2000字范文 > 磁力耦合 magnetic coupling英语短句 例句大全

磁力耦合 magnetic coupling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-09 23:17:40


磁力耦合 magnetic coupling英语短句 例句大全

磁力耦合,magnetic coupling

1)magnetic coupling磁力耦合

1.A new detecting method of fiber optical sensing technique for continuous observing Concrete and Rockfill Dams andmagnetic coupling technology is present, by which a new displacement sensor is developed.提出采用新的位移测量方法和磁力耦合技术 ,进行混凝土结构和堆石坝连续观测的检测原理和方法 ,并研制了一种新型传感器。

2.According to the principle of planemagnetic coupling in axial direction,designed a test-bed of axial direction magnetic drive mechanism,which can be used to test the rotor speed 、torque 、the gap of magnetic field and other dynamic performance parameters in different magnetic fields.根据轴向平面磁力耦合原理设计了轴向磁力驱动机构的测试平台,能测试其在不同磁场条件下,主、被动转子的转速、扭矩、磁场间隙等动态性能参数。


1.0.1KW current generation of magnetic coupling device0.1KW磁力耦合海流发电装置的研制

2.Research on the Stress-testing Technique in Steel Structure Based on Magnetomechanical Coupling Effect;钢结构磁力耦合应力检测技术的理论研究

3.The Research of Permanent Magnet Adjustable Speed Drives Chinese Marketing Strategy of Bestee Company;Bestee公司的磁力耦合器中国市场营销策略研究

4.The Basic Theory and Application Technology of Stress NDT&E Based on Magnetic-Mechanical Coupling Effects for Steel Structure钢结构磁力耦合应力检测基本理论及应用技术研究

5.The Research and Application of Dynamic Electromagnetic Force Coupling Transfer Based on Converse Model Build by the Network;基于神经网络逆向建模的动态电磁力耦合传递研究及应用

6.Maxwell Electromagnetic Stress Tensor and Electromagnetic Solid Dynamics麦克斯韦电磁应力张量和电磁固体耦合动力学

7.Experimental Study on Magneto-mechanical Coupling Behavior of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys Ni_2MnGa;铁磁形状记忆合金Ni_2MnGa的力—磁耦合行为实验研究

8.Magnetic Force and Lateral-torsional Coupling Vibration on a Turbo-generator Rotor;发电机转子的磁拉力与弯扭耦合振动

9.Effect of the Magnetoelectric Coupling on Thermodynamic Properties in Ferroelectromagnets;磁电耦合效应对铁电磁体热力学性质的影响

10.Numerical Simulation Study of Coupling between Stress and Magnetism for Magnetic Memory Effect of the Welding Crack;焊接裂纹磁记忆效应力磁耦合的数值模拟研究

11.Dynamic Characteristics of Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Coupling for Magnetostrictive Actuators磁致伸缩作动器的电-磁-机耦合动力特性

12.Analysis of Coupled Dynamics of Magnetic Bearing-Rotor-Base System磁力轴承-转子-基础系统的耦合动力学分析

13.Operating Point Coordinated Control of Electromagnetic Coupling Hybrid Electric Bus电磁耦合混合动力公交车运行点协调控制

14.Research on the Software Decoupling of the Force Coupling and the Control System in Active Magnetic Bearing;主动磁悬浮力耦合的软件解耦及其控制系统研究

15.Research on Coupler with MRF Wheelsets and Dynamics Performance of the Vehicle;磁流变轮对耦合器及其车辆动力学性能研究

16.Research on Vehicle-Guideway Coupling Dynamics of Hi-Speed Maglev Train System;面向线路设计的磁浮车—线耦合动力学研究

17.Dynamical Vehicle-Guideway Coupling Emulation Model of Maglev Train System;磁悬浮车辆—线路耦合动力学仿真模型研究

18.Study on Analysis and Design of Magnetic Machine Based on a Field-Circuit Integrated Way Considering Coupling Effect场路结合并考虑耦合的磁力机械分析与设计方法研究



3)magnetic coupled force磁耦合力

4)magnetic coupler磁力耦合器

1.Design ofmagnetic coupler of continuous wave drilling fluid pulse generator.;连续波钻井液脉冲发生器用磁力耦合器设计

5)mechanical-electromagnetic interaction力-电磁耦合

6)Permanent magnetic coupling永磁磁力耦合器

1.Permanent magnetic coupling are composed of two parts: a disc with containing a number of embedded magnets of alternating polarity.本文首先简述了永磁磁力耦合器及其发展状况、发展趋势。


