2000字范文 > 生物人性论的奠基 foundation of theory of biological human nature英语短句 例句大全

生物人性论的奠基 foundation of theory of biological human nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-01 23:13:38


生物人性论的奠基 foundation of theory of biological human nature英语短句 例句大全

生物人性论的奠基,foundation of theory of biological human nature

1)foundation of theory of biological human nature生物人性论的奠基


paring Human Nature between Darwin and Wilson达尔文和威尔逊:生物人性论的奠基及其在当代的演进

2.《New population theory》:A fundamental work of establishing thepopulation economics in new China;《新人口论》:新中国人口经济学的奠基性论著

3.On the Conservation of Reproductions: The Metaphysical Foundations of the Reproductive Evolution;论生殖的保守性:生殖进化的形而上学奠基

4.Third, Mr Friedman laid the foundation of modern theories of consumption.第三,弗里德曼先生是现代消费理论的奠基人。

5.The Objective Material Foundation of Self-Choice--Circumstance;自我选择的客观物质性奠基——境况

6.The systematic botany founder in Chinese modern times--the brief biography of the famous educationalist Mr Cuangang Zhong;中国近代植物分类学的奠基人——著名教育家钟观光先生传略

7.Claude Bernard, founder of experimental physiology克劳德·伯尔纳——实验生理学的奠基人

8.New constitutionalism generated in the western society which is suffused with severe social crisises and great changes.新宪政论》是新宪政论的奠基之作和纲领性文件。

9.On the Foundation of Historical Materialism in the Doctrine of Alienated Labour;论异化劳动学说对于历史唯物主义的奠基意义

10.lay the foundations of one"s career奠定个人事业的基础

11.How P.E. at Colleges Lays a Lifelong AtheleticFoundation for Students;试论高校体育如何奠定学生终身体育的基础

12.Simple Analysis on Academic Achievement of the Four Outstanding Founder of Chinese Physics Circle中国物理学界四位杰出奠基人的学术成就述评

13.Theoretical Foundations of Peoples Inner Contradictions and Harmonious Society;正确处理人民内部矛盾与和谐社会的理论奠基

14.On Origin of Objective Materiality of Self-choice:Time and Space;自我选择的客观物质性奠基——时间和空间

15.Honesty: Confucian Foundational Concept--On “Honesty” in “Mean”;诚:儒家心学的奠基性观念——试论《中庸》“诚”说

16.The contribution of LU Ji to the forming of "pictures in poetry" tradition;试论陆机对形成“诗中有画”传统的奠基性贡献

17.Building up Socialist View of Honor and Disgrace to Lay a Solid Foundation for College Students;树立社会主义荣辱观奠定人生的坚实基础

18.Mr.Chen Zhi,the Advocate and Founder of Chinese Garden Making中国造园学的倡导者和奠基人——陈植先生


the person who lays a foundation of theory理论奠基人

3)the founder of bacteriology细菌学的奠基人


1.He was one of thefounders of TCM in the new China.半个多世纪以来 ,吕炳奎是我国中医界广为熟悉和仰慕的代表与卓越领导人 ,对中医事业发展做出了重要贡献 ,是公认的新中国中医事业的奠基人之一 ,又是中医理论大家、临床大家、教育大家。

2.Wang had developed his own theories of running newspapers and his own thinking of news,and he is considered as thefounder of Chinese modern thought on the press.王韬形成了自己的办报理论与新闻思想,是中国近代报刊思想的奠基人。

3.It may be said that he was thefounder of research on this field.胡应麟第一次比较全面系统地总结和研究了中国古代图书事业史的发展历程,初步确立起这一学术领域研究的基本格局,成为中国古代图书事业史研究的奠基人。


1.Jiang Zehan, (1902-1994) was apioneer of Chinese topology and one of the founders of the Chinese Mathe-matical Society.江泽涵(1902—1994年)是中国拓扑学的奠基人和中国数学会创始人之一。

6)physics in recent china四位杰出的奠基人


生物分子式:CAS号:性质: 见有机体
