2000字范文 > 森林生态效益价值 ecological benefits of forest value英语短句 例句大全

森林生态效益价值 ecological benefits of forest value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-11 04:39:32


森林生态效益价值 ecological benefits of forest value英语短句 例句大全

森林生态效益价值,ecological benefits of forest value

1)ecological benefits of forest value森林生态效益价值

1.This thesis discussed theecological benefits of forest value accounting and the basis of its international coordination.研究讨论了什么是森林生态效益价值会计,认为森林生态效益价值会计核算存在国际协调的基础,国际协调将有利于提供各国拥有的全球性森林生态效益价值的会计信息,为解决全球环境问题提供帮助。


1.Study on the Speciality in Accounting the Ecological Benefits of Forest Value;森林生态效益价值的会计特殊性研究

2.International Coordination on Ecological Benefits of Forest Value Accounting;森林生态效益价值会计核算的国际协调

3.A Research on the Ecological Value Accounting and Compensation of Forest in the North of Shaanxi陕北地区森林生态效益价值核算与补偿研究

4.Study on Evaluating the Main Value of Forest Ecosystems in the Dagangshan Mountain in Jiangxi Province江西大岗山主要森林生态效益价值量的评价研究


6.Forest ecological benefit evaluation of Jingyuetan National Forest Park;净月潭国家森林公园森林生态效益评价

7.Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation in Jiufeng National Forest Park;鹫峰国家森林公园生态效益评价研究

8.Exploration and Evaluation of Ecological Benefits of Urban Near-natural Forest;城市近自然森林生态效益探究及评价

9.Circumustance and Problems of Studies On the Evaluation of Ecological Benefits of Forests;森林生态效益货币价值评估研究现状及存在问题

10.Study on the Ecological Benefit Evaluation and the Dynamics Simulation about Urban Forest in Dalian大连城市森林生态效益评价及动态仿真研究

11.The recognition of silvatic ecological benefit by modern science makes it Possible to bring the measurement of the forestry ecological benefit into the evaluation system of forestry operating benefit.现代科学对森林生态效益的认定,使林业生态效益的计量纳入林业经营效益评价体系成为可能。

12.Study on Valuation and Quantization of the Forest Ecological Benefits in Beijing;北京市森林生态效益计量评价及案例研究

13.Study on the Indicator System for Urban Forest-based Eco-Tourism Benefit;城市森林生态旅游效益评价指标体系研究

14.Evaluation and Study on the Ecological Benefits of Main Forest Type in Daqing Mountain;大青山主要森林类型生态效益的研究与评价

15.Measurement and implementation of the compensation fee of ecological benefits of Guangzhou forests;广州市森林生态效益计量及生态公益林补偿

16.Second, shifting from free use to non-gratuitous use of forest ecological value.二是由无偿使用森林生态效益向有偿使用森林生态效益的转变。

17.Review on the Eco-Efficiency Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Reconstruction in China;中国森林生态恢复与重建生态效益评价研究进展

18.Study on Valuation and Quantization of the Forest Ecological Benefits in Xiaolongshan Forestry Experimental Bureau;小陇山林业实验局森林生态效益计量评价的研究


service value of forest ecosystem森林生态系统公益价值

3)quantitative evaluation on forest ecological benefit森林生态效益评价

4)Ecological benefits of forest森林生态效益

1.The paper explains necessity and meaning of implementing the compensating fund system of ecological benefits of forest.阐述实施森林生态效益补偿的必要性及意义,针对目前存在的问题与难点,提出几点思考:通过完善政策与法规、健全公共财政体系、完善地方补偿、多渠道筹措资金、完善森林生态公益性产品服务体系等途径,探索森林生态效益补偿良性运行机制,为生态效益补偿实施提供稳定的资金来源。

2.Legal institution of compensation for ecological benefits of forest is an important guarantee for coordinating the benefit relationship between the op erators of forest resources and the beneficiaries as well as for steadily provid ing funds for forestry development.森林生态效益补偿的法律制度是协调森林资源经营者和受益者之间的利益关系 ,为林业发展提供稳定的资金来源的重要保障。

5)forest ecological benefit森林生态效益

1.Design of apparently not related models withforest ecological benefits in broad sense;广义森林生态效益似乎不相关模型的总体估计

2.The current situations in Haidong area of Qinghai Province indicated that satisfactory results had been achieved after 4 years enforcement of the compensation system forforest ecological benefit.基于海东地区森林生态效益补偿实施4 a来的现状,说明生态补偿实施取得的效益,不仅为森林资源的保护管理提供资金来源,更重要的是提升人们对森林生态价值的认可性,更好地促进林业资源的可持续发展。

3.The paper theoretically discusses the establishment of compensation mechanism offorest ecological benefit and reviews its historical progress as well as the practice and experience at broad.对建立森林生态效益补偿机制进行了理论探讨。

6)forest ecological benefits森林生态效益

1.Analysis of generalforest ecological benefits monetary spatial model;广义森林生态效益货币量的空间模型分析

2.Review on research of evaluation onforest ecological benefits.;森林生态效益评价的研究进展


