2000字范文 > 社会管理体制 social management system英语短句 例句大全

社会管理体制 social management system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 09:51:38


社会管理体制 social management system英语短句 例句大全

社会管理体制,social management system

1)social management system社会管理体制

1.The Basic Idea on Innovation of Social Management System创新社会管理体制的基本理念

2.The reform ofsocial management system is a systemic project,among the relationships of government,society and market,the latter two have a very great likeness on multidimensional lays referring to government.社会管理体制改革是一项系统工程,在政府、社会、市场三者的相互关系中,以政府为参照,社会、市场在多维层面上有着很大的相似性。

3.This paper thus proposes that a feedforward-feedback compound control system in China ssocial management system must be set up.要实现构建和谐社会的目标,必须在我国的社会管理体制中建立前馈-反馈复合控制系统,才能形成适应社会主义市场经济发展和社会结构深刻变化的,更加有效的社会管理体制。


1.Innovate Society Management System and Improve Society Management Level;创新社会管理体制 提高社会管理水平

2.Integrate Social Management Resource and Blaze Social Management System New Trails;整合社会管理资源 创新社会管理体制

3.Strengthen Management of Society Construction and Advance Innovation of Social Management System;加强社会建设管理与推进社会管理体制创新

4.On Innovation of Social Management System in Harmonious Society;和谐社会愿景下社会管理体制创新研究

5.Research on the City Floating People Social Management System of China;我国城市流动人口社会管理体制研究

6.Historical Evolution of Urban Social Administration in PRC;新中国城市社会管理体制的历史沿革

7.Social Transition in China and Management System Reform of Urban Social Sport Organizations;中国社会转型与城市社会体育管理体制变革

8.Sociological Analysis On Management System Of China Mass Sports;中国群众体育管理体制的社会学分析

parative Study of Social AthleticsManagement System Home and Abroad;国内外社会体育管理体制的比较研究

10.Improving universities management organizational reform to construct socialism harmonious society;建设社会主义和谐社会推进高校管理体制改革

11.Learning Society and Reform of Education Administration;学习型社会与教育行政管理体制改革

12.Recreation of Administrative management System in a Harmonious Society;和谐社会背景下的政府管理体制创新

13.Difficulties in the Management System of Socialized Services in Inftitutions of Higher Learning;高校后勤社会化的管理体制难点解析

14.Trades Management under the System of Socialist Market Economy;社会主义市场经济体制下的行业管理

15.The Management System and Mode of Socializing Universities Rear-service;试论高校后勤社会化管理体制及模式

16.The Operation and Experience of the Social Security Managing System Abroad国外社会保障管理体制的运行及经验

17.Studies on City Community Management System in the Transitional Period of Society;社会转型期城市社区管理体制问题研究

18.On the Reform of City Community Management System in Social Formation Turning;浅论社会转型中的城市社区管理体制改革


the management of social insurance社会保险管理体制

3)social security management system社会保障管理体制

1.The overseassocial security management system mainly divides into,the government direct management,the semi official autonomous management and the commercial insurance management.国外社会保障管理体制归结起来主要有三种类型:政府直接管理体制、半官方自治管理体制和商业保险管理体制。

2.Chinesesocial security management system has two serious problems: the disunity of management s.中国的社会保障管理体制存在着管理体制不统一和运行效率低下这两方面的问题,作者将从这两方面分析问题,找出根源,并提出解决对策。

3.The overseassocial security management system can be divided into three types which are government direct management,semi-official outonomous management and commercial insurance management.国外社会保障管理体制归结起来主要有三种类型:政府直接管理体制、半官方自治管理体制和商业保险管理体制。

4)the management system of philosophy social science哲学社会科学管理体制

5)structure of social administration社会管理体制格局

6)binary social manag ement system二元社会管理体制


