2000字范文 > 托福口语task4该怎样答题


时间:2020-05-29 01:53:07






在reading部分,教授通常给我们介绍的是一些学术概念,并且告诉我们这些学术概念的背景知识,定义,特点或者应用。前程百利小编认为,考生在记笔记的时候,首先就应该记下阅读文章的标题,因为它往往概括了文章要讲述的主要内容。其次,要记下文章中的definition sentence。为了做到这一点,考生在阅读的时候,除了要注意文章中的第一句话,还要提升通过一些指示词比如known as,is called和means等等信号词的敏感度。比如考生在记TPO1TASK4的时候就可以记下以下两点,题目: Groupthink。Definition sentence :One process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as groupthink.


考生在针对listening部分记笔记的时候,应该把重点放在讲座中的例子上。在task4中,教授一般会用两个客观的例子来说明学术的概念,考生在记忆例子的时候应该重点从when,what,who,where,how,why这几个要素来记忆,比如考生在记忆TPO1TASK4的时候就可以这样记笔记Professor and coworker(who) wanted to change the look of their computer. Manager disagreed. Coworker changed his mind because he did not want to leave a bad impression on the managers.(why) Professor changed his mind as well because he did not want to be the only one that’s holding up the vote. They were all wrong. A competitor came out with a new design that attracted many costumers.


考生如果想在这个题目中取得高分,除了要掌握记笔记的方法之外,还应该学会利用答题模板来帮助自己提升组织答案的能力。前程百利小编建议考生在组织答案的时候采用这个模板The reading passage gives the definition of …In the lecture ,the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some examples. The first is…The second is …比如考生在回答TPO7TASK4的时候就可以这样组织答案The reading passage gives the definition of behavior modification which is people would change or modify a behavior according to the result of that behavior. In the lecture ,the professor goes on to demonstrate it by introducing some examples. The first is when students interrupt the teacher or misbehave in any other way, the teacher gets angry and might punish them by not allowing them to play outside. So the kids will learn those behaviors get them in trouble, and will likely stop doing it. The second is when they behave themselves in the classroom, the teacher will tell them she’s proud of them and put a little happy face sticker on their homework. Therefore the kids will begin to act in the way in which they can receive more compliment.
