2000字范文 > 传媒制度变迁 Changes in Media Institution英语短句 例句大全

传媒制度变迁 Changes in Media Institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-31 11:18:01


传媒制度变迁 Changes in Media Institution英语短句 例句大全

传媒制度变迁,Changes in Media Institution

1)Changes in Media Institution传媒制度变迁


1.Study on the Characteristics of Chinese Media Institutional Changes in Recent 30 Years近30年中国传媒制度变迁特征之研究

2.A Study on Performance Appraisal with the Institutional Evolvement on TV Media in China;国内电视媒体制度变迁与绩效评估研究

3.A Study of the Two Theoretical Models of China"s Media Institutional Change中国媒体制度变迁的两个理论范式之研究

4.The Rise and Fall of Neo-liberalism and the Changes of Regulations on American Electronic Media新自由主义经济思潮的沉浮与美国电子传媒管制政策的变迁

5.On the Alteration of the Discourse Power for Female Chinese Media Staff;中国女性传媒工作者话语权变迁探讨

6.On the Change and Devel opment of Cultural Communicative Medium in Modern China;近代中国文化传播媒介的变迁与发展

7.Government Administration Idea, Radio and Television Intermediary Institutional Reformes Study of China, Since the Reform and Oppenness;改革开放以来我国政府施政理念及广播电视媒介制度变迁研究

8.The Headman System of the Ladhulsi: The Tradition and Change under the Effect of the State拉祜西头人制度:传统与国家力量影响下的变迁

9.Property Rights Law,Chinese Traditional Culture and Gradual Institutional Change;物权法、中国传统文化和渐进式制度变迁

10.Institutional Change of Family Enterprises: From the Angle of Chinese Traditional Culture;中国传统文化视角下的家族企业制度变迁

11.Institutions、Institutions Change and China Financial Institutions Change Studyjing;制度、制度变迁与我国金融制度变迁研究

12.General Analysis on the Influences of Institutional Changes on Corporate Culture Changes浅析制度变迁对企业文化变迁的影响

13.Modernization Transformation in the Traditional Chinese Political Psychology--From a Perspective of Institutional Transition;中国传统政治心理的现代化转变——从制度变迁的视角

14.Change of State-owned Enterprises Finance System and A Shift in Patterns of Systemic Changes;国有企业融资制度变迁与制度变迁方式的转换

15.On Institutional Change Oriented by Government in the Financial System Changes of China;论我国金融制度变迁中政府主导型制度变迁

16.Changes and Reflection: Mass Media Studies during the Transitional Stage in Russia;变迁与反思:转型期俄罗斯大众传媒研究

17.Formation and Change of the Structure of Power in Media Culture;媒介文化传播中权力结构的生成与变迁

18.Literature Change in the Mass Media Age and Its Functional Value Revisited;大众传媒时代的文学变迁及其价值功能再认识


system change制度变迁

1.A viewpoint on the theoretical research on China ssystem change & economic growth;中国制度变迁增长理论研究评述

2.The dynamical analyses of the economicsystem change of China;中国经济制度变迁动力分析

3.Household Contractual Management and Rural Land Stock Cooperation System under the View of System Change制度变迁视角下的家庭承包经营和农村土地股份合作制度

3)institutional change制度变迁

1.The Evolution of Northeastern Equipment Cluster During Institutional Change——A Case Study of Bearing Cluster in Wafangdian;制度变迁背景下东北装备制造业集群的演进——以瓦房店轴承产业集群为例

2.Evolutionary analysis of occupationphenomenon——equilibrium shiftandinstitutional change;占座现象的演化博弈分析——兼论均衡演进与制度变迁

3.The research oninstitutional change of agricultural economy cooperative organizations in China;我国农业合作经济组织制度变迁探析

4)institution change制度变迁

1.The Reform of China s Tobacco Monopolization Institution from the Perspective of Institution Change;制度变迁视角下的我国烟草专卖制改革

2.The Division of Labour and Institution Change: Relationship and an Economics Analysis;劳动分工与制度变迁:相关关系及其经济学分析

5)system changes制度变迁

1.On the System Changes and the Social Stabilization;论我国的制度变迁与社会稳定

2.Marx and Gnos: The Function Comparison on the Theory of State among the System Changes;马克思与诺思:制度变迁中国家理论的作用比较

6)institutional changes制度变迁

parative analysis on two path ofinstitutional changes of the socialization of logistic support;两种后勤保障社会化制度变迁路径的比较分析

anizational Routine,Institutional Innovation and Institutional Selection An Evolutionary Analysis to Institutional Changes of China s Stock Market;组织惯例、制度创新与制度选择——对中国股票市场股权制度变迁的演化视角分析

3.Institutional changes and economic value of man——About Ambiguous Property Rights origin inspection;制度变迁与人的经济价值——关于“模糊产权”的成因考察


