2000字范文 > 赋税 tax英语短句 例句大全

赋税 tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-26 14:14:24


赋税 tax英语短句 例句大全



1.By analyzing some subjects ontax,construction,interest and price in Shushu Jiuzhang(Mathematical Treatise in Nine Chapters),the principal work and results of this paper are as follows: (1) The reasons for not dividing integer part from fraction part in levyingtaxes of "xia shui zhe bo"and "he mai zhe bo" in "Hu Shui Yi Ge".通过分析《数书九章》中有关赋税、建筑、利息及物价题目 ,主要解决以下问题 :第一、“户税移割”题中夏税折帛及和买折帛没有分为整匹 (即本色 )和畸零两部分征纳的原因 ;第二、“楼橹功料”题中建筑所用的木料的具体尺寸在计算时并没有用到的原因 ;第三、对“推求典本”题中“月息利二分二厘”的理解 ;第四、有关物价题目中的某些物品价格的货币表示标准。

2.Zhuxi s views ontaxation,his firm attitude against heavytax and his continuous efforts to stem any additionaltaxes all indicate the evolution of his thoughts that help contribute to the formation of Huang Zongxi s Law.朱熹的赋税思想,和他在从政实践中激烈反对各种苛捐杂税的坚定态度,以及他为杜绝产生新的“杂派”的可能所作出的努力,实际上已经成为催生“黄宗羲定律”脱颖而出的思想萌芽。

3.Western Han Dynasty period, the state revenue mainly relies ontax revenue , which Tianzu also accounting for a large proportion.国家赋税收入的种类,也由汉初的田租、口赋、更赋、关市税、山泽税等几大项,扩大到武帝时期的人头税、财产税(收益税)、消费税、专卖收入等很多类,税源之多,税目之广,财政的充实,是秦代以前各代所不能比的。


1.public demand theory公需说(赋税理论)

2.Hufu was a single tax item among many taxes and not a general term for all household taxes.户赋是诸多赋税中的一个单独税目,而非一户内各项赋税的总称。

3.someone who collects taxes for the government.为政府征收赋税的人。

4.On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation《政治经济学及赋税原理》

5.Congress nixed the tax hike.国会否决了升高赋税

6.oil depletion allowance石油矿藏耗减赋税优惠

7.Principles of Political Economy and Texation政治经济学及赋税原理

8.Religious organizations are exempt from taxation.宗教机构被免除赋税。

9.School property is exempt from all taxes.学校财产免除一切赋税。

10.Land Taxation Administration in the Qing Dynasty: Jianyang County Land Tax Case during Qianlong Period从乾隆建阳田赋案论清代的赋税管理

11.tax allocation with a period捐税当期分配;捐税当期分配;赋税当期分配

12.The adjustment of tax rates and the policy-making mechanism of taxation were indicative of important trends in land taxation policy in Qing Dynasty.清代赋税日常调整及决策机制是清代赋税政策趋向的重要体现。

13.The taxes system of Chu State maily includes corvee,farm tax,land rent,household tax,tariff and so on.楚国的赋税制度,主要包括军赋、田税、地租、户口税和关市税等几种形式。

14.This system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation.此制度的所需资金来源于全国保险税和赋税。

15.End-result of Sports Tax Revenue and an Economic Analysis of Tax Deration;体育赋税征收的归宿及税收减免的经济分析

16.The agriculture farm tax and excise tax was still heavy, aggravating the burden of the farmer consumedly.农业赋税繁重,大大加重了农民的负担。

17.Such taxes, when they have grown up to a certain height, are a curse.这类赋税达到一定高度时就成了祸害。

18.They groaned under the load of taxes.他们在赋税的重压下受折磨。



1.China s ancient "haves" and "well-to-do people" thinking and affection totaxation;中国古代富国富民思想及其对赋税的影响

2.The Song dynasty is a period in which commodity economy is advanced in Chinese history,but shortage of money,"more officials"and"more expenses"are through the whole dynasty,which is closely connected with itstaxation.这是与其赋税征收之弊密不可分的。

3.Cutting downtaxation,especially exempting people from poll tax became the most effective measures to increase the breeding rate quickly.促进人口再生产的因素很多,其中很重要的一条就是利用减免赋税尤其是人头税去奖励人口增殖,推动人口发展。


1.As an important form of revenue,taxes serves as a right perspective in which people see kingship of medieval Kngland.赋税作为财政收入的一种重要形式,是透视中古英国王权的重要视角。

2.This article analyzes the twotaxes reform Tandingrumu and Haoxian guigong in the Kangxi and rongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, the author deems that the carryingout of two measures have lightened the burden on the peasants to a certain extent,increased tax revenue on the state,and also guarded against government officials corruption.文章对清康熙和雍正时期采取的两项赋税改革即“摊丁入亩”和“耗羡归公”进行了剖析。


5)multiple taxes多重赋税

6)theory of taxation赋税理论

1.The principle that"The King Shall Live of His Own"was important in Englishtheory of taxation.国王财政自理原则是英国基本赋税理论的重要内容。


