2000字范文 > 文化生产场 the field of cultural production英语短句 例句大全

文化生产场 the field of cultural production英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-05 14:04:22


文化生产场 the field of cultural production英语短句 例句大全

文化生产场,the field of cultural production

1)the field of cultural production文化生产场

1.The internet cyber literary arena is the concentration ofthe field of cultural production in the context of postmodern,which has the following two characteristics:(1) it is a field where both the principle of large scale production and the principle of limited production are functioning.网络文坛作为后现代文学语境下文化生产场的浓缩形式,是有限生产次场和大规模生产次场的交汇之所。


1.The Forming of Symbolic Power in the Field of Cultural Production--to Take the Artistic Field for Example文化生产场域中符号权力的形成——以文学艺术场域的分析为例

2.On the Control of News Field over Cultural Production Field--The Commentary of "About Television" and Its Application;试论新闻场对文化生产场的控制——《关于电视》述评及其应用

3.The Formation of the Classics and the Legitimacy of Literature -- A Survey of the Traditional Study of The Book of Songs in the Field of the Cultural Production;经典的生成与文学的合法性——文化生产场域视野中的传统诗经学考察

4.New Tend of Competition on the Constructing Sanitation Ceramics Product Market ,Culture Business;建筑卫生陶瓷产品市场竞争新趋势—文化营销

5.Writing about Intangible Cultural Heritage with Ethnographical Methods:A Dialogue on How to Write about Culture in the Production Field of Knowledge用民族志方法书写非物质文化遗产——在作为知识生产的场所的村落关于写文化的对话

6.Research on the Allocation,the Radiation Area of Squares and Their Differences as Space of Culture Production in Beijing City;北京城区广场分布、辐射及其文化生产空间差异浅析

7.Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage:Restoration,Combination and Rebuilding of Ecological Field非物质文化遗产的保护:生态场的恢复、整合和重建

8.Thoughts on Market-oriented Cultural Industry Development;关于文化产业发展市场化的几点思考

9.Marketing of Cultural Industry and Reform of Investment and Finance System;文化产业市场化与投融资体制的改革

10.As a cultural revolution, post-modernism poses to be radical in terms of anti-culture and causes past things to be felt weary.后现代主义是一场文化革命,它以反文化的激进方式,使人们对旧事物产生厌倦。

plete equipment for production of culture paper文化用纸生产成套设备

12.Exploiting Market of Culture and Creating Cultural Product with Salable Brand开拓文化市场与打造文化产品畅销品牌

13.Production,Application and Market Status of Rare Earths Chlorite in Home;国内氯化稀土产品的生产、应用及市场

14.Critic on Homogenizing the Producing of Cultural Product;关于文化产品生产同质化倾向的研究

15.The Basic Theoretical Research of Regional Investment and Evaluation Model Construction;文化何以成为经济——兼论文化生产力

16.The Ranks Assessment of the International Target Markets of Chinese Cultural Industry;中国文化产业国际目标市场级别评价

17.Development of Capital Market of Cultrual Industry;论文化产业资本市场拓展的九大观念

18.A Study on the Strategy of Developing Market of Chinese Traditional cultural products;中国传统文化产品市场开发策略研究


the field of producing literature文学生产场

3)cultural production文化生产

1.The study on tourism function of Guangzhoucultural production;广州文化生产的旅游功能研究

2.For our country now is in the process of social transition,cultural production bears some new characteristics.在现阶段我国正处于社会转型关键时期,文化生产具有了一些新的特征。

3.The control ofcultural production roots in political and economical interest motivity related with cultural enterprises.文化生产的控制植根于文化产业所关联的政治、经济的利益动力中。

4)culture production文化生产

1.Chinese culture and western culture have different ways to construct reality and also prominently differ from theirculture production.中西文化以不同的方式构造现实,表现在文化生产上也有显著不同。

2.Culture production is the special form of social production.文化生产是社会生产的特殊形式。

5)ecology of culture文化生态场

6)Cultural productive forces文化生产力

1.In the cultural productive forces,the post-modern form embodies several economy shapes as follows,the information economy,knowledge economy,experience economy,and attention economy.在世界范围内,文化生产力发展区分为现代与后现代两个形态,后者主要体现为信息经济、知识经济、体验经济以及注意力经济这样几种形式。

2.The idea of cultural productive forces put forward by Max contains the guiding principle of grasping correctly the intellect productive forces of modern society.马克思提出的文化生产力概念包含着正确把握现代社会智能生产力的指导性原则。


