2000字范文 > 调蓄 Regulation英语短句 例句大全

调蓄 Regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-18 19:48:00


调蓄 Regulation英语短句 例句大全



1.Simulation of regulational capacity of groundwater reservoirs in the piedmont of the Qinling Mountain for Guanzhong Basin;关中盆地秦岭山前地下水库调蓄功能模拟研究


1.Discussion on the Problem of Decompressing and Adjusting Storage Capacity in the Self-Pressure Water Supply Project;关于自压供水减压与调蓄问题的处理

2.Freezing and Melting Process Research of Ice Thermal Storage Air-conditioning System;冰蓄冷空调系统蓄冷释冷过程的研究

3.The Application of Water Thermal and Cooling Storage CentralAir Conditioning System in Tianjing Yuetan Commerce Tower天津市月坛商厦水蓄热、水蓄冷中央空调系统

4.Air condition with Ice Accumukation of Cold a New Direction in Energy Saving of Modern Air Conditioning冰蓄冷空调─—现代空调节能新方向

5.PLC Based Double-Regulating Governor for Pumped Turbines;基于PLC的抽水蓄能双调整调速器研究

6.Trust Fund for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries调动发展中国家个人储蓄信托基金

7.Application of water storage air conditioning system in a hotel in Nanning city水蓄冷空调系统在南宁某酒店的应用

8.Ice Storage Air Canditioning System and New Strategy of Runing Control蓄冰制冷空调系统及运行控制新策略

9.The Research on Risk Operation of Intercepting and Storing the Flood Tail for Shiquan Reservoir;石泉水库拦蓄洪尾风险调度运用研究

10.The Working Characteristic and Performance Research on a Novel Energy Storage System for Dehumidifying and Air-conditioning;新型蓄能除湿空调系统工作特性研究

11.Study on Water Storage of Beidagang Reservoir and Real-time Flood Dispatch;北大港水库蓄水及洪水实时调度研究

12.Primary Study On Solar-powered Liquor Air Conditioning System with Energy Storage;太阳能溶液蓄能空调系统的基础研究

13.Research on Ice-storage Air Conditioning System in Technology;冰蓄冷空调工程技术有关问题的研究

14.The Technical and Economic Study of Ice-storage Air-condition System;冰蓄冷空调的经济技术分析方法研究

15."Double-surplus","Double-deposit"and adjustment;“双顺差”与“双储蓄”的关系及调控

16.Exploring and Practice on Graduation Design Innovation for Ice Thermal Storage Air Conditioning;蓄冰空调毕业设计创新的探索与实践

17.Analysis of current status of ice-storage air conditioner in Jiaxing area and its prospects;嘉兴地区冰蓄冷空调现状分析与展望

18.Analyse The Application Of The Technology Of The Chilled Water Storage In The Air-Conditioner System;试论水蓄冷技术在空调工程中的应用


storage tanks调蓄池

1.Study on the influence of controlling pollution of the overflow from the initial rainwaterstorage tanks to Suzhou creek;苏州河初期雨水调蓄池控制溢流污染影响研究

2.With use Of the experimental results of water quantity and water quality of some repre- sentative drainage systems overflow to Suzhou Creek in rainy days and treatment technology of thestorage tanks the integrated model of hydrody- namics and water quality of rainfall-runoff about the drainage systems and river networks for SuZhou Creek is set up combined with physical model.利用苏州河沿岸代表性排水系统雨天溢流水量水质变化以及调蓄池处理技术的实验研究成果,与数学模型研究有机结合,建立了苏州河沿岸排水系统降雨径流水量水质与河网水量水质动态耦合的集成模型,系统研究了在三个典型年实际降雨条件下,苏州河沿岸调蓄池工程的溢流水量、溢流污染物削减效果,以及控制溢流污染对苏州河水质的改善效果。

3)regulating reservoir调蓄水库

1.Dispatching index optimization ofregulating reservoirs by successive iteration algorithms调蓄水库调度指标的分步逐次迭代优化

2.It is concluded that Bei-Da-Gang Reservoir can be theregulating reservoir of South-to-North Water Transfer Engineering, as long as it was well attempered.认为在合理调度运用的情况下,根据工程规划,北大港水库可以满足作为南水北调调蓄水库的水质要

3.Through comparing the construction geologies, site selection and schemes of the Shangxizhuang Reservoir with the Xiaoying Reservoir, theregulating reservoirs of northern main line of Wangjiazhai YRDP in Shanxi Province, this paper determines to select the Shangxizhuang Reservoir as theregulating reservoir.通过对山西省万家寨引黄入晋工程北干线调蓄水库——尚希庄水库和小营水库工程地质、水库的选址及方案的比较,最终确定尚希庄水库作为调蓄水库。

4)storing heat and adjusting temperature蓄热调温

1.In this paper, polyethylene glycol (PEG) had been added to fabrics by means of crosslinking reaction and the properties ofstoring heat and adjusting temperature for fabrics treated with PEG had been discussed.本文将相变材料聚乙二醇 (PEG)以交联方式添加到织物上 ,并对整理织物的蓄热调温性能进行了探讨。

5)cool storage air conditioning蓄冷空调

1.5~8 ℃, and the new phase material is an efficient cool storage material forcool storage air conditioning system.研究了空调蓄冷技术对高温相变蓄冷材料各种性质的要求,提出了一种蓄冷空调用的新型高温相变蓄冷介质,并且进行了性能测试。

6)Cool storage for air conditioning空调蓄冷


