2000字范文 > 蒸发冷却器 evaporation cooler英语短句 例句大全

蒸发冷却器 evaporation cooler英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-27 16:23:30


蒸发冷却器 evaporation cooler英语短句 例句大全

蒸发冷却器,evaporation cooler

1)evaporation cooler蒸发冷却器

1.The control ofevaporation cooler of converter dry-dedusting system——The application of PCS7-PID series controler and research of FUZZY controler转炉干法除尘蒸发冷却器系统的控制——PCS7-PID级联控制器的应用和FUZZY控制器的研究

2.Anevaporation cooler,a key part of the converter dry dedusting system,plays an important role in lowering converter"s fume temperature and separating coarse dust from the gas.蒸发冷却器是转炉干式除尘系统(DDS)中的一个重要组成部分,起着降低转炉烟气温度、分离烟气中粗灰的作用。

3.Some control functions of the system are described in detail,including water spraying preset point control and outlet temperature self-learning control ofevaporation cooler,electric field self-memory control of electrostatic precipitator,micro-differential pressure dampness control of converter hood,logic control of double pendulum valve in dust discharge system,inspiration self-se.针对莱钢120t转炉煤气干法除尘系统,简要介绍了其控制系统的硬件配置,详细阐述了蒸发冷却器喷水预设定控制、出口温度自学习控制、静电除尘器电场自记忆控制、转炉烟罩微差压阻尼控制、输灰系统双摆阀逻辑控制、引风机吸气自选择控制、切换站压力无扰动切换控制等功能。


1.Optimization and Application Research of Dew Point Indirect Evaporative Cooler;露点间接蒸发冷却器优化及应用研究

2.Performance Test and Analysis on Tubular Indirect Evaporative Cooler管式间接蒸发冷却器性能测试与分析

3.Application of Evaporation Cooler in Auxiliary Engine Circulation Cooling System for Direct Air Cooling Set in Thermal Power Plant蒸发冷却器在空冷机组辅机系统的应用

4.Experimental Study on Water Distribution Uniformity of Indirect Evaporative Cooling;间接蒸发冷却器中均匀布水的实验研究

5.Experimental Research on Hydrophilic Property of Tubular Indirect Evaporative Cooler (TIEC)管式间接蒸发冷却器亲水性能的实验研究

6.Discussion of the Porous Ceramic Direct Evaporative Cooler多孔陶瓷填料直接蒸发冷却器性能分析

7.Numerical Calculation on the Influence of Tube Evaporative Cooler Cooling Performance管式蒸发冷却器性能影响因素的数值分析

8.Design calculation on porous ceramics tube type dew point indirect evaporative cooler多孔陶瓷管式露点间接蒸发冷却器的设计计算

9.Design and Calculate on Heat Recovery Type Heat Pipe indirect Evaporative Cooler热回收型热管式间接蒸发冷却器的设计计算

10.direct expansion air cooler直接蒸发式空气冷却器

11.heat transfer, fluids, air, gases, evaporators, coolers传热, 流体, 空气, 气体, 蒸发器, 冷却器

12.condenser steam, air-cooled蒸汽、空气冷却冷凝器

13.Development Of Evaporative Cooling Medium Of Electrical Equipmen And Research Experiment Of Evaporative Cooling Characteristic;电器设备蒸发冷却介质的制备及其蒸发冷却特性的研究

14.Research on Evaporation Cooling Technology of Power Commute Device;大功率整流器件蒸发冷却技术的研究

15.Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Performance of the Condenser for Evaporative Cooling Turbo-generator蒸发冷却汽轮发电机冷凝器传热特性试验研究

16.Preliminary Research on the Performance of an Evaporating Intercooling of Multiple-hole Material;一种多孔介质蒸发冷却中冷器性能的初步研究

17.Equipment scope includes compressors, pumps, chillers, heat exchangers, cooling towers, pressure vessels, boilers, vaporizers for Projects.设备包括压缩机,泵,冷冻机,热交换器,冷却塔,压力容器,蒸发器等。

18.a system that cools by evaporation.用蒸发作用冷却的系统。


evaporative cooler蒸发冷却器

1.As an example of the fog-atomizingevaporative cooler of Lunnan Gas turbine power plant,this paper analyzes the econmy of theevaporative cooler s operation under various conditions of environment.以轮南燃气轮机电站喷雾蒸发冷却器为例,分析了在不同气候条件下蒸发冷却器运行的经济性。

2.The working principle and some advantages of this new product were specific introduced,and the function ofevaporative cooler was tested.具体介绍了其蒸发冷却器的工作原理以及该空调器的优点,并对蒸发冷却器的性能进行了测试。

3.The optimized selection ofevaporative cooler is a main research direction of evaporative cooling technique.蒸发冷却器的优化设计是蒸发冷却技术研究的一个重要方向,本文以一间接蒸发冷却器的结构优化为例,展示了一个完整的优化过程,过程包括:数学建模、计算机程序的编制等。

3)indirect evaporative cooler间接蒸发冷却器

1.Thermal analysis of theindirect evaporative cooler;间接蒸发冷却器的设计计算方法

2.The Thermal Analysis of the Indirect Evaporative Cooler;板式间接蒸发冷却器的热工计算方法

3.Discussion on design of porous functional ceramics dew point plate-finindirect evaporative cooler;多孔功能陶瓷露点板翅式间接蒸发冷却器设计探讨

4)plate evaporative cooler板式蒸发冷却器

1.This paper presents the differential equation group of heat and mass transfer process in theplate evaporative coolers theoretically.对热湿交换过程进行质量与能量衡算,建立逆流板式蒸发冷却器传递过程的数学模型。

5)tube evaporative cooler管式蒸发冷却器

1.Optimization design oftube evaporative cooler;管式蒸发冷却器的优化设计

2.This article establishes the mathematic model oftube evaporative cooler.管式蒸发冷却器是蒸发冷却技术应用中的一个重要设备。

6)direct evaporative cooler直接蒸发冷却器

1.Presents the study status ofdirect evaporative coolers, including the performance of heat and mass transfer and purification of padding, and the application ofdirect evaporative coolers.介绍了直接蒸发冷却器的研究情况,主要包括填料的传热传质性能、净化性能及直接蒸发冷却器的应用。

2.After the comparison and analysis of the current fillers indirect evaporative cooler,the porous ceramicdirect evaporative cooler was proposed,while the application status of porous ceramic material and the characters of porous ceramicdirect evaporative cooler were analyzed.通过对目前常用的直接蒸发冷却器填料进行对比分析,提出了采用多孔陶瓷填料的直接蒸发冷却器。


