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美学观 aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-22 02:37:17


美学观 aesthetics英语短句 例句大全



1.Based Process characteristics,historical heritage,aesthetics,and other aspects of Sichuan sort out cross-stitch work,with a view to carrying forward the traditional culture,the folk cultural heritage due attention,and to inheritance and development.文章从工艺特征、历史传承、美学观等几个方面对四川挑花进行梳理,以冀弘扬民族传统文化,使这一民族民间文化遗产受到应有的重视,并得以传承和发展。

2.In the process of development in Chinese ancient literature,the influence onaesthetics between Confusion and Taoism is great.儒家和道家美学观有很大的差异性,在中国古代文学的发展过程中,儒家和道家美学的影响也就有很大的不同,从儒道两家美学的差异分析着手,阐述了对中国古代文学的不同影响。

3.Liu Zong-yuan saesthetics is rich in dialectics, and his poems and prose are the most powerful and in.柳宗元的美学观具有辩证性和深刻性。


1.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观

2.Marxism Aesthetical Viewpoint and Historical Viewpoint马克思主义的“美学观点和历史观点”

3.My Concept of the Design Aesthetic--Function+Form=Aesthetic?;我的设计美学观——功能+形式=美感?

4.The Beauty of Prosaicness and the Heart of Placidness--An Understanding of Tao Yuanming s Aesthetic Outlook;平淡美 平和心——对陶渊明美学观的认识

5.Beauty lies in Free Emotions--Construction of a New Aesthetic View美在自由情感——一种新型美学观的构建

6.Practise·Aesthetics·Human--Apperceive Zhu Guang-qian s Evening Thinking about Esthetics Based on Letters on Beauty;实践·审美·人——从《谈美书简》看后期朱光潜的美学观

7.The Chinese Lines Aesthetics from the View of Shaping Psychology;完形心理学审视下的中国线条美学观

8.On Viewpoint of Aesthetics about Life-Shen Congwen s literary criticism;“生命”美学观——沈从文的文学批评

9.Loftiness:the aesthetic standpoint of poetics of Jiao Ran in the Tang dynasty;皎然诗歌诗论中“高”的诗学美学观

10.From Aesthetic to Exquisite,Wonderful and Perfect--Mathmatic Aesthetics and Mathematics Teaching;从美观到美好、美妙、完美——也谈数学美与课堂教学

11.American scientists said that satellite observations,美国科学家说卫星观察

12.Bidding Farewell to the Practice Aesthetics--Comments on the Two Different Development Views of Practice Aesthetics;告别实践美学——评两种实践美学发展观

13.From the Practical Aesthetics to the Ecological Aesthetics--The Course of Evolution Between Natural Views and Freedom Views of the Aesthetics in the New Era从实践美学到生态美学——新时期美学中自然观与自由观的演变历程

14.The Aesthetics Value of Aerobics and it s Effect on University Man s Aesthetics Conception;健美操的美学价值及其对大学生审美观的影响

15.Research of Landscape Health and Aesthetic Landscape Qulity of Fuzhou;福州市景观健康与景观美学质量研究

16.On Aesthetic Characteristics of Sights and Tourist Developing in Yueyang;岳阳景观的旅游美学特征及景观开发

17.The Changes of Aesthetic View on Personality in Tang Dynasty and their Literary Reflection唐代人物审美观的嬗变及其文学观照



aesthetic view美学观

1.Itsaesthetic view enlightens the translator on the attention to the relation between aesthetic experience and everyday experience.二、实用主义美学观与翻译研究。

3)Aesthetic Views美学观

1.On MarxistAesthetic Views and Perceptions;刍议马克思主义美学观与美学认识

4)landscape aesthetics景观美学

1.On the influences of Taoistic philosophy onlandscape aesthetics of Chinese traditional garden;浅析道家哲学对中国传统园林景观美学的影响

2.Based on the studies oflandscape aesthetics,this paper proposes fractal aesthetics,another form of aesthetics,which derives from the combination of fractals and aesthetics,and then puts forward the connotation of the fractal aesthetics and its application in landscape design.从景观美学研究的角度出发,提出了一种把分形几何学与分形艺术结合在一起的美学形式———分形美学;本着丰富景观美学研究内容和扩大景观美学研究视角的目标,探讨了分形美的基本内涵;并结合分形美在景观美学塑造中的应用阐述了分形美的美学特征。

3.This paper expounds the relation between aesthetics and landscape architecture,researches the evolution history oflandscape aesthetics thought in different historical periods,and probes into the theoretical foundation and expression of ecological aesthetics of landscape design under the influence of ecological civilization.论述了美学与景观设计学的关系,研究了人类不同历史时期景观美学的思想演变历程,探讨了在生态文明影响下的景观设计中生态美学的理论基础与表现。

5)new aesthetics notion新美学观

1.The relationship between the modern design originated from industrial revolution andnew aesthetics notion established on the modern design is dependent and supporting each other.工业革命条件下发展起来的现代设计与因现代设计思想而确立的新美学观是相互依赖、相辅相存的。

6)aesthetic notion美学观念

1.An analysis is made of theaesthetic notion and taste value connoted in it.陆机《文赋》中提出的“苕发颖竖”、“榛楛勿剪”的“秀句”创作原则,关注局部美,注重秀词丽句的创作,体现了与传统美学关注整体协调不同的美学观念。




