2000字范文 > 史学的社会功能 social functions of history英语短句 例句大全

史学的社会功能 social functions of history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-07 21:22:12


史学的社会功能 social functions of history英语短句 例句大全

史学的社会功能,social functions of history

1)social functions of history史学的社会功能


1.The Social Function of Historical Studies: a Study of the Yi people s “Root-tracing”;“探根”现象与彝族史学的社会功能

2.Social Function of History Teaching and Students Subjective Function;历史教学的社会功能与学生的主体性

3.On the Traitorous Officials from the Ming Dynasty into the Early Qing Dynasty清初史学史上的贰臣——兼谈贰臣的社会文化功能

4.The Theory about Bringing the Social Function of Historiography and Insisting Its Scientific Character关于发挥史学社会功能与坚持科学性的理论

5.Family formation and its social function are the concern of sociology, history, etc.家族构成及其社会功能是社会学、历史学等多学科共同关注的课题。

6.Review of the Social Role of Journals in the Light of Their Development History;从期刊发展的历史看期刊的社会功能

7.Taking functional orientation as a clue,this paper sorts out the historical sequence of ideas in the development of western sociology.可以用功能取向为线索梳理西方社会学理论发展的历史脉络。

8.A Sociology Thinking on the Function of Mianzi in the Social Transforming Period;社会转型时期面子功能的社会学分析

9.This misunderstanding is harmful to the development of historiography and hinders its exertion of social function.这种误解不仅不利于历史学的发展,而且阻碍了历史学社会功能的发挥。

10.Philosophy Ponder on Non-tradition Mass Organization Social Function of Our Country;我国非传统社团社会功能的哲学思考

11.The Nature and Function of Social Science: A Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge;社会科学的性质和功能:知识社会学的视角

12.Study of the Social Function of Moral Education in the New Era Based on Historical Materialism;从唯物史观看新时期道德教育的社会功能

13.The Analysis of the Survival History and Function of Huai-Bang Opera in Folk Society;怀梆在民间社会的生存历史及功能分析

14.The Historical Origin and Social Function of Zhuang Nationality Traditional Sports Culture;壮族传统体育文化的历史渊源及社会功能

15.A Study on Chinese Press in Africa: Development and Function;试析非洲华人报刊的历史演变与社会功能

16.The Social Functions of the Civil Examination Documents in Dunhuang敦煌科举文书的社会功能──兼论敦煌写本中的社会史料

17.Simply Analyse the Function of the Economic Law and Function Relation in Terms of Sociology;从社会学角度浅析经济法的功能及功能关系

18.On Moral Nature of Literary Criticism;文学批评的审美功能和社会政治功能评析


social function of history teaching历史教学的社会功能

1.Thesocial function of history teaching is mainly for the training of talented persons for the future while the history teaching in middle schools can evidently show it best of all.历史教学的社会功能,主要是为了培养未来人才的社会功能,其中最能显示其功能的首推中学历史教学。

3)the social function of historiography史学社会功能

1.Howto bring outthe social function of historiography and insist its scientific character is an important subject for the con-struction of the historiography theory brought up by the historians of the Chinese Marxism.发挥史学社会功能与坚持科学性,是史学理论建设的重要课题。

4)social function of science科学的社会功能

1.As a special school in sociology of science,Bernal School has two important theory contributions: Firstly,he claims that science can be planned,and he does some work in theory basis and implement countermeasure of planning science;Secondly,taking Marxism s standpoint,viewpoint and method as foundation,he studiessocial function of science deeply.认为贝尔纳科学社会学最突出的理论贡献有二:(1)力主科学的可计划性,并系统阐述了计划科学的理论基础和实施对策等;(2)对科学的社会功能问题进行了深入研究。

5)the social function of literature文学的社会功能

6)social function of universities大学的社会功能


史学1.研究﹑编纂人类社会和各个民族﹑各个国家的历史的学问。 2.唐代科举考试科目之一。参阅《唐会要.贡举中》。
