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余项 remainder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-15 14:54:39


余项 remainder英语短句 例句大全



1.Asymptotic behavior theorem of the "midpoint" ofremainder in the trapezoidal rule and its application;梯形公式余项“中间点”的渐进性定理及其应用

2.Regarding the two-dimensional interpolation question,this paper,with the analysis method based on the thought falling dimension,deduces the interpolation multinomial of binary function f(x,y),analyzes the interpolation error,and obtains theremainder of the i.对于二维插值问题,文章用基于降维思想的分析方法推导出二元函数F(X,Y)的插值多项式,并对插值误差作了分析,得到插值多项式的余项,用来对计算结果进行误差估计。

3.The asymptotic behavior theorem of theremainder"midpoint" in the Simpson formula is presented in this paper.通过对辛甫生公式余项的研究,给出了辛甫生公式余项"中间点"的渐进性定理,利用此定理得到了一个改进的辛甫生公式。


1.Cauchy"s form of the remainder for Taylor"s theorem泰勒定理的柯西余项

2.It makes us possible to estimate the remainder.它可使我们能估计余项。


4.The Proof and Use of Taylor s Theorem with Peano Remainder;带Peano余项的Taylor定理的证明及应用

5.Some Results of Hermite Interpolation Remainder;关于Hermite插值余项的几点注记

6.unsettled balances resulting from transactions各项交易的未结清余额

7.uncommitted balance未定用途的结余款项

8.To remove undesired items from a file.从文件中移去多余的项。

9.intercompany balance公司之间的债项结余

10.miscellaneous savings in liquidating obligations of prior biennium清偿上两年期的债项的杂项节余

11.Savings deposits in various forms increased by 16.1 percent as compared with the figure at the end of 1997, and the loans from banking institutions rose by 15.5 percent.各项存款余额比上年末增长16.1%,各项贷款余额增长15.5%。

12.If the debits exceed the credits, the account has a debit balance; if the credits exceed the debits, the account has a credit balance.如果借项超过贷项,账户有借方余额,如果贷项超过借项,账户则有贷方余额。

13.He must account to the other party for the Balance.他必须向另一方当事人说明所余款项。

14.The plan doesn"t allow for any change这项计划没有更改的余地。

15.Apply this decision to remaining items对剩余的项目都使用此决定

16.] transfer from unallocated surplus从未分配盈余转来的款项

17.With one exception, all the initiatives under the Action Agenda have been completed.除一项措施以外,其余均已顺利推行。

18.Develop project cost control and earned value system建立项目成本控制和盈余分析系统


remainder term余项

1.The Lagrange interpolation polynomial and itsremainder term in space Rs are discussed.讨论了Rs空间中的Lagrange插值多项式及其余项。

2.Taylor Fomular is very important in numerical calculation, and it sremainder term reflects approximate degree of polynomial Q_n(x) to function f(x).Taylor公式在数值计算中占有很重要的地位;它的余项反映了多项式Qn(x)逼近函数f(x)的程度。

3.A new concept of algebraic precision of numerical differentiation formulae was introduced, and a new method of solving numerical differentiation formulae and itsremainder term were obtainel by using waiting-decision coefficient method.提出了数值微分公式的代数精度的概念,给出了利用待定系数法确定数值微分公式,并求出其余项的一种新方法。

3)interpolation remainder插值余项

1.Objective: giving a new estimating formula on Newtoninterpolation remainder.目的给出Newton插值余项新的估计公式。

4)remainder estimation余项估计

1.The uniqueness of the solution is proved, and the asymptotic expansion of the solution andremainder estimation are also given.研究了一类含有迁移项的奇摄动抛物方程的周期解问题,给出了解的存在唯一性、渐近解及其余项估计。

5)integral residual error求积余项

6)redundancy item冗余项

1.This article introduces several ways how to eliminate the competitive risk of the logical electronic integrated circuit sets through elected pulse, increasingredundancy item and combing the output with capacitance.本文介绍如何利用加选通脉冲、增加冗余项、输出端并联电容,从而消除组合逻辑电路中的竞争冒险的几种方法。


余项余项remainder余项「r曰抽众日er:ocT幻otIH“幼”,e“l,函数展开式的用一个较简单的函数逼近某个函数的公式中的一个附加项.余项等于给定函数与其逼近函数的差,因而,对余项的估计就是对逼近精度的估计.所述及的逼近公式包括肠尹优公式(几叨“for-m江巨),各种插值公式,各种渐近公式,某些量值的近似估计公式,等等.于是,在Taylor公式 召f(k)(x、)J气划二、气一五不一又X一义。,十“以x一x。)), X币XO中,项。((x一x。)‘’)称作是(Peano型)余项.给定函数f(x)的渐近展开 “a__「了〕八义、之a。+—十…十二二十UI一,二二二,} x义L飞」X一)+叨,则O(x一”一’)(x一,二)是它的余项.特别,在给出E川er型r函数(gamma一几mction)渐近展开的sti山奄公式(Stirling formula) r。:十1、一、味f二1“十。「。一、一,2 1. Le」 S~+〔C中,余项为O(e一“、占一,,,).几.从.Ky八p:。从e。撰【补注】一个整数a被一个自然数b所除的余数是数c,0簇c
