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自由悖论 paradox of freedom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-01 02:51:18


自由悖论 paradox of freedom英语短句 例句大全

自由悖论,paradox of freedom

1)paradox of freedom自由悖论

1.Theparadox of freedom on human beings existence——The anxiety and concern of human beings existence in the dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange;人类生存的自由悖论——反面乌托邦小说《发条橙》的人类生存忧思与警示


1.Contrary to Reason of Freedom of Modern Man--Comment and Analysis on Fromm s Thought of Social Psychology;现代人的自由悖论——弗洛姆社会心理学思想评析

2.The paradox of freedom on human beings existence--The anxiety and concern of human beings existence in the dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange;人类生存的自由悖论——反面乌托邦小说《发条橙》的人类生存忧思与警示

3.Obviating the Paradox of Modern Freedom--After Reading The Free of Freedom;消解现代自由的悖论——《逃避自由》读后记

4.The Paradox of Freedom--On Doris Lessing s Viewpoint of Female Freedom;自由的悖论——论多丽丝·莱辛的女性自由观

5.Framework,Symbol and body:The Dilemma of Network Use Freedom;结构、符号和身体:网络自由的悖论

6.On Consumption Alienation Going Against the Overall Development of Humans;论消费异化有悖于人的全面自由发展

7."Free Writing:"Ha Jin’s Dilemma自由的写作?——华裔美国作家哈金的悖论

8.The paradox of freedom ──the philosophical meditations arisen form the system of intellctual property right;自由的悖论──由知识产权制度引发的哲学思考

9.Misleading and Fallacies in Evaluation Activity of People vs. Liberty of Speech;民众评价活动中的误导、悖论和言论自由

10.Is There a Paradox between the Free Trade Theory and Anti-dumping Rules;自由贸易理论与反倾销原理是否形成悖论

11.The Paradox of Freedom--On Viewpoint of Woman in Portrait of a Lady自由的悖论——论《一位女士的画像》中的女性观

12.On the Paradox of Constitutional Review and Democracy;违宪审查与民主的悖论——从自由主义的视角分析

13.The Paradox and Possibility of Liberal Nationalism under the Context of Globalization;“全球化”语境下:自由民族主义的悖论与可能

14.Puzzled:Freedom of Paradox--The Garden of Eden under the field of Hegel’s tragedy theory自由之悖论——黑格尔悲剧观视域下的《伊甸园》

15.The Paradox of Self-actualization and the Sorrow of the Thinkers;自我实现的悖论和思想者之痛——由马斯洛的自我实现理论所想到的

16.Political or Moral?;政治的,抑或道德的——对政治自由主义一个关键悖论的解读

17.The Conflict of Revolution and Freedom;革命与自由的悖论——左翼文学与现代性的联结线索

18.Four Paradoxes and Solutions of the Open Society--Analyze Popper s Ideas of Democracy and Freedom;“开放社会”的四大悖论及其解决——析波普尔的民主和自由理念


inherent paradox自身悖论

3)self-reference paradox自涉悖论

4)self paradox自我悖论

5)paradox without self-reference非自指悖论

6)paradox of self-decfeption自我欺骗悖论


必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedomof口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。
