2000字范文 > 转向控制 steering control英语短句 例句大全

转向控制 steering control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 07:16:13


转向控制 steering control英语短句 例句大全

转向控制,steering control

1)steering control转向控制

1.Novel approach on smartsteering control of obstacle avoidance一种新的智能避障转向控制方法

2.The fuzzy control technology was used in thesteering control of the intelligent vehicle.将模糊控制技术应用于智能车的转向控制中,对如何从摄像头采集的视频信号中提取出有效信息进行了探讨。

3.In this paper,with the characteristics ofsteering control when vehicles running,a fuzzy PID control strategy was used in vehicle s remotesteering control technology.结合车辆行驶过程中转向控制的特点,将模糊PID控制策略用于车辆遥控转向技术研究,并且搭建了实验台, 做了大量的实验,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。


1.steering control valve pressure loss characteristic转向控制阀压力降特性

2.response curve of steering control valve转向控制阀灵敏度特性

3.internal leakage in steering control valve转向控制阀内泄漏量

4.Research on Dynamic Steering Control Strategy of Multi-steering Vehicle多轴转向车辆动态转向控制策略研究

5.Research of Steer-by-Wire Control System on Wheel Loader with Articulated-Frame;轮式铰接转向装载机线控转向控制系统研究

6.Research of Electric Power Steering System"s Electronic Control Unit and Control Survey电动助力转向控制单元及控制策略研究

7.Research on Turning Control of Biomimetic Robot Fish Based on Fuzzy Control基于模糊控制的仿生机器鱼转向控制研究

8.Research on Road Feeling and Active Steering Control Strategy for Vehicle Steer-By-Wire System汽车线控转向路感模拟与主动转向控制策略研究

9.the turning of the wind.驾驶盘控制着车的转向。

10.steering mechanism操纵[控制,转向,操舵]机构

11.Steering Wheel Torque Feedback Control Strategy of Steer-by-Wire System线控转向系统的转向盘力反馈控制策略研究

12.the VGRS (Variable Gear Ratio Steering) actuator which controls the front-wheel steering angle控制前轮转向角度的可变齿比转向系统(VGRS)

13.Steer-by-Wire Front Wheel System Control Strategy Research Based on HILS线控转向前轮转角控制策略硬件在环仿真研究

14.Development of Rotary Arc Gap-Switch in Axial Magnetic Field;轴向磁场控制的旋转电弧开关的研制

15.Research on Single Handle Steering and Braking System of Bulldozer;推土机单手柄转向制动控制系统研究

16.Controlling Electrical Power Steering System Based on Speed of Steering Wheel and Varying Torque基于转向盘转动速度变转矩控制的电动助力转向系统

17.Heading-following control of tractor based on Fuzzy control基于模糊控制的拖拉机转向跟踪控制研究

18.Integrated Control of Vehicle Suspension and Steering System Based on Grey-fuzzy Control Algorithm基于灰Fuzzy控制算法的车辆悬架与转向综合控制


EPS steering controlEPS转向控制

3)Steering control device转向控制器

4)power steering valve转向控制阀

5)steering control level转向控制杆

6)steering control wheel转向控制轮


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
