2000字范文 > 合法性悖论 the legitimacy of paradox英语短句 例句大全

合法性悖论 the legitimacy of paradox英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-06 06:53:59


合法性悖论 the legitimacy of paradox英语短句 例句大全

合法性悖论,the legitimacy of paradox

1)the legitimacy of paradox合法性悖论

1.Disruptive innovation business model will enable the early users to gain competitive advantage,but it often received the attack of legitimacy,especially the attack of political legitimacy,and this is called "the legitimacy of paradox".破坏性创新商业模式可以使最先使用者获得竞争优势,但却容易遭受"合法性"尤其是"政治合法性"的打击,形成破坏性创新商业模式的"合法性悖论"。


1.The Contradiction of Objective and Means on Legalization目标与手段的合法性悖论——张居正改革的伦理视角探讨

2.On Contrary Quality by the Standard Form Contract as for the Law and its Law Standard论格式合同之于法律的相悖性及其法律规制

3.Paradox of Unmoral Choice s Legality-Analysis of Conflict between Legal Protection and Moral Advocation;不道德选择的合法性之悖论问题——析论法律保护与道德提倡的相悖现象

4.Analysis of Instability about a Method of Dispelling the Absurdities of Dempster-Shafer s Rule of Combination;一种D-S合成法则悖论消除方法的不稳定性分析

5.On the Contradiction between Independence and Political Quality of American Judiciary美国司法系统独立性与政治性的悖论

6.A Paradox and Mixture of Political Awareness and Human Nature --An Interpretation of "Red Beans" by Zong Pu;政治意识与人性的悖论、融合——解读《红豆》

7.On Paradoxical Reasoning of Quality of Being Logic;简论悖论推理的合逻辑性——与黄展骥先生商榷

8.“Prisoner Antinomy”: The Rationality of Morals and the Moral Education of the People;“囚徒悖论”:道德的合理性和国民的道德教育

9.A Query into the Method of Paradox Analysis Based on "Unified Scheme of Paradox";质疑“悖论的统一模式定理”分析悖论的方法

10.The Contradiction Between Unwritten Law and Positive Law--The Re-construction of the System of China s Law Autonomy;习惯法与制定法的悖论——兼议中国法律自治的制度性重构

11.Contrariety and Conformity--On Dong Zhong-shu’s Explanation of the Theory of Human Nature by Mencius and Xunzi悖立与整合——论董仲舒对孟子、荀子之人性论的解释

12.On the Paradox in the Legal Formalization;法律理性化的悖论——韦伯法律社会学意义上的考察

13.An Unavoidable Fact:the paradox between early diagnosis and non-intervention diseases;一个不可回避的事实——无法干预性疾病早期诊断的悖论

14.On the Logical Value of Solving the Paradox of Currency Turning into Capital:From the View of Methodology of Logical Paradoxes;“资本生成悖论”消解的逻辑学启示——基于逻辑悖论方法论的视角

15.Law Perfection of the Identify Paradox of NPC Deputies;论人大代表身份制度悖论的法律完善

16.From the Logic Contrary Theory to the Hamonious Social Methodology Problem;从逻辑悖论到和谐社会的方法论问题

17.Survey of Ross s Paradox and Methodological Consideration;“罗斯悖论”研究述评及方法论思考

18.Prisoners Dilemma·Paradox of Reason·Interactive Epistemology;“囚徒困境”·理性悖论·交互认识论


The Legitimacy Paradox of Entrepreneurship创业的合法性悖论

3)the absurdities of Dempster-Shafer"s Rule of combination合成法则悖论

4)set theoretic antinomy集合悖论

5)Legislative paradox立法悖论


1.This paper,on the basis of rereading this great work,studies theparadox of social function of science and technolgy in the development of human society.在重读该书的基础上,深入分析了科学技术的社会功能在人类历史和社会发展中善与恶的悖论性,提出在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,更应充分认识科学技术的基础推动作用,并重视科技伦理。


