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《孝经》 The Classic of Filial Piety英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-24 05:31:21


《孝经》 The Classic of Filial Piety英语短句 例句大全

《孝经》,The Classic of Filial Piety

1)The Classic of Filial Piety《孝经》

1.The Reorganization on the Classic of Filial Piety by Tang Xuanzong论唐玄宗对《孝经》文本的整理

2.The Classic of Filial Piety, the earliest writing in our history to dissertate filial piety systemically, is the shortest one of the The thirteen confucican classics.作为我国历史上第一部系统论述孝道思想的著作《孝经》,在儒家《十三经》中部头最小,全文不过一千八百余言,但两千年来,上至帝王将相,下至黎民百姓,都对之广为传习,备加尊崇。


1.An Analysis on Different Filial Pieties of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety浅析《孝经》与《孝论》不同的孝亲观

2.An Analysis on the Difference of Filial Piety of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety解析《孝经》与《孝论》孝亲观的差异

3.Research on the Name of “The Classic of Filial Piety”--Also the Formation of the Book;《孝经》名义考——兼及《孝经》的成书时代

4.To Preserve or to Discard: On the Relations between Twenty-four Rules of Filial Piety and On Filial Piety;《二十四孝》与《孝经》的关系及其扬弃

5.Book of Filial Piety Theorised ahout Confucianism"s Filial Piety Thoughts先秦儒家孝思想的理论化成果:《孝经》

6.The Implications of Confucius Idea of Filial Piety Seen from The Analects and The Book of Filial Piety;从《论语》和《孝经》看孔子“孝”思想的可能意蕴

7.On the Filial Piety of Han Dynasty;试论汉代文化的重要特点之一:重视孝道与《孝经》

8.The Sexual Idea of Ancient Greece and the Filial Piety Thought of Pre-Qin Period--A Comparison Between "A conversation" and "The Theory of Xiao";古希腊“性”的理念与先秦“孝”之思想——《孝经》、《会饮》比较一二

9.Xiao Jing is an ancient book dealing with the confucianist thought of filial duty and filial rule, and it owns its unigue position in the formation and development of confucianist thought.《孝经》是专门论述儒家孝道、孝治思想的典籍,在儒家思想形成及发展中占有独特的地位。

10.The Analysis on the "Filial Scripture"s Role for the Consolidation of Feudal Governing;《孝经》在巩固封建统治中的作用机制分析

11.How the Feudal Dynasties Can Maintain Stable: A Treatise on Classics of Filial piety (Xiao Jing);中国古代王权稳固的基石——从《孝经》思想谈起

12.In mourning: Rapper Kanye West is mourning the sudden death of his mother, and manager, Dr. Donda West戴孝:说唱歌手正在为他妈妈和经理人:dr. Donda West的突然死亡戴孝。

13.I am really exhausted after have to entertain my wife and kid."为""孝顺""老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力尽"

14.I am really exhausted after having to entertain my wife and kid.为“孝顺”老婆和孩子,我已经筋疲力

15.I am really exhausted after had to entertain my wife and kid.为"孝顺"老婆和孩子,我已经精疲力尽。

16.On the Identified Falsehood of Classical Chinese Writing the Book of Filiality Confucian Commentary of Japan by Zheng Zhen;论郑珍对日本《古文孝经孔氏传》之辨伪

17.Personal Analysis on the Filial Piety Based on "Knotweed,Verse Classics";从《诗经·小雅·蓼莪》浅谈孝道文化

18.Thought of Filial Piety and Morality based on the Jataka of Samaka;从《睒子经变》看佛教艺术中的孝道思想


The Book of Filial Piety《孝经》

1.On the Relation betweenThe Book of Filial Piety and the Literature of Pre-Qin;试论《孝经》与先秦典藉的关系

2.The Implications of Confucius Idea of Filial Piety Seen from The Analects andThe Book of Filial Piety;从《论语》和《孝经》看孔子“孝”思想的可能意蕴

3)Book of Filial Piety《孝经》

1.An Analysis on Different Filial Pieties ofBook of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety浅析《孝经》与《孝论》不同的孝亲观

2.An Analysis on the Difference of Filial Piety ofBook of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety解析《孝经》与《孝论》孝亲观的差异

3.Book of Filial Piety Theorised ahout Confucianism"s Filial Piety Thoughts先秦儒家孝思想的理论化成果:《孝经》

4)Xiao Jing《孝经》

1.OnXiao Jing s Moral Education Thought;《孝经》道德教化思想探析

2.Zheng Xuan andXiao Jing Zheng Zhu——a Masterpiece;传世《孝经》郑注的再考察

5)The Piety Scripture孝经

6)Corrections for the Book of Obedience《孝经刊误》

1.On the Influence of Zhu Xi sCorrections for the Book of Obedience;论朱熹《孝经刊误》的影响


