2000字范文 > 余数 remainder英语短句 例句大全

余数 remainder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-29 10:24:18


余数 remainder英语短句 例句大全



1.A correct formula of the fixed point two′s complement division is given,which is applicable not only for the final result, but also for every intermediate result of the operation,so there can be no mistaking the quotient and theremainder.对补码加减交替除法公式做了修正 ,新公式不仅适用于最终结果 ,而且适用于运算的每个中间结果 ,从而消除了确定商和余数可能引起的错误。

2.This article deals with the calculating rules, several handling situations of quotient andremainder in "Binary fixed point mending code division by one figure" based on the teaching material THE THEORY OF COMPUTER COMPOSITION .针对《计算机组成原理》教材中关于“二进制定点补码一位除法”中的运算规则、商及余数的几种情况,进行了深入、详实的研究与讨论,补充了教材中的缺憾,论证了计算机在除法操作中的基本原理。

3.A graphic method to solve the first orderremainder set is presented,based on the analysis of variation behavior of the set.在分析同余数组变化规律的基础上,提出了一种数、图结合解一次同余式组的方法———圆图法。


1.Take 4 from 9 and the remainder is 5.9除以4余数为5。

2.If you divide 10 by 3, the remainder is 1.用三除十,余数是一。

3.The remainder from a division of a number by another number. Fox example, the residue for 58 modulo 8 is 2.一个数被另一个数N除时所得的余数。例如,58模8的余数是2。

4.a complementary angle [arc]【数学】余角 [弧]

5.π-subcoalgebra of Hopf π-coalgebraHopf π-余代数的π-子余代数

6.nuisance parameter多余参数/讨厌参数

7.Coalgebras in the Yetter-Drinfeld Category and H-Cocommutativity;Yetter-Drinfeld模范畴上的余代数与H-余交换

8.Hopf π-coalgebra and unilateral π-coidealHopf π-余代数与单侧π-余理想

9.Tth Maschke Theorem for Two-sided H-comodlue Coalgebras双边H-余模余代数的Maschke定理

10.Data error (cyclic redundancy check).数据错误(循环冗余检查)。

11.residual CCW count剩余通道命令字计数

12.Sine-cosine ROM正余弦函数固定存贮器

13.congruential pseudo-random number generator同余伪随机数生成程序

14.He knew the rest of the catalogue.余下的他都心里有数。

15.The Universal Bernoulli Numbers and the Universal Kummer Congruence;泛Bernoulli数与泛Kummer同余式

16.Fuzzy Congruence Relations on R_0-algebras;R_0-代数上的Fuzzy同余关系

17.Classification of Germs of C~∞ Real Functions with Corank 2 and Codimension 6;余秩是2余维数为6的C~∞实函数芽的分类

18.Generalization of Twisted Smash Product and Co-cleft Module Coalgebra for Bialgebra;扭曲Smash积的推广及双代数上的余Cleft模余代数



1.A binary image watermark algorithm based onresidue in the wavelet domain;一种基于余数的小波域二值图像水印算法

2.For any positive n,let f(n) denote the pentagon numberresidue,that is,for any fixed positive n,f(n) is the smallest nonnegative integer number such that n-f(n) is a pentagon number (m(3m-1))/2.对于任意的正整数n,设f(n)表示n的五边形数的余数,即f(n)是使得n-f(n)为一五边形数(m(m-1))/2的最小非负整数。


4)comodule coalgebra余模余代数

1.This paper introduces the conception of two-sided Hopfcomodule coalgebras and mainly gives the Maschke theorem for two-sided H-comodule coalgebra.引入了双边Hopf余模余代数概念,并证明了双边Hopf余模余代数的Maschke定理。

5)Surplus function剩余函数

1.Surplus function variational quantum Monte Carlo (SFVMC) approach for the electronic excited state has been established in this paper.提出了用于电子激发态的剩余函数变分量子Monte Carlo(SFVMC)方法。

2.The solutions included treating bracket,calculating the surplus function,changing string into numeric and so on.其中包括括号处理、计算剩余函数、字符串转换成数值等问题的处理方法。

6)number of remainder needle余针数


