2000字范文 > 艺术的社会功用 the social functions of art英语短句 例句大全

艺术的社会功用 the social functions of art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-29 03:12:51


艺术的社会功用 the social functions of art英语短句 例句大全

艺术的社会功用,the social functions of art

1)the social functions of art艺术的社会功用

2)Art"s Social Functions艺术的社会功能


1.To Study Art-education s Main Functions from Art s Social Functions;从艺术的社会功能来考察艺术教育的若干作用

2.Innovative Practice of City Culture on the View of Social Functions of Public Art从公共艺术的社会功能看城市文化的创新实践

3.Design in Independent New Context--with Discussion of Technical and Social Function of Design;自主创新语境中的艺术设计——兼议艺术设计的技术社会化功能

4.Construction of Human Nature and Harmony of society: Functions and Effects of Arts;人性建构与社会和谐:艺术的功能和效应

5.Analysis On the Art Value,Social Function,Heritage and Development of Xianxiao试论贤孝的艺术价值、社会功能和传承发展

6.Social Function and ArtisticConception in the Poems of Xiao Yi;娱情游戏 纤巧圆润——试论萧绎诗歌的社会功能及艺术特色

7.Study on multiple development trend and function of rhythmic gymnastics;艺术体操“多元化”发展趋势及其社会化功能

8.From Aesthetics to Prosthetics and Back:Materials,Performance and Consumers--In Canadian Inuit Sculptural Arts;从审美功能到社会功能:物质材料、展演及消费者——以加拿大因纽特人的雕刻艺术为例

9.A Study on the Development of Wushu from the Perspective of Its Social Functions;从武术的社会功能看武术运动的发展

10.On the Moral Education Efficacy of Social Practice among Art-Attached College Students论社会实践在艺术类大学生培养中的德育功效

11.Development characteristics and social functions of athletic Martial Arts Pattern;竞技武术套路的发展特点与社会功能

12.Social functions of academic journals in the system of knowledge innovation;知识创新体系中学术期刊的社会功能

13.On the social attribute and function of the new social class论新社会阶层的社会属性和社会功能

14.a degenerate art, society, age堕落的艺术、 社会、 时代.

15.When the art wants to surmount of society really, it was reject by the society.当艺术想要真正的超越社会的时候,它就可能被社会所排斥。

mercials can be both an art of persuasion and a mirror to society.广告可说是一门说服的艺术并且能反映社会。

17.The social property of the academic reprint was its socillogic foundation, its significance on the sociology and science was its functional token.学术转载的社会属性是学术转载的社会学基础,其社会学和科学学意义是学术转载功能的表征。

18.The Paradox of Science and Technology in Constructing Harmonious Society--Rereading the Social Function of Science;科学技术在构建和谐社会中的悖论性——重读《科学的社会功能》


Art"s Social Functions艺术的社会功能

3)social functions of technology技术社会功用

4)social responsibility of art艺术的社会责任

1.The sociological origin of art is based on the human society s fundamental need of art; therefore, thesocial responsibility of art is the center of art sociology.十九世纪诞生并曾长足发展的艺术社会学包含对艺术的社会学起源解释与艺术的社会责任两个相关方面。

5)Social Function社会功用

1.The Structure andSocial Function of Abbreviations;论缩略语的结构及社会功用

2.Confucius quoted it out of contest to express its social function.“思无邪”出自《诗经》,孔子断章取义地引用,表达了《诗经》的社会功用。

3.In this paper,the author gives a brief account of the social functions of "The Book of Songs"(《诗经》) in the preQin days and its values in many ways,such as literature,art,history,folk custom,culture of ceremony and propriety in China s history of literature and civilization.对《诗经》在先秦时代的社会功用及其在中国文学史与文化史上的多重价值———包括文学、艺术、历史、民俗、礼乐文化等,作一番系统的概括阐述,以利我们后人对《诗经》有历史的全面认识。

6)Artistic Function艺术功用

1.TheArtistic Functions and Impact of Reiterative Words in The Book of Songs;叠词在《诗经》中的艺术功用

2.In a large number of comments of "King of Chess",its stratified narration and artistic function are seldom covered.在众多研究《棋王》的评论中,《棋王》的叙述层次及其艺术功用鲜有人论及。


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
