2000字范文 > 美学意味 aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

美学意味 aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 05:30:09


美学意味 aesthetics英语短句 例句大全



1.The current of evaluating of individuals isaesthetics:take Ren wu zhi for example;人物品鉴风潮之美学意味初探——从《人物志》谈起


1.Aesthetic meaning of“copy mechanically ”&“ drawing the wooden dipper in accordance with the calabash ”;“依样画葫芦”与“依葫芦画瓢”的美学意味

2.The aesthetic spirit of the theory “The fasting of the mind” and “Sit and Forget”;庄子“心斋”、“坐忘”说的美学意味

3.The current of evaluating of individuals is aesthetics:take Ren wu zhi for example;人物品鉴风潮之美学意味初探——从《人物志》谈起

4.Content of Harmony in Taste and Essential Meaning of Theory of Taste in Aesthetics;味“和”之内涵及“味”论之美学意蕴

5.Geiger"s Theory of Phenomenology Artistic Meaning--Aesthetic Meaning and Attitude in Literature and Art盖格尔的现象学艺术意味论——文学艺术的审美意味与审美态度

6.Qi,Yuan and Ziwei;气·怨·滋味——略论钟嵘《诗品》“怨”的美学意义

7.“Artistic Conception” and “Meaningful Forms”: Convergence of Western and Chinese Artistic Aesthetics;中西艺术美学交汇点:“意境”与“有意味的形式”

8.The Spirit of Life Aesthetic Embodied in Chinese Poetics Explored from "Xing","Wei",and "Image";从“兴”“味”“意象”看中国诗学的生命美学精神

9.The appear ance of later-modernism predicates the e nding of traditional aesthetics and aris ing of aesthetics crisis.后现代主义的兴起,意味着传统美学的终结,意味着美学领域的一场大危机。

10.Tne One-dimensional Space of Aesthetic Interpretation--On the Reception Aesthetics and Hermeneutics;艺术审美解读的意味空间——接受美学与阐释学述论

11.From Meaning to Existence: the Development track of aesthetic Taste of Phenomenology;从意味到存在——现象学美学审美价值观的发展轨迹

12.a backhanded compliment带有讽刺意味的赞美话

13.The Massive Reflection of Chinese Classical Philosophical Aesthetical Thought──Philosophical Sense Embodied in Works by Wang Zeng qi;中国古典哲学美学思想的集中体现——汪曾祺作品蕴含的哲学意味

14.The Meaning of "Taste"--Liang Qichao s Aesthetic Interpretation of "Taste";“趣味”的意涵——梁启超对“趣味”的审美阐释

15.This means that the average American"s hair contains more chemicals than Bhopal.这意味着一般美国人的头发里所含的化学物比博帕尔人的还要多。

16.That means you can stay as long as you are a full-time student.那意味着只要你是全日制学生就可以在美国逗留。

17.Except for molding aesthetic quality, We are challenged by permeation of brand new mental feeling and thoughts.面对的挑战除了造型美学品质外,更意味着全新的精神感念的渗入。

18.A Discussion of the Chinese Classical Fiction s Cultural Meaning about Its Aesthetical Tendency of Strangeness from the Angle of Cultural Poetics;中国古典小说“崇奇”审美趣味的文化意蕴——以文化诗学为视角


Aestheticism of Sense意味美

3)Philosophical Sense哲学意味

1.The Massive Reflection of Chinese Classical Philosophical Aesthetical Thought──Philosophical Sense Embodied in Works by Wang Zeng qi;中国古典哲学美学思想的集中体现——汪曾祺作品蕴含的哲学意味

4)aesthetics interest美学趣味

5)aesthetics lingering charm美学韵味

1.Confucianists view of figural virtue andaesthetics lingering charm of A Dream of Red Mansions ;儒家“比德”观与《红楼梦》美学韵味

6)"Ziwei" of aesthetics美学之"味"




≮美食用料≯意大利通心粉 1袋、西红柿 1个、葱花 1茶匙(5g)、盐 1茶匙(5g)、胡椒粉 1茶匙(5g)、鸡精 1茶匙(5g)、橄榄油 少许≮美食做法≯1. 西红柿洗净切小方块,葱切成葱花。2. 锅里加少量的橄榄油,倒入西红柿翻炒,加盐、胡椒粉和鸡精,然后加少量的水。3. 把意大利面煮熟,煮意大利面也是很要功夫的,一定不要煮老了,煮好的面条就放在一边。4. 把做好的酱汁浇在煮好的意大利面上,就可以吃我们中国的意大利面了。≮美食小贴士≯意大利面单单是面条的形状就有粗的、细的、扁的、圆的、空心的、螺蛳的、贝壳形、蝴蝶形……数量种类之多据说至少有500种,再配上酱汁的组合变化,可做出上千种的意大利面。说起来,意粉的吃法和咱中国炸酱面的吃法并无二致,但酱的变化就如中国功夫般千奇百幻。意大利面是很好的减肥食品,很多明星的减肥食谱里都有它。≮美食特色≯喜欢吃意面的朋友注意哟,如果你很懒也不要紧,中国式的意面做法很简单,而且爽滑有味、营养齐全,一入口就让你绝不想把它剩下。
