2000字范文 > 生态女性文学批评 ecological feminist criticism英语短句 例句大全

生态女性文学批评 ecological feminist criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-19 01:49:25


生态女性文学批评 ecological feminist criticism英语短句 例句大全

生态女性文学批评,ecological feminist criticism

1)ecological feminist criticism生态女性文学批评

2)Ecofeminist(Literary) Criticism生态女性主义文学批评


1.On Ecofeminist Criticism and Its Current Studies in China生态女性主义文学批评及国内研究述评

2.Ecofeminist Literary Criticism and Its Acceptance in China;生态女性主义文学批评及其在中国的接受

3.A Call from Females and Nature: A Review on the Literary Criticism from the Eco-feminism Approach;来自女性和自然的呼唤——评生态女性主义文学批评

4.The Female Literature of Guangxi Since 1990S on the View of Eco-Feminism Literary Criticism;生态女性主义文学批评视野下的广西20世纪90年代以来的女性文学

5.Ecofeminism: New Perspective in Literary Ethical Studies;生态女性主义:文学伦理学批评的新视角

6.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态

7.The Female Essay of Contemporary Taiwan on the View of Eco-feminism Literary Criticism生态女性主义批评视野下的当代台湾女性散文

8.Feminist literary criticism and Taiwans women writers;从女性主义文学批评谈到台湾女作家

9.Female Shout --On Ideological Feature of Feminist Literary Criticism;女性的呐喊——女性主义文学批评中的意识形态性特征简论

10.The Dialectic of the Enlightenment and Ecofeminist Criticism;《启蒙的辩证法》和生态女性主义批评

11.Western Feminist Literary Criticism: Its Theoretical Backgrounds and Critical Philosophies;西方女性主义文学批评:理论背景及其批评理据

12.Interpreting the Connotation of Woman From Feminism Perspective;女性主义文学批评视阈下女性含义的阐释

13.Alteration of Localized Chinese Feminist Criticism in New Times;新时期以来女性主义文学批评的流变

14.Studies of the "Puzzledom" of Chinese Feminist Literary Criticism;中国女性主义文学批评“困境”探析

15.Chinese American Women s Iiterature and Post-colonial Criticism;美国华裔女性文学与后殖民主义批评

16.Dream of the Red Chamber and Feminist Literary Criticism;《红楼梦》与女性主义文学批评引论

17.On the Chinese Contemporary Feminist Literature Criticism;论当前中国女性主义文学批评的问题

18.Sketches and Notes on "the Status Quo and Development of Feminine Literature Criticism;“女性主义文学批评的现状与开拓”笔谈


Ecofeminist(Literary) Criticism生态女性主义文学批评

3)feminist literary criticism女性文学批评

1.The Two-decade Development of Chinese Feminist Literary Criticism;中国女性文学批评二十年(1983—)

2.This paper, on the purpose of collation and introduction, based on the studies offeminist literary criticism during recent years, tries to review the Chinese contemporaryfeminist literary criticism, systematize its achievements and conclude its advantages and disadvantages.本论文在参考、借鉴和整合近年来学术界女性文学批评成果的基础上,结合自己的点滴想法,试图通过对中国当代女性文学批评历程的回顾,系统整理其研究成果,来总结其中的得与失,优势与不足,以及对西方女性主义的借鉴与发展,以达到促进异质文化间的对话与沟通;并通过把握其跳动的脉搏,分析未来的发展动向,并做理论建构的尝试。


1.On the nature ofeco-criticism;关于文学生态学批评的一点思考


1.It suggests that Buell\"s two books on environmental criticism show sharp differences in defining ecocriticism and environmental ethics,displaying the different perspectives of deep ecology and humanist ecology.本文通过分析劳伦斯·布尔的《环境想象:梭罗、自然写作与美国文学的形成》与《为濒危世界而书写》两部环境文学批评专著中核心概念的变化与发展,具体展现布尔生态批评理论的发展,说明两部著作在批评视野、核心伦理观与生态思想方面具有明显差异,显示出深层生态主义与人文生态主义不同的侧重点,代表美国第一、第二浪潮生态文学批评不同的立场与观点。


1.This paper attempts to approach Elaine Showalter\"s grounding feminist literary theory of "gynocriticism" in detailed and all-round manner.对肖瓦尔特在女性主义文学批评初期创立的"女性批评学"做悉心和全面的读解,通过探讨她所创立的"女权批判"、"妇女中心批评"和建构美国女性主义批评理论来诠释肖瓦尔特早期女性主义批评致思理路的两个维度。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
