2000字范文 > 安全科技概论 Introduction of safety science and technology英语短句 例句大全

安全科技概论 Introduction of safety science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-09 00:25:27


安全科技概论 Introduction of safety science and technology英语短句 例句大全

安全科技概论,Introduction of safety science and technology

1)Introduction of safety science and technology安全科技概论


1.Teaching research on establishing introduction of safety science and technology in roon-safety major非安全专业开设安全科技概论的教学研究

2.On the Irreplacebility of the Safety IT Personnel and the Structure of Their Knowledge论安全科技人才的不可替代性——兼议安全科技人才的知识结构

3.Security and Population Security: Development and Discussion of It s Conception;安全与人口安全:概念的发展与讨论

4.Theory on Safe Operation of Small-and-Medium Scientific-and-Technical-Type Enterprises and Its Application;科技型中小企业安全经营理论及其应用

5.Theoretical Study of Strategic Management of Science and Technology Security;关于国家科技安全战略管理的理论探讨

6.The Position of Science and Technology in Contemporary National Security and Its Influence;论科学技术在当代国家安全中的地位及其影响

7.Information technology-Security techniques-Non-repudiation Part 1: Genera信息技术安全技术抗抵赖第1分:概述

8.Public order studies, a subject which studies the theories, technologies and developing principles of public order administration, are in fact a sum-up of practices.治安学是研究治安理论、技术及发展规律的学科,是治安管理工作实践经验的总结和概括。

9.Tightening Up Safe Science and Technology and Ensuring Food Safety;确保食品安全必须加强食品安全科技

10.The Relations of S & T Security and other Elements of National Security;科技安全与国家安全其他要素的关系

11.Research on Safety Guarantee Technology of Portable Water from Taihu Lake Basin;国家"863"计划重大科技专项——"太湖流域安全饮用水保障技术"课题研究概要

12.Study on National Security of Sciences and Technology under the Perspective of Geopolitics of Science and Technology;地缘科技视角下的国家科技安全研究

13.Introduction to the Design of Security and Protection System for Public Buildings公共建筑安全技术防范系统设计概述

14.Concept and basic characteristics of "talent safety;略论“人才安全”的概念与基本特征

15.Strenghthening Scientific Managrment and Fulfilling Scientific Modernization on Public Security加强公安科技管理 全面推进公安科技现代化

16.Korel( Hong Kong) Ltd.- Manufactures safety helmets and accessories.安全科技有限公司-有安全帽、罩、罩、全鞋、测仪器。

17.Personnel Composition of Science and Technology and Their Publications in Zhejiang Province;浙江省科技人员构成及发表论文概况

18.Research on Literature Retrieval Based on Concepts Similarity基于概念相似度的科技论文检索研究


safety science and technology安全科技

1.The present problems of coalsafety science and technology in Xinjiang region are analyzed.分析了当前新疆煤矿安全科技面临的困境和存在的问题,从安全科技对煤矿安全生产的贡献率、地位和作用出发,提出了新疆煤矿安全科技的发展策略,并对如何确保策略实施提出了建设性意见。

3)Safety Technology安全科技

1.Being short of safety technology talents is a prominent problem in every walk of life all over China.安全科技人才匮乏已成为全国范围、各行各业存在的突出问题。

2.Among the different causes, lack of safety technology talents is one of the vital problem.通过分析中国安全生产形势和我国建筑、有色金属矿山、交通、煤炭行业安全科技人才的现状,指出安全科技人才的匮乏是导致中国各行业安全生产、安全管理的形势十分严峻的重要原因之一,并通过对我国安全科技人才培养教育现状的分析,提出了发展中国安全科技人才的战略对策。

4)science and technology security科技安全

1.Science and Technology Security: Definition,Intension and Extension;科技安全:定义、内涵和外延

2.As development of science and technology and advance of mankind society toward knowledge economy,science and technology security(STS)is more and more important in national security system, its levels have become a important sign of national comprehensive security.在科学技术飞速发展、人类社会向知识经济时代迈进的今天,科技安全在国家安全体系中的地位越来越重要,科技安全水平已经成为衡量一个国家综合安全水平的重要标志。

5)technology security科技安全

1.Technology Security in the Globalization Era and the Challenges of our Nation;全球化时代科技安全和我国面临的挑战

2.In this paper the basic concept oftechnology security is presented, the relationship betweentechnology security and national security is discussed and the major challenges totechnology security of China are described.科技安全是现代国家安全概念的重要组成部分。

6)General practice outline全科医学概论


