden" in Xiaogan "Filial Culture": Confirmation of "Xiaogan is Dongyong s Native Place;孝感“孝文化”中的“董永与七仙女”——“孝感是董永故里”的印证

3.On the Filial Culture and Marketing Strategies for Xiaogan City"s Urban Brand孝文化与孝感市城市品牌营销策略研究

4.The Construction of Filial Piety Culture and Schooling--Thoughts about the Construction of Filial Piety Culture;“孝文化”建设与学校教育——关于“孝文化”建设的思考

5.On the Filial Consciousness of The Peony Pavilion and A Dream of Red Mansions and the Filial Culture of Ancient China;论《牡丹亭》、《红楼梦》之孝亲意识与中国古代孝文化

6.On the Filial Piety of Han Dynasty;试论汉代文化的重要特点之一:重视孝道与《孝经》

7.Use the Filial Piety to Expand the Advanced Culture in Rural Areas--A Survey of the Practice of Filial Piety in Xiaoshun;以孝德文化建设拓展农村先进文化建设——对孝顺镇加强孝德文化建设的思考

8.Analysis of Citations in Journal of Xiaogan University (Natural Science Edition);《孝感学院学报》(自然科学版)引文分析

9.Statistical Analysis on Published Papers in Journal of Xiaogan University (Natural Sciences Edition);《孝感学院学报》(自然科学版)载文分析

10.The Culture of Filial Piety in the Song Dynasty--Research from the culture of filial piety in the tomb of the Song Dynasty;宋代孝文化述议——从宋代墓葬体现的孝文化因素谈起

11.Perspective from Filial Piety Culture Of Household Providing for the Aged--Treatise on the Originality Relation Between Filial Piety Culture and Household Providing for the Aged;家庭养老的孝文化透视——试论孝文化与家庭养老的“本原关系”

12.Reflection of the Traditional Filial Piety Culture in Contemporary Countryside;当代农村传统孝文化审视——以丰台岭村为个案的孝文化调查与思考

13.The Theme of Filial Piety in Bai Folk Literature and Han Culture;白族民间文学的“孝”主题与汉文化

14.A Study on the Thoughts of Filial Piety and Provison for the Aged in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的孝与养老思想探究

15.Filial Piety and the Moral Situation of Minors in Chinese Culture;孝与中国文化中未成年人的道德境况

16.Personal Analysis on the Filial Piety Based on "Knotweed,Verse Classics";从《诗经·小雅·蓼莪》浅谈孝道文化

17.Yumuzhai s Picture of Dutiful Son in Tablet Inscription and Its Culture Interpretation;鱼木寨碑刻孝子图本事及其文化解读

18.The Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Filial Piety Culture and Its Realistic Significance;中国传统孝文化的特点及其现实意义


The Ming Dynasty s Fidelity Culture明代孝义文化

3)Xiaogan Culture of filial Duty孝感孝文化

4)Piety Culture孝文化

1.The paper analyses the meaning of piety culture,reviews various phenomena of lacking piety culture among the youth,brings forward that it should be strengthened to cultivate traditional piety culture among the youth,get the real meaning of piety culture and impels the construction of piety culture in new era.本文阐述了传统孝文化的内涵,回顾了当前青少年中孝文化缺失的种种现象,提出在广大青少年朋友中应该加强传统的孝文化教育,把握孝文化的真正内涵,推动新时期孝文化的建设。

2.Today we are building the harmonious society,so carrying forward the essence of traditional piety culture can not only help promote familiess amity and social stability,but also improve the whole moral qualities and strengthen the cohesiveness of Chinese people.在构建社会主义和谐社会的今天,弘扬传统孝文化的精华,不但有利于促进家庭和睦团结、社会稳定发展,而且有利于提高社会整体道德素质和增强中华民族的凝聚力。

5)filial piety culture孝文化

1.Perspective from Filial Piety Culture Of Household Providing for the Aged——Treatise on the Originality Relation Between Filial Piety Culture and Household Providing for the Aged;家庭养老的孝文化透视——试论孝文化与家庭养老的“本原关系”

2.The Appreciation of Present value of Chinese Traditional Filial Piety Culture from the Visual angle of Population Ageing;人口老龄化视阈下中国传统孝文化的当代价值管窥

3.Onfilial piety culture characteristics in the Song Dynasty;论宋朝孝文化发展的特征

6)filial culture孝文化

1.On Traditional Japanese “Filial Culture”;日本传统“孝文化”漫谈

2.Past dynasties advocatedfilial culture in our country because it is not only necessary for maintaining feudal monarch s political government,but also necessary for the economic functions such as promoting small-scale peasant economy s development and providing social security.我国历代统治者之所以倡导孝文化,不仅是为了维护封建帝王政治统治的需要,更重要的是孝文化还发挥着促进小农经济发展和提供社会保障等多重经济功能。

3.The main carrier offilial culture is the literature of pre-Qin.孝文化的主要载体是先秦典籍,把《孝经》与《诗经》、《春秋左氏传》、《论语》、《孟子》、《吕氏春秋》、《韩非子》、《礼记》、《周易》、《中庸》、《大学》、《尚书》、《墨子》、《管子》等上古文献进行了比较,参考明代以来学者的观点,从孝道的角度辨析了《孝经》的历史地位,认为这些文献共同构建了早期的孝文化。


