2000字范文 > 失职 breach of duty英语短句 例句大全

失职 breach of duty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-28 00:38:15


失职 breach of duty英语短句 例句大全

失职,breach of duty

1)breach of duty失职


1.a breach of duty失职,玩忽职守行为

2.culpable negligence应受惩罚的疏忽[失职]

3.If I do not report it, I shall fail in my duty.如果我不报告,就失职了。

4.He came in for a good deal of criticism for neglect of duty.他因失职而大受批评。

5.No buck-passing should be allowed on any account, and those who neglect their duties should be penalized.失职者要追究责任。

6.The one is derelict; the other is deception.一个是失职,一个是欺骗。

7.He lost his job by default of duly.他因失职而被解聘。

8.The captain"s delinquency led to the loss of the ship.船长失职而损失了一艘轮船.

9.On "Breach of Duty" and "Autocratic Monarchy" of Central Government Officials in Five Dynasties论五代中央职官的“失职”与“君主专制”

10.the party concerned shall be disqualified from conducting inspection on the ground of abuse of power, seeking private benefits through wrongful means, neglect of duty, or serious breach of duty分别以滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、严重失职论,撤销其检验资格:

11.The boss called him over for neglecting his duty.他因失职被老板训斥了一顿。

12.he lost his professorship;他失去了教授的职位;

13.The attempt to bribe the clerk fail.行贿职员的企图失败了。

14.failing in what duty requires.在职务的要求中有过失。

15.Such Behaviour lost him his joB.这种行为使他失去职业。

16.Occupational Deafness Medical Committee职业性失聪医事委员会

17.Occupational Deafness Compensation Scheme职业性失聪补偿计划

18.Occupational Deafness Compensation Fund职业性失聪补偿基金


dereliction of duty失职

1.The article introduced the legal responsibility and its scope, the historical of conduct standard and the function of expert evidence adducing in judging hospital staffdereliction of duty in USA.本文介绍美国法律责任及责任范围的确定、职业行为标准的历史发展过程、专家举证在法庭判定医护人员失职的程序中的作用。

2.At present there is different understanding on teacher sdereliction of duty, and some cryptic or internal behavior of duty dereliction may not bring any concern.目前教师是否存在教学失职行为被作为学校评定教师教学质量的重要依据 ,但何为真正意义上的“教学失职” ,社会上对此在认识上还存在着偏差。

3)misconduct and inaction失职与旷职

4)administrative negligence of duty行政失职

5)government fault政府失职

1.During a transitional period from planned economy to market economy, government function has remained somehow unchanged thatgovernment faults still exist in many areas.市场经济条件下,政府与市场的关系决定了政府的职能,但在我国经济转型时期,政府职能还没有转变,政府失职的地方还很多,这成为市场经济发展的障碍。

6)function deficiency职能缺失


失职1.失去常业;失所。 2.怠忽职守;未尽职责。 3.失去职权。
