2000字范文 > 托福口语task6答题思路分析


时间:2022-04-02 20:11:40




在托福口语task6中最重要的部分就是教授讲述文章的定义和概念,所以考生在答题的过程中应该重点关注它们,因为这是整个学术类场景考题的核心和灵魂。如果考生在听听力的时候,没有听出来,那么即使考生记下再多的细节信息也是没有用的。因此,前程百利小编建议,考生在听听力的过程中应该重点关注这一部分。比如考生在回答TPO10task6的时候,就应该重点通过However, some new research’s suggesting that babies may be able to feel concern for others, to have empathy for others. 记下这篇文章中论述的主要内容babies can feel empathy


在听力文章中,一般会有两个例子,所以为了听懂例子,考生应该掌握教授引出文章主要例子的不同的一些信号词。如果教授采用的相反的例子来证明自己的观点,那么它们之间额的连接词就是on the contrary, however, on the other hand .而如果教授是按照顺序举的例子,在列举第一个例子的时候,会使用for example,for instance, to prove it, on case is that等词汇;教授在列举第二个例子的时候,会使用also, furthermore, what’s more, similarly, another feature,another instance等等。比如TPO12task6中,教授首先用first引起了第一个例子,First, there are other products called “substitute goods”.然后用another instance引起了第二个例子即Now, another instance with the price of one product can influence the demand of another is, uh, is when you have two products that can’t be used without each other.


当考生通过听力抓住文章中的主题和例子之后,就应该学会组织答案,在回答这个题目的时候,考生的答案中应该包括的答题要点有两个,首先是,首先在听力中教授要讲述的主要内容,其次是教授列举的两个用来支撑自己观点的两个理由。所以,小编推荐考生在备考的过程中使用这样的模板 In the lecture ,the professor provides two examples/experiments to illustrate the phenomenon /theory that.. (教授讲述的主要内容)The first one is .. Another example/ experiments is …And that’s the two examples/ experiments the speaker presented to explain the theory /phenomenon.(教授列举的两个支撑自己观点的例子)。比如考生在回答比如考生在回答TPO4task4的时候就可以这样套用模板In the lecture ,the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon that how artists use two elements to express meaning or emotions. (教授要讲述主要内容是艺术家是如何运用两种元素去表达不同的意义和情感)The first one is color. For example, the color red can express strong emotions and powerful statement, such as extreme joy or excitement, even anger. A calming color such as blue would give the viewer the feeling of ease and comfort. Another example is texture. When using rough texture, artists can evoke strong emotions and strength, while a smooth texture is less emotional. They can work together too. For example, a wide, rough brush stroke combined with red or orange creates the feeling of chaotic and wild. While a tiny, smooth brush stroke and soft color can express peaceful emotions. And that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain the phenomenon.(两个支撑自己观点的理由color和texture)
