2000字范文 > 雨水调蓄 Rainwater regulation英语短句 例句大全

雨水调蓄 Rainwater regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-21 19:25:39


雨水调蓄 Rainwater regulation英语短句 例句大全

雨水调蓄,Rainwater regulation

1)Rainwater regulation雨水调蓄


1.Study on the influence of controlling pollution of the overflow from the initial rainwater storage tanks to Suzhou creek苏州河初期雨水调蓄池控制溢流污染影响研究

2.Study on Environmental Effects of Coastal Creek Retention Tank in the Center Urban Area of Shanghai;上海中心城区河岸沿线雨水调蓄池环境效应研究

3.Decision-making of Urban Rainwater Comprehensive Utilization and Technology Research on Regulation and Storage and Infiltration.;城市雨水综合利用决策及调蓄、渗透技术研究

4.The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.他们用像皮艇蓄积雨水。

5.Study on the Effect of Runoff Storage and Pollution Reduction of Urban Green Space;城市绿地系统对雨水径流调蓄及相关污染削减效应研究

6.Application of Full Underground Rainwater Pumping Station and Regulating Storage Tank in Park of World Expo全地下式雨水泵站及调蓄池在世博会园区中的应用

7.rains that filled the reservoirs to excess.大雨使水库的水超过了蓄水容量.

8.Determination of re-storage times of rainwater storage facilities in Xinyi hill area新沂山丘区雨水利用蓄水设施复蓄次数的确定

9.Legal Research on the Place of Collecting Rainwater in the Rainwater Collecting and Utilizing;雨水集蓄利用中集雨场的若干法律问题研究

10.Application of technology of rainwater collection and utilization in Taihang Mountain area雨水集蓄利用技术在太行山区的应用

11.Research on technique of storing rainwater in pit for crop supplementary irrigation窖蓄雨水与农作物补充灌溉技术研究

12.Experimental Research on Rainwater Catchment Utilization Technology in Slope Partition;坡地分段雨水集蓄利用技术试验研究

13.On the Legal Foundations of Rainwater Collection Cooperatives in West China;西部雨水集蓄合伙企业法律制度初探

14.Application of Rainwater-saving Engineering Technology in Datong Area;雨水集蓄工程技术在大通地区的应用

15.A Study on the Rainwater-gathering Utilization in the Semiarid Region of Loess Plateau;黄土高原半干旱区雨水集蓄利用研究

16.Talk about Rain Collection Usage and Solving Feeding Men and Animals with Water of Mountainous Area for Lack Water;雨水集蓄利用解决缺水山区人畜饮水的探讨

17."Atrium:In an ancient Roman house, an open central court that contained the impluvium, a Basin where rainwater collected."中庭:古罗马住宅中设有蓄积雨水的蓄水池的露天中央庭院。

18.Legal Research of Rainwater-harvesting in the Water-lacking Area of China;我国缺水地区雨水集蓄若干法律问题研究


stormwater retention tank雨水调蓄池

1.The principal effect of Chengdu Roadstormwater retention tank is to intercept and store the initial stormwater from the service area of Chengdu Road so as to reduce the river discharge volume and load of pump station during heavy rainfall.上海市成都路雨水调蓄池的主要作用是截流储存成都路服务区的初期雨水,以减少泵站的雨天排江水量和排江负荷。

3)rainwater regulating pondage system雨水调蓄系统

4)Storage devices雨水调蓄设施

5)rainwater storage volume雨水调蓄容积

1.The rainwater design discharge,drainage flow andrainwater storage volume are analyzed and calculated,and the calculation method ofrainwater storage volume is given.分析计算了雨水设计流量、排渍流量和调蓄容量,并给出了雨水调蓄容积的计算方法。

6)rainwater harvest蓄集雨水

1.However, the rainwater quality problem is still a technology problem awaiting to be solved in the process ofrainwater harvesting.本文从雨水资源的形成和蓄集利用过程着手,分析了蓄集雨水的污染成因,并提出了切实可行的防治对策。


梦雨水轩梦雨水轩中国境内唯一一个真正的非官方中学生组织 现有七名成员梦雨水轩各成员列表老大闷闲轩统主要负责宣传及查找资料的工作 政治职称为总统 军制为中央军总司令老二瑜婷创始人 主要负责协调轩内两大分部的关系 政治职称为副总统 军制为三军总参谋长老三独幽创始人 主要负责策划工作政治职称总理 军制为左翼军总司令老四语凝轩员负责音画工作老五暗黑神秘 轩员负责财务工作老六箫声重轩员负责科技工作老七轩辕 轩员负责联络工作
