2000字范文 > 社会体制 Social System英语短句 例句大全

社会体制 Social System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-05 02:34:25


社会体制 Social System英语短句 例句大全

社会体制,Social System

1)Social System社会体制

1.On Route Selection forSocial System Reform;论社会体制改革的路径选择

2., the problem of farmers, agriculture and the countryside, is restricted by such elements as resources, environment, structure and social system at natural, structural and systematic levels due to the unique conditions of China.本文认为 ,由于我国自身特殊的国情特点 ,“三农”问题受资源、环境、结构和体制等因素的影响 ,受自然层面、结构层面、社会体制层面的多重约束。


1.a social system or the principle of grading society based on castes.以种姓为基础的等级社会的社会体制或原则。

2.Enhances the government society to construct the potency and the social system legal construction;提高政府社会建设效能与社会体制的法律构建

3.socialist collective ownership社会主义集体所有制

4.The system of our country is socialism.我国体制是社会主义。

5.Innovate Society Management System and Improve Society Management Level;创新社会管理体制 提高社会管理水平

6.Integrate Social Management Resource and Blaze Social Management System New Trails;整合社会管理资源 创新社会管理体制

7.Strengthening Social Security and Building A Well-off Society;健全社会保障体制 全面建设小康社会

8.Football League System and Social Transformation----“Sports and Society” Part 4;联赛体制与社会转型——“体育和社会”对话之四

9.Social Transition in China and Management System Reform of Urban Social Sport Organizations;中国社会转型与城市社会体育管理体制变革

10.Emerson, Robert. "Holistic Effects in Social Control Decision-Making." In The Law and Society Reader.社会控制决策的整体效应>,《法律与社会读本》。

11.The Construction of Social Control System of Female Drug Abusers in the Period of Transformation;社会转型期女性吸毒社会控制体系构建

12.On Innovation of Social Management System in Harmonious Society;和谐社会愿景下社会管理体制创新研究

13.On Socialist Political Structure and the Building of a Harmonious Society;略论社会主义政治体制与和谐社会建设

14.Strengthen Management of Society Construction and Advance Innovation of Social Management System;加强社会建设管理与推进社会管理体制创新

15.A Reflection on the Lawsuit Mechanism of Social Interests of Varied Groups in the Process of Constructing Harmonious Society;和谐社会构建中社会群体利益诉求机制的思考

16.Improving universities management organizational reform to construct socialism harmonious society;建设社会主义和谐社会推进高校管理体制改革

17.Thesis on the nature of socialism and the innovation of socialist system--In memory of the tenth anniversary for the publishing of Deng s "Speech in Southern China;社会主义本质论与新社会主义体制的创新

18.Deep Reform of Social Security System Demanded by the Disadvantaged Groups;社会“弱势群体”呼唤社会保障制度深层次改革


social system and institution社会体制与制度

1.This paper discusses the whole social structure by the way of administrative levels and key elements,then concludes that inspectingsocial system and institution is the main channel .通过社会结构层次和要素分析法的方式,论述了社会整体结构,得出了考察社会体制与制度是考察社会结构的有效途径,并运用马克思的社会结构理论,从社会体制与制度角度论述当前游离在城乡二元结构中的“夹心层”即“三元社会”,呼唤着新一轮的社会体制与制度改革。

3)social control system社会控制体系

1.A concept of administrative control of technology is thus proposed as the integral part ofsocial control system with its theoretical foundation discussed,i.技术行政控制是技术社会控制体系的重要组成部分。

2.The administration control of science and technology is the important part of the science and technologysocial control system.科学技术行政控制是科学技术社会控制体系的重要组成部分。

3.It is the basic task of building contemporary harmonious society that rebuildingsocial control system, improving and strengthening social control to the illegal behavior.重构社会控制体系,完善、加强对社会失范行为的社会控制,是建设当代和谐社会的基础性任务。

4)social regulation system社会性规制体系

1.Reconstruct food safety ssocial regulation system;重构食品安全的社会性规制体系

5)social management system社会管理体制

1.The Basic Idea on Innovation of Social Management System创新社会管理体制的基本理念

2.The reform ofsocial management system is a systemic project,among the relationships of government,society and market,the latter two have a very great likeness on multidimensional lays referring to government.社会管理体制改革是一项系统工程,在政府、社会、市场三者的相互关系中,以政府为参照,社会、市场在多维层面上有着很大的相似性。

3.This paper thus proposes that a feedforward-feedback compound control system in China ssocial management system must be set up.要实现构建和谐社会的目标,必须在我国的社会管理体制中建立前馈-反馈复合控制系统,才能形成适应社会主义市场经济发展和社会结构深刻变化的,更加有效的社会管理体制。

6)conerete social system社会具体制度


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
