2000字范文 > 女性主义文学批评 feminist literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

女性主义文学批评 feminist literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 15:13:47


女性主义文学批评 feminist literary criticism英语短句 例句大全

女性主义文学批评,feminist literary criticism

1)feminist literary criticism女性主义文学批评

ments on the Feminist Literary Criticism in Taiwan;中国台湾女性主义文学批评略论

2.Studies of the "Puzzledom" of Chinese Feminist Literary Criticism;中国女性主义文学批评“困境”探析

3.A Response of the Mainland China to the Western Feminist Literary Criticism中国大陆对西方女性主义文学批评的回应


1.Feminist literary criticism and Taiwans women writers;从女性主义文学批评谈到台湾女作家

2.Western Feminist Literary Criticism: Its Theoretical Backgrounds and Critical Philosophies;西方女性主义文学批评:理论背景及其批评理据

3.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态

4.Interpreting the Connotation of Woman From Feminism Perspective;女性主义文学批评视阈下女性含义的阐释

5.Alteration of Localized Chinese Feminist Criticism in New Times;新时期以来女性主义文学批评的流变

6.Studies of the "Puzzledom" of Chinese Feminist Literary Criticism;中国女性主义文学批评“困境”探析

7.Dream of the Red Chamber and Feminist Literary Criticism;《红楼梦》与女性主义文学批评引论

8.On the Chinese Contemporary Feminist Literature Criticism;论当前中国女性主义文学批评的问题

9.Sketches and Notes on "the Status Quo and Development of Feminine Literature Criticism;“女性主义文学批评的现状与开拓”笔谈

10.The Evolution of New Era Feminist Literary Criticism新时期中国女性主义文学批评的演变

11.An Interpretation on The Waste Land from the Perspective of Feminist Literary Criticism女性主义文学批评视野中的《荒原》解读

12.Tries To Discuss the Chinese Feminine Literary Criticism s Bringing Principle;试论中国女性主义文学批评的“拿来主义”

13.On Ecofeminist Criticism and Its Current Studies in China生态女性主义文学批评及国内研究述评

14.Feminism in postmodernist discourse--Commenting on women s subjectivity in addition;后现代主义语境下的女性主义文学批评——兼论女性主体的研究

15.Try Discussing the Cuiturai Origns of Chinese Womanism Literature Criticism;试论中国女性主义文学批评理论的文化渊源

16.The Concept of Androgyny/Bisexuality in Western Feminist Literary Criticism;论西方女性主义文学批评的“双性同体”观

17.Feminist Literary Criticism in War--A Simple Analysis of Woolf s Feminist Thought of War;战争中的女性主义文学批评——浅析伍尔夫关于战争的女性主义思想

18.The Significance of Female Speeches From Modern Linguistics to Feminist Literary Criticism;女性言说的意义——从现代语言学到女性主义文学批评


Western feminist literary criticism西方女性主义文学批评

biningWestern feminist literary criticism and Chinese women s specific gender situation in particular historical background,China s feminist literary and its criticism is a non-feminist movement and a "cultural criticism",and continues to establish and develop its own system of feminist criticism.中国女性主义文学及其批评在特定的历史情景下“中西结合”,结合西方女性主义文学批评及中国女性的性别境遇而得到产生和发展,是一种非女权运动而产生的“文化批评”,不断建立并形成自己的女性主义批评体系,但由于上路时间短,仍有许多工作尚待完成。

3)Chinese feminism literary criticism中国女性主义文学批评

1.TheChinese feminism literary criticism s production and development is affected by the western feminine principle theory,but is different with the western feminine principle theory.中国女性主义文学批评理论的产生与发展受西方女性主义理论的影响,但又不同于西方的女性主义理论,它是西方女性主义理论在中国的“本土化”,具有浓郁的中国特色。

2.Chinese feminism literary criticism s production and development in China have their specific factors, it is not western doctrine theories of women and spreading briefly in China of literary criticism of women s doctrine, but contain realistic foundation and thinking source that it produces in the Chinese society and culture.中国女性主义文学批评在中国的产生与发展有着其特定的因素,它并不是西方女性主义理论及女性主义文学批评在中国的简单传播,而是中国社会与文化中蕴含着它产生的现实基础和思维来源。

4)Ecofeminist(Literary) Criticism生态女性主义文学批评

5)postfeminism literature criticism后女性主义文学批评

1.There are two characteristics inpostfeminism literature criticism.后女性主义文学批评有两个主要特点:一、弱化对男性中心主义的批判,强调妇女在既定性别秩序内的享受;二、在文学批评方面缺乏深刻而缜密的理论建树,但对某些偏激的女性主义批评有警示意义。

6)Feminist Criticism女权主义文学批评

1.Feminist Criticism,which is to so popular now,is no literary criticism at all,and it is advisable to suspend its use as a critical approach in literary studies.目前盛行的“女权主义文学批评”其实并不是“文学批评”,因此,至少在现阶段,我们应该慎用这一所谓批评方法。

2.It rectifies the improper tendencies by case feminist criticism through analyzing their misreading about Zweige s love stories.本文主要以茨威格情爱小说作为切入点,通过辨析女权主义文学批评对茨威格小说的误读指出:他的小说中的“爱情理想国”并不能简单地认为是具有男权意识形态性质的,他的“爱情理想国”实际上是爱情乌托邦,在他的情爱小说中,爱本身已经成为一种信仰、一种宗教,成为通往其乌托邦世界的理想道路。


