2000字范文 > 制度变迁动因 the causes of institutional change英语短句 例句大全

制度变迁动因 the causes of institutional change英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-11 09:03:08


制度变迁动因 the causes of institutional change英语短句 例句大全

制度变迁动因,the causes of institutional change

1)the causes of institutional change制度变迁动因


1.Institutional Economics Analysis on the Motivation of China"s Economics System Vicissitude中国经济制度变迁动因的制度经济学分析

2.Insight into Motivation on the Change of RMB Exchange Rate Regime;我国人民币汇率制度变迁动因的制度经济学透视

3.Population Mobility, Public Revenue and Expenditure--Analysis of the Evolution of Huji System;人口流动性、公共收入与支出——户籍制度变迁动因分析

4.An Motive Analysis to the BOD Institutional Change in Private Universities民办高校董事会制度变迁的动因分析

5.Research on the Development Causes of Venezuela′s Political Party System from the Angle of System Transformation;从制度变迁看委内瑞拉政党制度的发展动因

6.The Reservoir Migrants Return Migration in the Institutional Perspective;制度变迁背景下的水库移民返迁——人口迁移动因的推拉理论的完善

7.Study on the Interactive Relation of Institution Transition and Ecological Environment Transition;制度变迁与生态环境变迁互动关系研究

8.The Self-organizing Model of the Mutal Actions in Two Ways between System s Change and Technological Change;技术变迁与制度变迁双向互动的自组织模型

9.Instiution Changes:Inner Dynamical Mechanism of Culture Transformation;制度变迁:文化转型的内在动力机制

10.Second, it examines the forces that caused the changes of taxation law and tax-collecting institutions in China and the West.第二部分分析清代中西税收法律制度变迁的动力和原因 ;

11.The Organization Features and the Evolution Drive of Agriculture Industrialization--On the Angle of New Institutional Economics;农业产业化组织特性及其变迁动因——基于新制度经济学的视角

12.Process, Drive and Interest Analysis on Institutional Transition of China s Forestry Property Rights;中国林业产权制度变迁进程、动因及利益关系分析

13.An analysis of the motivation of the peasants going out to seek employment under the system transition of land property right of the rural areas in modern China;当代中国农村土地产权制度变迁下的农民外出就业动因分析

14.An Analysis of the Ideological Factors in the Process of Institutional Changes;制度变迁过程中的意识形态因素分析

15.Our Country University Institutional Change Factor Analysis Since Founding of the Nation建国以来我国大学制度变迁因素分析

16.The Causes of the Vagrancy of the Wandering Children in the Perspective of Institutional Changes制度变迁视角下流浪儿童流浪的原因

17.Singapore central accumulation fune system transtion factor analysis新加坡中央公积金制度变迁因素分析

18.Social Interaction in Everday Life and Institutional Change--An Analysis of the Mode of the Changes of Public Institutions;日常生活的社会互动与制度变迁——兼析公共制度变迁的一种模式


dynamic for institutional changes制度变迁动力

1.North, a representative of New institutionalism in economic history, believes that thedynamic for institutional changes are of multifold, though he considers population changes to be the ultimate one.他从总体上说是一个制度变迁动力的多元论者,但又视人口变化是制度变迁的最终动力。

3)system change制度变迁

1.A viewpoint on the theoretical research on China ssystem change & economic growth;中国制度变迁增长理论研究评述

2.The dynamical analyses of the economicsystem change of China;中国经济制度变迁动力分析

3.Household Contractual Management and Rural Land Stock Cooperation System under the View of System Change制度变迁视角下的家庭承包经营和农村土地股份合作制度

4)institutional change制度变迁

1.The Evolution of Northeastern Equipment Cluster During Institutional Change——A Case Study of Bearing Cluster in Wafangdian;制度变迁背景下东北装备制造业集群的演进——以瓦房店轴承产业集群为例

2.Evolutionary analysis of occupationphenomenon——equilibrium shiftandinstitutional change;占座现象的演化博弈分析——兼论均衡演进与制度变迁

3.The research oninstitutional change of agricultural economy cooperative organizations in China;我国农业合作经济组织制度变迁探析

5)institution change制度变迁

1.The Reform of China s Tobacco Monopolization Institution from the Perspective of Institution Change;制度变迁视角下的我国烟草专卖制改革

2.The Division of Labour and Institution Change: Relationship and an Economics Analysis;劳动分工与制度变迁:相关关系及其经济学分析

6)system changes制度变迁

1.On the System Changes and the Social Stabilization;论我国的制度变迁与社会稳定

2.Marx and Gnos: The Function Comparison on the Theory of State among the System Changes;马克思与诺思:制度变迁中国家理论的作用比较


