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文化生产 cultural production英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-08 00:20:16


文化生产 cultural production英语短句 例句大全

文化生产,cultural production

1)cultural production文化生产

1.The study on tourism function of Guangzhoucultural production;广州文化生产的旅游功能研究

2.For our country now is in the process of social transition,cultural production bears some new characteristics.在现阶段我国正处于社会转型关键时期,文化生产具有了一些新的特征。

3.The control ofcultural production roots in political and economical interest motivity related with cultural enterprises.文化生产的控制植根于文化产业所关联的政治、经济的利益动力中。


1.The Basic Theoretical Research of Regional Investment and Evaluation Model Construction;文化何以成为经济——兼论文化生产力

2.Cultural Power and Cultural Productivity:Foundation for Developing Cultural Economy;文化力与文化生产力:文化经济发展的立足点

3.The Industry of Culture Innovation and the Development of Culture Productivity in Fujian;试论创新文化产业与福建文化生产力发展

4.Should Culture Production Be Industrialized?;文化生产能否产业化——关于发展文化产业的几个观念问题

5.Exploitation of Cultural Resources and Development of National Cultural Productive Forces in Yunnan;深度开发文化资源 提升云南民族文化生产力

plete equipment for production of culture paper文化用纸生产成套设备

7.Critic on Homogenizing the Producing of Cultural Product;关于文化产品生产同质化倾向的研究

8.Culture"s Industrialization and the Shift of Literature Production Pattern in New Era文化的产业化与新时期文学生产格局的转变

9.Regeneration of Remains Industrial Building LOFT, Sublimation of Culture Asset;遗存产业建筑再生—LOFT,文化资产的升华

10.Social Interaction and Restraint of Culture Product s Productive Choice;文化产品生产选择的社会关联与约束

11.Culture Industry:Modern Form of the Development of Spiritual Production;文化产业:精神生产发展的现代形态

12.Analysis on Culture Industry s Promotion for Productivity;论文化产业对生产力发展的推动作用

13.On the Production Traits and Organizational Diversity of Culture Industry;论文化产业的生产特征与组织多样性

14.Elegant Art Production:Development of Advanced Culture高雅文艺生产:先进文化的发展要求

15.The Relationship Between the Tangible Cultural Heritage and the Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Cultural Ecological Preservation Zone论文化生态保护区中物质文化遗产与非物质文化遗产的关系

16.The primitive state of Shaman Culture is the Wizard Culture, which originated in the late period of Paleolithic Age.萨满文化的原生形态为巫史文化,巫史文化产生于旧石器时代晚期。

17.The Emergence of the “Bare-foot Doctors” and its Socio-cltural Backgrounds;“赤脚医生”产生和存在的社会文化因素

18.An ethical & cultural approach to the problematic children in primary and high schools;中小学“问题学生”产生的伦理文化探讨


culture production文化生产

1.Chinese culture and western culture have different ways to construct reality and also prominently differ from theirculture production.中西文化以不同的方式构造现实,表现在文化生产上也有显著不同。

2.Culture production is the special form of social production.文化生产是社会生产的特殊形式。

3)Cultural productive forces文化生产力

1.In the cultural productive forces,the post-modern form embodies several economy shapes as follows,the information economy,knowledge economy,experience economy,and attention economy.在世界范围内,文化生产力发展区分为现代与后现代两个形态,后者主要体现为信息经济、知识经济、体验经济以及注意力经济这样几种形式。

2.The idea of cultural productive forces put forward by Max contains the guiding principle of grasping correctly the intellect productive forces of modern society.马克思提出的文化生产力概念包含着正确把握现代社会智能生产力的指导性原则。

4)cultural productivity文化生产力

1.On Cultural Productivity in Regional Economic Development;论区域经济发展中的文化生产力

2.To developcultural productivity and its system and to create the system is the key point.文化生产力,既是一个理论问题,更是一个实践问题,重在建设和发展。

3.Only through its interaction with economic and scientific strength can cultural power possess brand-new cultural power becausecultural productivity is a product of the economic and cultural development and their fusion at a certain stage.文化力经过与经济力、科技力的相互融合、相互渗透,才形成了具有崭新功能的文化生产力。

5)cultural productive force文化生产力

1.An exploratory analysis of essential elements of subjectivity and characteristics of thecultural productive force;文化生产力主体要素及特征探析

2.Nowadays,thecultural productive force is a core competitive powering in our country.文化生产力是现今国家的核心竞争力;它以市场经济为载体,以文化产业为直接表现形态;它以信息、电子、数字、网络以及媒介等高新技术为生产手段;它是对文化资源的开发和利用能力。

3.The conception ofcultural productive force is raised which make Chinese characteristics cultural building get the height that strengthen the building of spiritual civilization and release and develop productive force.“文化生产力”的提出将中国特色社会主义文化建设提高到既要加强精神文明建设又要解放和发展文化生产力的战略高度。

6)cultural reproduction文化再生产

1.His works,Grand Ecoles et Esprit de Corps,based on the theory ofcultural reproduction,probes into the process of French elite production,and explores how the Grand Ecoles interact with power Champs to improve self-reproduction.布尔迪厄是法国当代著名的思想家和社会学家,其著作《国家精英——名牌大学与群体精神》以文化再生产理论为基础,阐述了法国教育精英体制化的过程,深入展示了作为法国精英教育的名牌大学如何与国家的权力场域联系和互动从而促进教育和权力机构本身的再生产,在揭开了法国大学校神秘面纱的同时,对法国精英教育与权力场域合谋打造的森严壁垒进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。

2.As an outstanding sociologist,Bourdieu uncovers the mystery behind the existing education system by employing thecultural reproduction theory and such key ideas as habitués,capital and field.法国著名社会学家布迪厄以惯习、资本和场域为核心概念,以文化再生产理论为理论视角,通过一系列的实证调查研究对高等教育表面机会均等问题提出质疑,认为高等教育的表面平等掩盖了统治阶级的特权化本质;学校的主导文化是统治阶级的精英文化,由于文化资本的缺乏导致高校中的弱势群体处于文化困境之中;而惯习和场域的力量交织正是高等教育再生产社会与文化不平等的隐秘机制。

3.State -run middle school administrator s unique culture———administration having priority to teaching is accordance with Bourd ieu scultural reproduction .公办中学学校行政人员特有的“文化”———行政优于教学,就契合了布迪厄的文化再生产模式:结构———惯习———言行———结构。


