2000字范文 > 违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law英语短句 例句大全

违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-19 22:25:53


违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law英语短句 例句大全

违反法律,breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law

1)breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law违反法律


1.be contrary to the law, rules, etc违反法律、 规则等

2.The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law .该程序违反法律原则。

3.(v) The contract violates a mandatory provision of any law or administrative regulation.(五)违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定。

4.Dismissing a worker without reason is against the law无故解雇一个工人是违反法律的

5.Dismiss a worker without reason is against the law.无故解雇一个工人是违反法律的。

6.Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law.无知不能成为违反法律的理由

7.Property ownership shall not be obtained in violation of the law.财产所有权的取得,不得违反法律规定。

8.break the law, the rules, the conditions, etc违反法律、 规则、 所定条件等

9.branded or labeled falsely and in violation of statutory requirements.错误的并违反法律要求的贴标签的。

10.those that violate the law or the public interest;违反法律或者社会公共利益的;

11.Contents of the agreement shall not go against the law.调解协议的内容不得违反法律规定。

12.He acknowledged that he had broken the law.他供认他违反了法律。

13.He acknowledged having broken the law.他供认违反了法律。

14.(2) Violation of China"s laws;(二)违反中国法律的;

15.offending against or breaking a law or rule.违反、破坏法律或规则的。

16.To break or disregard(a law or promise, for example).违犯违反或藐视(如法律,诺言等)

17.One type of law that requires civil disobedience is any law that breaks our basic moral code.一类需要文明违反的法律是那些违反了基本道德准则的法律。

18.Other information that infringes the law;其他违反国家法律的内容;


contrary to law[专]违反法律

3)A transgression of law; a crime.违法违反法律;一种犯罪

4)Violate Law Function违反法律程序

5)prevent violation of the laws防止违反法律

6)inventions contrary to laws违反法律的发明


