2000字范文 > 人性论 theory of human nature英语短句 例句大全

人性论 theory of human nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 04:31:53


人性论 theory of human nature英语短句 例句大全

人性论,theory of human nature

1)theory of human nature人性论

1.Discussion on the Effect of the Theory of Human Nature on the Scope of Private Law Autonomy;论人性论对私法自治范围的影响

2.Economic Analysis of Theory of Human Nature of the Pre-Qin s Legalists;先秦法家人性论的经济分析

3.Zhang Zai stheory of human nature comprises both born nature and temperament.张载的人性论是由“天地之性”和“气质之性”两部分组成的。


1.Influence of LI Ao s Theory of Human Nature on Dualism of Nature;试论李翱的人性论对性二元论的影响

2.A Transcendence View on Humanity--An New Interpretation to Mencius’Theory on Humanity;一种超越论的人性观——孟子人性论新解

3.The Rebuttal of Xunzi s Doctrine of Human Nature by Confucianism;荀子人性论与儒家人性论的历史向度

4.Studying "Nature" from "Emotion" :a New Exploration of Mencius" Ideas of Human Nature以“情”论“性”——孟子人性论思想新探

5.On the Theory of Human Nature of "Wuthering Heights";“Wuthering Heights”的人性论建构

6.On the Logical Base and the Means of Practice of Zhang Zai s Theory on Human Nature;试论张载人性论的理论建构及其成性之路

7.Ethical Thoughts of Wang Chong"s Theory on Celestial Body,Human Nature and Individual Personality王充天体论、人性论和性命论中的伦理思想探析

8.The Unique Consideration of "Human Nature"--A Superficial Analysis of Liang Shiqiu s Theory of Human Nature;“人性”的独特思考——浅析梁实秋的人性论

9.Men are borne intelligent:a hypothesis of human nature in education;人性灵:教育的人性论——解读涂又光教育思想之人性论

10.On Humanity Foundation of Hans Küng s Global Ethic;论汉斯·昆全球伦理构想的人性论基础

11.Study on Foundation of Human Nature Hypotheses of Separation of Powers;试论“三权分立”学说的人性论基础

12.On the Teaching Significance of Aristotle s A Treatise of Human Nature;论亚里士多德“人性论”的教育学意义

13.Chinese Human Theory Character and Impact;论中国传统人性论思想的特点与影响

14.Have Some Feeling After Reading the Biography of Maslow,Talking about the Cognition of His Humanity Theory;论马斯洛的人性论——读马斯洛传有感

15.Rousseau"s Social Contract Theory and Theory of Human Nature Foundation卢梭的社会契约理论及其人性论基础

16.On the Ground of Doctrine of Human Nature in the Educational Thought of Taiping Jing试论《太平经》教育思想的人性论依据

17.On Rule by Law and Humanity --Additionally on the advantages and disadvantages of the theory that "Humanity is evil论法治与人性——兼论“人性恶”理论之得失

18.implicit personality theory内隐人格论 内隐性格观


the theory of human nature人性论

1.In the 1920s and 1930s, Liang Shiqiu criticized the new literary tradition of the May Fourth Movement, the Buddhism and Taoism tradition of ancient Chinese literature and the then flourishing proletariat literature respectively by means ofthe theory of human nature borrowed from Bai Bide abroad, thus logically speaking, what Mr.在20世纪二三十年代,梁实秋挥舞其从大洋彼岸的白璧德那里学来的人性论武器,分别针对五四新文学传统、中国古典文学的佛道传统和时正兴盛的无产阶级文学进行了否定性的批判,从逻辑上说他所肯定的就只剩下儒家文学传统了。

2.Confucianism is extensive and profound,abundant in content,in particular the "Three Theory of Confucianism",which namely "the theory of human nature","the theory of self-cultivation" and "the theory of human relations",are the essence of our country tradition culture.儒家思想博大精深,内容丰富多彩,尤其是"儒家三论",即"人性论"、"修养论"、"人伦论",是我国传统思想文化的精华,它彰显儒家人格魅力,展示儒家人性光辉,体现儒家应遵循的社会、家庭、伦理、道德秩序,具有积极的精神动力作用。

3.He also brings us up with different views onthe theory of human nature and moral cultivation.他以"理"与"心"为其最高的本体范畴,力图将"天理"与"人心"融为一体,并在人性论与道德修养论方面提出了一系列见解。


1.Kong Hans Comparative Studies on the Difference of Two ReligionsHumanity;孔汉思的儒、基两教人性论差异对比研究分析

2.Yan Yuan,a Confucian scholar in the early Qing Dynasty,helps spread the profoundity of Confucianism with his creative reinterpretations of humanity,utilitarianism,and ideal personalities.清初的实学家颜元正是在儒家教育思想的大背景下,对人性论、义利观和理想人格等命题作出新的诠释,形成了其独特的教育哲学体系。

3.In fact, Wangbi thought that Nature is plain without Good or Bad, meanwhile Feeling with Good or Bad, with natural humanity of Taoism.王弼用一种体用合一的方法论将性和情统一起来,其中有道家的“动”、“静”、“无”等概念,也有儒家的“阴”、“阳”、“善”、“恶”等概念,比较成功地在人性论上达到了儒道的融合。

4)human nature人性论

1.To consider from a philosophical standpoint, theories ofhuman nature, natural rights and humanitarianism provide the morality basis, thought source and basic principles for the humanity judicature system.从哲学的维度考量,人性论、自然权利理论和人道主义理论为人性化司法制度的建立提供了道德根据、思想渊源和基本原则。

2.In his opinion,thehuman nature is composed of gas and emotion and ability,which are not evil but good and not the origination of evil.陈确论学继承其师刘宗周"一性"的学说,反对宋儒强分天地之性与气质之性,认为气、情、才即性,它们均有善无恶,并不是像宋儒说的气质之性是恶的根源;他为了从理论上解决人生界恶的来源,提出人习于恶则为恶;另外,陈确企图回避对人性作一先天的预设,认为人必须通过后天的修养扩充才能性全,这样他的人性论不同于宋儒的先天人性论,表现出宋明理学的转型,可以说陈确是自觉承担了宋明理学的自我批判与自我调整。

5)human nature theory人性论

1.MIND ENLARGEMENT AND HUMAN NATURE DEVELOPMENT——On Wang Fuzhi s Explanation for Human Nature Theory of Central Harmony;道心扩充与人性生成——简论王夫之对《中庸》人性论的阐发

2.FENG You-lan shuman nature theory is rational.冯友兰的人性思想是一种理性人性论。

3.This article analyzes these art images with the method ofhuman nature theory , which reveals the unique charm of art and impressivness of Guan s poetic drama.本文从人性论的角度对这些艺术形象进行了分析,揭示了关剧所独有的艺术魅力和感染力。

6)human nature theory人性理论

1.The harmonious socialhuman nature theory is the Marxhuman nature theory inherits and development,which proposes the harmonious society should be people first as well as pers.分析了和谐社会人性理论是马克思人性理论的继承和发展,提出了和谐社会必须以人为本以及人的自由全面发展是和谐社会人性的最高目标。


