2000字范文 > 效益价值 Benefit value英语短句 例句大全

效益价值 Benefit value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-18 12:44:55


效益价值 Benefit value英语短句 例句大全

效益价值,Benefit value

1)Benefit value效益价值


1.Value Evaluation of Comprehensive Development Project Benefits in Beijing Mountain Area北京山区综合开发工程效益价值评估

2.Study on the Speciality in Accounting the Ecological Benefits of Forest Value;森林生态效益价值的会计特殊性研究

3.Value conflict of illegal evidence eliminating principles --efficiency value of “the fruits of poison tree”;非法证据排除规则的价值冲突——兼谈“毒树之果”的效益价值

4.Value Analysis of the Benefit on Some Measures of the Conservation of Water and Soil on the Loess Plateau;黄土高原几种水土保持措施的效益价值量分析

5.International Coordination on Ecological Benefits of Forest Value Accounting;森林生态效益价值会计核算的国际协调

6.Thinking over Justice and Profit in the Law Suit on the Point of Sociology;诉讼程序公正和效益价值关系的社会学思考

7.A Research on the Ecological Value Accounting and Compensation of Forest in the North of Shaanxi陕北地区森林生态效益价值核算与补偿研究

8.Service Efficiency as Core Value of Library;图书馆核心价值是公共知识服务效益

9.Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价

10.An Analysis of the Value and Effectiveness Evaluation of Publications--With a Differentiation of Major Proposition of "Two Benefits"出版物的价值和效益评价辨析——兼评“两个效益”重大命题

11.Microcosmic Value-Analysis of information flow faced Informatization Benefit-Evaluation;面向信息化效益评价的信息流价值微观分析

12.Study on Tourism Resource Value Evaluation Based on Benefit Transfer Method基于效益转移方法的旅游资源价值评价研究

13.Application of Assessment Economic Effective in Urban TrackTraffic for Land Developing Increment Effective;土地开发增值效益在城市轨道交通经济效益评价中的应用

14.Performance Measurement Based on Stakeholder Orientation--Application of Performance Prism利益相关者价值取向的企业绩效评价——绩效三棱镜的应用案例

15.Study on Emergy Evaluation Method of Comprehensive Benefit of Humic Agriculrtural Material;腐植酸农用资材综合效益的能值评价方法研究

16.Study on the Appliing Value-projcet Theroy to Appraise Logistic Material Repertory s Benefit;基于价值工程理论评估后勤物资储备效益研究

17.Analysis of the Economic Benefit of Canal Seepage Prevention with Value Engineering Principle;运用价值工程原理分析渠道防渗的经济效益

18.Appraisal on the Efficiency of Higher Education Resource Allocation by Entropy Method;熵值法在高等教育资源配置效益评价中的应用


beneficial value效益价值

1.Functional value of forest resources can be worked out based on theory of labour value andbeneficial value of forest resources can be worked out based on theory of utility value.作者指出 ,森林资源的货币计量 ,既可以在劳动价值论的基础上核算其功能价值 ,也可以在效用价值论的基础上核算其效益价值 。

3)Efficiency of values价值效益

4)benefit-value method效益价值法

1.In this paper,the value of water resources in upper reaches of XinAn River was calculated based on the willingness-to-pay method andbenefit-value method.本文运用支付意愿法和效益价值法分别计算了新安江流域上游地区的水资源价值。

5)Practical issues and value临床价值和效益

6)worth chain performanee of customer顾客价值链效益


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
