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人文思潮 trend of thought in the humanities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-17 21:38:01


人文思潮 trend of thought in the humanities英语短句 例句大全

人文思潮,trend of thought in the humanities

1)trend of thought in the humanities人文思潮

1.On the Westerntrend of thought in the humanities and China s modernization;论西方人文思潮与中国现代化


1.Along the Path of Benevolence and Righteousness--A New Perspective of Understanding the Humanistic Thoughts in Late Ming Dynasty;“由仁义行”:一个重新认识晚明人文思潮的角度

2.China s Contemporary Literary Trend and the Humanity in Education;中国当代文学思潮与教育中的人文性

3.The Beginnings of Humanism in Fourteenth-Century Italy.十四世纪意大利人文主义思潮的开端。

4.Archons of cultural modernism.文化现代思潮的权威人物

5.Trend of Scholar Drawing in Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Perspective of Ni Zan s "Natural Grace";从倪瓒的“逸气”窥探明清文人绘画思潮

6.On the dilemma of the modern Chinese humanistic thoughts;当代中国人文主义思潮的混乱与两难

7.On the Influence of Buddhism and Taoism Thoughts upon the aesthetic Sentiment of the Literati in Tang Dynasty;宗教思潮对唐代文人审美情趣的影响

8.A Dream of Red Mansions and the Humanism Thought in Chinese History;《红楼梦》与中国历史上的人文主义思潮

9.Xue Heng Scool" and Humanistic Thoughts of Modern China;“学衡派”与现代中国的人文主义思潮

10.On the Generating Pattern of Literati"s Drawings under the Influence of Literati in Northern Song Dynasty北宋文人画思潮影响下文人画形态的生成

11.Discussion on Literary Thoughts--and modern Chinese literary thoughts文学思潮刍议——兼及中国现代文学思潮

12.The Close Knitting of the Humanities and Market:Reflections on the Third Tide of the Chinese Classics;人文与市场的纠结:第三次国学思潮反思

13.A Review of "The Little Women s Prose" from the Trend of Thought s Angle;反思“小女人散文”热——思潮视角下的再出发

14.Century Chinese Marxist Philosophy and Humanist in 20~(th);20世纪中国马克思主义哲学与人文主义思潮

15.The "Returning to the Ancient" Trend of Thought in Literary Criticism of the Ming Dynasty and the Original Regression of the Subjective Spirit of the Literary Figures;明代文论“复古”思潮与文人主体精神的本源回归

16.The Relationship between the Hominology Trend of Chinese Literature in 1980s and Soviet Literature论80年代中国文学“人学”思潮与苏联文学的关系

17.The Theory of "Development of a Single Person",the Theory of "Overall Development of People"and Current Literary Trend of Thought“人的发展”论“人的全面发展”论和当代文艺思潮

18.An Original Inquiry into the Ideological Trend of Literature Humanities & Its Historical Outline during the May 4th Social Transformation Period;五四转型期“文学人学”思潮探源及其历史梳理


new humanistic thoughts新人文思潮

3)human enlightening trend of thought人文启蒙思潮

4)ideological trends of humanism人文主义思潮

1.This dissertation reseachesideological trends of humanism in the Spring and Autumn Period in terms of documents and secularization to illustrate the ideology and cultural situation at that time .本文从文献和人事两个方面来研究春秋时代的人文主义思潮,以此说明春秋时代的思想文化世界。

5)trend of thought in literature and art文艺思潮

1.Trend of Thought in Literature and Art during the May 4th Movement and Modern Art Educational Patterns;五四时期的文艺思潮与现代美术教育模式

2.New Historicism, as atrend of thought in literature and art, rose abruptly on the horizon of Chinese literature in the late 1980s, challenging all kinds of formalisms and traditional historicism.新历史主义文艺思潮作为各种形式主义和传统历史主义的挑战者崛起于新时期文坛 ,显示出文学批评和创作实践向历史文化深层拓展的强劲势头。

6)literary trend文学思潮

1.Their endeavors had started the modernistliterary trend of the University.西南联大现代主义文学思潮来自师传。

2.Discuss the background of the age and its historic cause,especiallyliterary trend which make the verismo opera come into being.论述了真实主义歌剧产生的时代背景、历史原因,特别是文学思潮的影响等。

3.The important feature and basic content of the generation, development and evolution of theliterary trends of Contemporary Feminism in China are displayed in the transition from gender awareness to discourse consciousness, from destruction of patriarchy to construction of the world perceiver and from theories of feminism to literary practice.从性别复苏到话语自觉,从父权解构到主体建构,从女权理论到文学实践,是中国当代女性主义文学思潮生成、发展、流变的重要特征和基本内容。


